Welcome to Discovery PTA's Home on the Web

Discovery PTA is an early Childhood PTA. We work for the preschool and kindergarten-aged children and their families in our community. This site is updated frequently, so please check back often to see what we have added.

We have had many requests from parents on how to respond to violent tragedies in the news, such as Littleton, Colorado. We thought that we would offer you Tips for Teaching Conflict Resolution Skills to Young Children and Safe Schools Can't Save Children

Our Pages and Links
2000-01 Officers Our Promise to Children
Goals of Our Organization General Information National PTA
The Family Room Sign Guestbook View Guestbook
Raising a Reader:
A Virtual Parenting Workshop
North Hanover Township School District
FYI--Advocacy Information

LEGISLATIVE UPDATES National PTA works in the federal legislative arena on behalf of all children. You can find a brief weekly update on National PTA's activities in this area on the website at Legislative Reports. For information on specific bills that National PTA is monitoring--also updated weekly--see Washington Update.

Family-Friendly Site

Candles Across America
This Candles Across America Campaign WebRing site owned by Discovery PTA.

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The Discovery PTA, the New Jersey PTA, or the National PTA (Hereby referred to summarily as The PTA) do not exert editorial control over materials that are posted by third parties onto this site, or materials that are emailed by third parties to any other persons. The PTA is not responsible for any material posted by a third party. The PTA specifically disclaims any and all liability for any claims or damages which result from postings by third parties. Although the PTA sites include links providing direct access to other Internet sites, the PTA has not participated in the development of these other sites, and does not exert editorial or other control over these sites.

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Graphics on Raising a Reader page courtesy of The Coop

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