My monthly diary title graphic

July, 1999

Well, this month has been an awful lot like last month. Except it's been more hot and humid and Mommy's had to drive into work a lot. I miss my Mommy when she's not here with me every day. I need to call and have a talk with her boss. Anyway, back to me. There was a couple of days that I got kind of scared here at the house because there were all kinds of load noises outside. Mommy tried to expalin that they were fireworks but I don't understand what that means. I only know that I'm scared and want to get away from the loud noises!

On to my health... I was feeling better after the Vet's visit last month (even though I didn't have to take those stupid pills) so you can imagine my surprise when Mommy took me to a different Vet! She said he was a dermatologist or something like that. I was not too thrilled about that. They used a razor to scrape on my skin.

To make a long story short, we walked out of there with even more pills! Something about alergies. Anyway, after my successful avoidance of last month's pills, I wasn't too worried. Then, the next day... I mean the very next day! ... I was taken back to my regular Vet's offfice. This had to be some kind of trick because it was too many Vet visits in a row! But no, I went and had to get shots!!! Now, I must tell you. I absolutely hate getting shots. Then they put that liquid stuff in my nose. I wouldn't talk to Mommy for the rest of the day! I'd better not have to go to the Vet again or even the groomer the month. Enough is enough!

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June, 1999

Terrible month.... I pretty much tried to stay inside to fight the heat. It's getting hot here in Virginia. And, I've started to feel itchy alot. This leads to scratching, of course. So, Mommy decides that I need to go to the Vet. I tried to talk her out of it but, would she listen? Of course not. No one listens to me. Who am I, but the dog?

Well, I was dragged to the Vet's and they looked at where I was scrathing and chewing on my skin and decided that I had to have medicine. Well, have I told you how much I absolutely loath pills? I'll do just about anything not to take them and I can ferret a pill out of just about any kind of food my parents try to use to sneak one in! Much to my delight, Mommy didn't give me the icky pills that the vet gave us - GOOD FOR YOU MOMMY! Well, I started to feel better, even without the pills! Maybe this month wasn't so bad after all.

(Mommy's Note: I bought a pill crusher and started putting the medicine in his food. It works like a charm!)

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May, 1999

I got to go on a trip this month in my new truck. This was the real test. Could I be comfortable for the whole two hour ride? YES! We went to visit Mommy's roommate from college and her husband. They had a brand new house and it was very nice. They also had 3 cats! I was outnumbered but I held my own. OK... that was mostly because the cats stayed up in one of the bedrooms most of the time I was there. But I did try to get aquainted with one. It was a fun trip. When do we get to go again I wonder?

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April, 1999

Well, the only really exciting thing that happened around here this month is that Mommy and Daddy bought a new car (or do you call it a truck?). They left me home alone one Saturday morning, which I didn't appreciate in the least, and were gone all day. When the came home, they had a new vehicle. Well, I'm not sure where they went and they didn't bring the little white car home again, but I like my new truck! It's a Ford Explorer and it was made with me in mind!

With the seats down in the back, the windows are just at my face level. It's great because I was look at the cars and go to the other side to check on those cars too! And the really neat thing is, I have my own air conditioner! Yep, you heard me right. Mommy and Daddy made sure that I have my own AC vent right in my face so I don't get too hot. I love riding my new truck!

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January, 1999

Birthday months are always so much fun! I turned 3 this year and kept waiting for my party. The day of my birth came and went and still no party. Last year I got toys and a doggie birthday cake. I was expecting something. I finally overheard Mommy and Daddy say they were going to celebrate it next month since they hadn't been prepared with my cake. They said that I wouldn't notice anyway. Well, this is me telling you... I NOTICED! I guess I won't throw too much of a fuss if they give me my party next month.

The only thing good that did happen is that Mommy has been working from home much more that she ever did before. It's been kind of nice too. In fact there was this one week when she worked at home every day. The only down side is that I now TOTALLY hate when she and Daddy leave me to go to work. It much harder to be at home by myself all day.

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Author: Vicki Herman
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Last updated: 7/25/99
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