
Theme for March 1997

Children Around the World


To help children learn about other countries: the land, people, food, music, customs, etc. (Note: this is not necessarily a multicultural unit. Children should be reminded at all times that people are special, no matter what their background, race, or customs. This is more along the lines of a "Social Studies" unit).

I choose to pick four different countries from various parts of the world -- one for each week in March. When I repeat the unit in two years, I'll choose four different countries and so on, until I have files of pictures, crafts, and activities for 12 - 16 different countries.

This year's countries: India, Mexico, Scotland, Zaire.

On this page you will find:

These will not be very specific, since each week they will change according to country. Instead, I have tried to give you some general ideas to help get you started on gathering your own ideas.

Sources for Information

  1. The Internet
  2. Highlights Magazine (especially for craft ideas)
  3. Social Studies teachers from local schools*
  4. Foreign Language teachers from local schools
  5. Library
  6. Missionaries your church supports
  7. Foreign exchange students
  8. International "clubs" in your area
  9. Daycare parents or friends who might have traveled to some of the places you discuss

*Do not underestimate the value of this resource. I asked my son's teacher if he would stop by and just show my children his sari when we studied India (they had just finished their unit on India). This teacher just lives two doors down from me. Instead, he loaned me the sari, a man's shirt, the India flag, some cookbooks, and a record album with Indian music on it! See the picture of my display (then use your browser's "back" button to return to this page).

To the Top | Sources for Info | Books/Printed Material | Music & Fingerplays | Videos | Crafts | Activities

Books and other printed material

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Music and fingerplays

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These will depend on the country chosen

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  1. Find the country on a globe. Compare it to where you live. Discuss how you would have to travel to get there.
  2. Pretend to be a family from that country and act out a day's activities.
  3. Pretend to be an animal from that country.
  4. Fix one or more foods ethnic to that country (remember to simplify for children; especially tone down spicy dishes).
  5. Where applicable, teach the children a simple game children play in that country.
  6. Expose children to the country's main language by playing tapes of someone speaking that language.
  7. Learn to say a few words or count to ten in that language.
  8. If you have them, let children look at Viewmaster slides about the country. I use the Viewmaster projector so all children can view at once.
  9. Use Duplo or other building blocks and try to recreate a famous building or structure from the country

To the Top | Sources for Info | Books/Printed Material | Music & Fingerplays | Videos | Crafts | Activities

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Last Updated: 4/17/00
For more information contact Bobbi Florence (bobbi@brodnet.com)