So, just who is 'H' Gibbens? Well, I am a 33 year old ex-pom - for those not up with the vernacular, that means I am was originally born in the United Kingdom and have subsequently emmigrated to Australia.I live on the outskirts of Melbourne in the state of Victoria, with my wife, two cats and my dog.
I have five main loves in my life:
- my wife
- my work as a veterinary surgeon
- my 3D modelling and animation
- science fiction - Star Wars, Star Trek, the usual suspects
- film soundtracks
and probably in that order.
I studied veterinary science at Bristol University ('84-'90) even in those days if it had a keyboard I wanted to play with it. After moving out to Australia in 1990, I skirted the edges of 3D, crude as it was in those days, with Sculpt 4D and Turbo Silver. When the latter changed to Imagine, things really started to take off. I modelled various science fiction craft and started doing still renderings and eventually some animation work. A friend of mine gave me a small corner of his bulletin board (we are talking pre-mass-access internet here) and I had a small audience.
I subsequently moved on to Lightwave, and moved up to an Amiga 4000. Over the past few years I have produced a number of opening videos for local science fiction conventions.
I used to pride myself on doing all my own models. However, family and work commitments have put a bit of a crimp on my time, so now I collect models from the net as well as model my own. I used to hoard my models to myself, but having seen the range of subjects and the quality of work that some people are making available to use, I thought my attitude somewhat selfish, hence the creation of this site. I aim to put up models that I have not seen elsewhere in the hope of expanding what is available rather than duplicating it. Eventually I hope to produce a catalogue of what is available and where, but that will be a little further down the track. |