
Why is the disclaimer print so large???
So you can read it, silly!

Pages on this site are Copywrited, and cannot be reprinted without express permission of the author. Feel free to link to any page or print out any material for your personal use, or in the case of the Flyball Box Plans, for your team use. If you would like to use the graphics or subject matter from any other site, then you need to obtain permission from that site's owner.

Every effort is made to make this web site HTML3.2 Compliant. Unfortunatly, some servers and Web Rings require code that works on almost all browsers, but does not come up to the proper standards. I strive to make the pages 50k or less so that users with lower speed modems can access Chakotay's Home Spot quickly. If you are having problems reading all of the pages, please let me know.


Link to Chakotay's Home Spot

If you would like to link to a specific page, feel free to do so, but email me of you intentions so a can cross link from my page to yours can be made . Please use the following URL's for these specific addresses. (Just highlight the text and cut and paste... it saves a lot of typing :-{)

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Chakotay's Flyball Equipment and Flyball Box Plans



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