
Theme for 1st half of May 1997



To help children gain a better appreciation for birds, and to help them understand some of the basic information about birds (they hatch from eggs, what they eat, migration, etc.).

On this page you will find:

Decorations & Teaching Aids

  1. Use stickers of birds as rewards.
  2. Suspend plastic or posterboard birds from ceiling (you can enlarge some graphics from a printing program, print them out in color or in "outline" form and color them yourself, then use rubber cement to attach them to posterboard).
  3. Put window stickees of birds on windows, refrigerator, white board, or mirrors.
  4. Put posters/pictures of birds on walls.

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Books & Videos



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Music and Fingerplays

Songs to sing


(These are more effective if you use finger puppets or flannel graph figures as you do them)

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Arts & Crafts

Make a bird feeder
Many different patterns are available to make birdfeeders out various materials. Check craft books, old Highlights Magazines, etc. Also check out The Weekend Workshop. One very simple way is to give each child a good sized pinecone, and let him spread peanut butter all over (reaching down into all the nooks and crannies). When finished, roll the pinecone in a bowl of birdseed. Attach some string, yarn, etc. to the top for a hanger.

Make a birdbath
Again, check craft books, or follow the simple instructions on the Internet to Build a Bird Drinking Fountain.

Make a "Fine Feathered Friend"
Cut out a bird outline from posterboard and have children color features (beak, eyes, etc) then finish decorating by gluing craft feathers of different colors on the bird.

Have children shape a bird from modeling clay (the type that hardens in air) and stick the sharp edge of craft feathers down into the clay all over the bird. Set aside to harden.

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Science Experiments

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Games & Activities

Make and play Bird Lotto

You will need:
  • posterboard
  • markers
  • pictures of birds (if you are cutting and pasting, two exact pictures of each are needed) -- check programs like PrintMaster and Print Shop.
  • colored pencils or something to color birds with, if drawing
  • rubber cement (if pasting)
  • clear Contact paper (optional).

Make six cards of equal size out of posterboard. These cards should be no smaller than 6"x9". Divide each card (using a permanent marker) into 6 equal sections. Draw or paste a different bird in each section (so you will need 36 different pictures -- 6 cards x 6 pictures each). Cut 36 cards out of posterboard the same size as the sections on the large cards. Draw or paste a picture on each card (each one should be identical to a section of a larger card). Cover with Contact paper for durability, if desired.

To play: Give each child one of the larger cards. Place the small cards face down on the table (either spread around, or in a stack). Choose one child to begin by drawing a card. If the card matches a picture on his/her card, the small card is placed on that spot on the large card and the child draws again. If it doesn't, the card is returned to the pile, and play proceeds around the table. Any time a child draws a "match," he takes another turn. The first one to fill his/her card wins. To make this non-competitive, play till each child fills his/her card.

Make and play Bird Memory

You will need:
  • posterboard
  • 20 or so different pictures of birds -- 2 of each (check computer programs such as PrintMaster, Print Shop, etc.)
  • rubber cement (if pasting)
  • markers, colored pencils, etc. (if drawing)
  • clear Contact paper (optional)

Cut 40 squares (about 2.5" x 2.5") out of posterboard (two for each different picture you have, so if using 30 pictures, cut 60 squares). Paste or draw a bird on each square. Make sure that each card has an "identical twin." Cover with contact paper, if desired, for durability.

To play: shuffle cards, and lay them, face down, in rows (5 cards x 8 cards, if using 40) on the table or floor. First person turns over two cards. If they match, the player picks them up and places them in front of him, and turns over two more. If they do not match, he turns the cards back over, and play proceeds to the next player. Any time a player gets a "match," he gets to go again. When all matches have been made the person with the most matches is the winner.

Other Activities

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Last Updated: 4/17/00
For more information contact Bobbi Florence (bobbi@brodnet.com)