Exercise your vagina (Kegel-exercises)

Many women think that vaginal exercising is something that should be done a short period after they have given birth to a child and only then. This is *wrong*.
Kegel exercises increases your(and your partner's) pleasure during intercourse, so if you want a really good sexlife, you can(and should) do Kegel exercises regularly, whether you have given birth or not and regardless of your age.

There are several benefits for a woman to exercise her vagina:

This will...

  • ...make it easier for you to reach orgasm.

  • ...make your orgasms stronger/better as the muscles you're exercising are the same as used during orgasm.

  • ...make your vagina more sensitive(you'll feel more). When squeezing you'll feel your partner much better inside. It will simply heighten your sexual satisfaction.

  • ...prevent prolapse and incontinence.

  • ...make childbirth easier and your muscles will regain more quickly after the birth.

  • - For your boyfriend it will be a tremendous difference. You will get tighter. You can pull and squeeze your partner's penis.

  • - You don't have to be nervous the first time you make love with a new partner, wondering what he will think of you as a sexual partner. You'll have better sexual self-confidence. You'll know that your present/future boyfriend/husband/lover won't be disappointed.

  • - Men prefer women with a strong vagina (to many men it's more important that his lover has a strong vagina than having a perfect body). In some cultures women exercise their vaginal strength in order to help them keep their future/present husband.

  • - You can be proud of your vaginal strength(just like one can be proud of one's body).

  • - The woman will get more control in bed. Many women enjoy that and think it's fun.

Many women begin to exercise after they have given birth to their first child(to regain tightness). Doctors recommend women to begin much earlier though (the earlier the better) in order to prevent prolapse and incontinence. As a plus they also get a(n even) better sex-life.

Note: It's important to continue to exercise and maintain the strength of the muscles as you grow older. At menopause, muscles may change and weaken. The stronger they are before this process begins, the better.

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"Someone has finally said it. Fitness is not only about looking good and feeling good. It's about being good -- especially in bed. If you want to get fit -- and maybe get even more -- this book is for YOU."
Dan Critchett, Owner, The Club Body Tech fitness clubs on Renee Delaplaine's The Sexually Tuned Body.

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Your vaginal muscles may be out of tone(loose/weak) beqause of:

* Neglect(you don't exercise)

* Pregnancies

* Age

* Overweight

Kegel exercises will increase your vaginal strength.

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-I'm young and I haven't given birth, why should I exercise?

Simply beqause you'll have more fun in bed. As mentioned above,
exercised vaginal muscles will give you(and your partner) more
pleasure during intercourse. His penis will feel bigger and your
orgasms will be stronger. It will make childbirth easier and it
prevents incontinence. You'll be a better sexual partner (men
*love* a strong vagina). It might even help you find/keep your

-I have given birth, but why should I exercise?

Beqause you(and your partner) will enjoy sex that much more.

After childbirth, you will regain your tightness much faster (if you
don't exercise, some say it takes eight years to regain tightness).

If you exercise, your vagina will not only get tighter but also stronger.
As mentioned, this will make the penis of your partner feel bigger,
you'll get stronger orgasms and you prevent incontinence.

Unfortunately, when getting married, many women stop exercising. If
they break up, they begin to exercise again (as they wanna get a new
partner, they try not only to look good and get into shape on the
'outside' but also on the 'inside'(by having a tight vagina)). If they had
kept exercising during their marriage, they would have had a much
richer sex life and a tighter vagina (as well as preventing some female
related problems).

- - -

-At what age should I start to exercise?

The younger you are when you start exercising, the better.

- - -

-Should *all* women really do these exercises?

Yes, regardless of age and whether you've given birth or not, you
should exercise.

- - -

-I am 42 years old. I want to get an improved sex life and bladder control.
Is it too late for me to start Kegel exercising?

No, it is never too late to start!

- - -

-How is a Kegel exercise done?

It's very simple.
The easiest way to exercise is simply to contract the vagina, then relax.
Repeat 20-400(depending on your strength) times/day.

As well as being simple to do, the exercises only take some minutes each day.
And unlike other exercises(like jogging, swimming, strength training, etc.),
you don't even have to take a shower afterwards, and the results are very

Aleternative (more efficient and advanced) ways to exercise are described
further down this page.

When exercising you should not use your stomach, leg, back or buttock muscles.
Breathe slowly and deeply.
Put your hand on your stomach when you squeeze your pelvic muscle.
If you feel your abdominal muscles move, then you are also using these
muscles. Your leg and buttocks muscles should not move.

There's also gadgets like vaginal cones to help women locate and exercise
the right muscles.

As no one can tell that you're exercising, you can do the exercises anywhere,
anytime. On the bus, when walking, watching TV, lying down, driving a car,
sitting, during sexual intercourse(tighten your pelvic muscles to grip your partner's
penis and then relax), while brushing your teeth, at work, standing in line at the ATM,
waiting for an elevator, whenever a telephone operator puts you on hold, when jogging,
make a habit of doing some contractions everytime you take a look at a watch, every
morning when you get out of bed, etc.
If you already have a daily exercise program for your body, you can do the Kegel
exercises as a part of that program.

Unfortunately, some women, even though they take interest in their body and exercise
(by jogging, swimming or slimming) in order to get fit (either for health reasons or to
become more attractive), seem to care only for the 'outside', often neglecting that it is
equally important to exercise(by doing Kegels) the 'inside'(both for attractiveness and
health reasons). Actually, when it comes to attractiveness, the inside may be even more
important than the outside, as many men prefer a woman who has good control of her
vagina to a woman with a perfect body. That's positive as it's easier to exercise the
vagina than it is to get a perfect body.

For best results, you must exercise faithfully. The muscles won't increase in
strength overnight. Most women will notice changes after just three weeks.

When exercising your vagina, it should not feel as if your anus is tensing too.
It may be hard to tighten the vagina separately, but when you've exercised
for some time, you should be able to feel the difference between these muscles.
Don't worry if you can't contract them separately, though. It's not *that* important.

Some women, who have talent and take interest in their vaginal strength, can
become expert in using their muscles in sex to *greatly* enhance the sexual

-Is there a way for me to measure progress?

Not really. If you have a really weak vagina and a lot of money, you
can buy a perineometer (it's intended for measuring progress of very
weak/loose vaginas and can therefore not be used for strong vaginas).
Of course, another way to measure your strength is vaginal weight lifting.
Another way is to use a Newtonmeter(scales that is often used when
fishing and in physics labs) connected to a vaginal ball.
Yet another way is to contract around your fingers or ask your boyfriend
during intercourse.

-I don't know how to contract my vagina!

It's the same muscle you flex when you try not to pee(like when you
feel you really need to visit a toliet but there's is no one around).
Next time you're urinating, try to stop in mid flow(without using your
legs). The muscle you use to start and stop is the pubococcygeus muscle.
(This is only a way to find the muscle - Kegel exercises should normally
not be done when urinating).

-How do I know if I'm exercising the right muscles?

Put a finger (or two) into the vagina and squeeze. You should feel your vagina tighten.
Or, ask your gynaecologist. She will help you.

Another way is to tighten your vaginal muscles to grip your partner's penis during
intercourse - if your vagina isn't too weak, your partner should be able to feel an
increase in pressure.

-I'm getting headache when exercising. What's wrong?

If you get headaches when exercising, then you are also tensing your chest
muscles and probably holding your breath. If you find the exercises tiring or
if you get back pain or stomach pain after you exercise, then you are probably
trying too hard and using stomach muscles.

-I want to learn how to use the vaginal muscles deeper inside.

These muscles are harder to find. It may be easier if you use a dildo when
exercising, though. More on resistance kegels further down this page.

-I find the exercises boring! Is there a way to make them more fun?

Yes. If you want, you can masturbate at the same time. Masturbating is not
filthy but natural. All women should masturbate, whether they have a partner
or not. Masturbating helps you to learn more about your body/genitals, what
you like/enjoy regarding sex and makes you more open minded towards sex.
Actually, many women get a better sex life if they masturbate. It will also help
you let out/get rid of stress/tension. According to several surveys, up to 90%
of women(married as well as unmarried) masturbates, many of them several
times a week.

Or buy Ben Wa balls and contract around them! Ben Wa balls are inserted
into the vagina and are intended to give the woman pleasure when she walks.
As you've something to squeeze around, your Kegel exercises will feel natural.

More on this further down.

-Is it true that some women let doctors sew their vagina in order to
get tighter? Is that really better than exercising?

Sadly, although it's not common, it seems like some(often rich) women
do this to get a tighter vagina.
Some doctors also make 'love-stitches', during the repair of epiosiotomy
(after childbirth) to make the vagina tight.

However, as these women don't get the benefits mentioned above (like
stronger vaginal muscles, stronger orgasms, preventing incontinence, etc.),
Kegel exercising is much better. Thus, 'love-stitches' is not a substitute for
Kegel exercising.

-Can men do Kegel-exercises?

Yes. But it won't make the penis harder(not much anyway) or anything
like that(so, a weak muscle doesn't mean a soft penis). What it can do,
though, is to help men delay/control orgasm.

- - -

"I only excersise occasionally, and I am proud to say that even after
giving birth to 5 (yes FIVE!) children, I have retained excellent vaginal
muscle tone. I would have to say that the excersizes in question-Kegel's,
are well worth doing. They can be done anytime, anywhere, no one can
tell you are doing them. They are also pleasant to do. Can't imagine any
reason not to do them."
Anonymous woman

- - -

"A woman should have control of her muscles in her lower abdomen, this
may increase the pleasure for both herself and her partner. This way, the
clitoris is stimulated indirectly and for some women this is necessary to
make them able to achieve orgasm."
From a magazine for women

- - -

"  'From what I've understood, it seems like boys and men thinks that it
feels best to sleep with girls that have a tight vagina. Is there something
I can do to get a more springy musculature?'

  It is true that men likes when women can use their vaginal muscles during intercourse,
so that the vagina closes firmly round the penis. This will increase the pleasure for both
men and women, so it's well worth the trouble to train the control of these muscles.

  In old indian litterature, it is said about the woman:

  'She must always lay stress on closing and constricting the Yoni(the vagina) until it holds
the Lingam(the penis) as with a finger, opening and shutting at her pleasure, and finally
acting as the hand of the Gopala-girl who milks the cow. This can be learned only by long
practice, and especially by throwing the will into the part affected. Her husband will then
value her above all women, nor would he exchange her for the most beautiful queen in the
Three Worlds...'

  The following exercise can be done to train the muscle surrounding the vagina: lay down
on the floor with your legs in 'frog-position' (knees bent, the soles of your feet facing each
other) and let your stomach and vaginal muscles relax. Imagine the two interior walls in
your vagina and try to bring them together by contracting as if you would stop a jet of
urine. Don't flex the muscles of your stomach nor should you press your buttocks together,
not even if you feel that the muscles of your bottom strains. The exercises shall be done
for six seconds, and you can count one-thousand, two-thousand up to six-thousand
while exercising.

1. Slowly contract (one-thousand).
2. Keep contracting(keep your vagina closed) (two-thousand).
3. Keep contracting (three-thousand).
4. Keep contracting (four-thousand).
5. Squeeze even harder, even if you think you're contracting as hard as you can
    (here, you may use the muscles of your stomach while counting five-thousand).
6. Relax (six-thousand) before you start over again.

  I recommend that you do the exercises for 20 minutes daily. When you're exercising
these muscles, it is very likely that you will feel that you are becomming sexually stimulated.
Use this knowledge to your and your partner's delight."

Excerpts from a book by Åsa Rytter Evensen(a female sex-advisor)

An even more effective way is to relax and then do three fast contractions between
point 5 and 6. You can also try to relax longer after the long contraction:
1-5: same as above.
6. Relax for five seconds.
7. Contract fast(=a short, yet hard contraction, should take less than one second).
8. Release (fast).
9. Contract (fast).
10. Release (fast).
11. Contract (fast).
12. Relax some seconds before starting over again at point 1.

- - -

"'I know Kegel exercises strengthen the perineal area and can reduce the need
for an episiotomy.'
The rapid squeeze, release, squeeze type of Kegel isn’t the best exercise. Seriously,
it is best to concentrate on doing several deliberately slow and focused contractions
of the pelvic floor muscle. Think in terms of the elevator Kegel: ground floor at the
entrance to your vagina and 10th floor up around your belly button. Sloooowly raise
the elevator as you contract the Kegel muscle. Or visualize drawing water up like a
siphon into your vagina. The Kegel muscle is rather slow, unlike a biceps muscle for
example, and one has to concentrate and build up to controlling the deliberate
contractions that strengthen it. You can certainly begin now; it’s never too late!"
Parenting magazine

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Alternative ways to exercise:

  • * Tighten a little -- count five.
    * Tighten a little more -- count five.
    * Tighten as hard as possible -- count five.
    * Relax in reverse steps, counting five at each step.

  • Do the following exercises 3 times a day, every day.
    They will only take a couple of minutes.

    Exercise 1: contract your muscles during 3 seconds. Release. Repeat 10 times
    Exercise 2: squeeze and release your muscles as rapidly as possible. Repeat 25 times.
    Exercise 3: imagine you are trying to draw something into your vagina. Hold for 3 seconds.
    Release. Repeat 10 times.
    Exercise 4: imagine you are trying to eject something from your vagina. Hold for 3 seconds.
    Release. Repeat 10 times.

    - - -

    "I have developed the old, usual Kegel-exercises, as I noticed that they don't quite exercise
    the muscles to be used effectively during intercourse. Read on to learn how to get maximum
    control of your love muscles. You can do the exercises both alone and together with your
    partner during intercourse. When you are practising on a man - try to keep a slow pace
    before you reach climax so that you have time to feel what's happening when you are using
    your muscles. Have fun!

  • The Basic Contraction: Begin the contraction movement from your anus, where the
    'Kegel'-muscles begin. Then, contract forward, upward. Presumably, it will feel harder
    to contract the higher up in your vagina you are trying, especially if you've given birth.
    But it is these muscles that are the most favourable in stimulating the G-spot, so don't
    neglect them. It may be easier to find the right muscles if you put a finger deep inside
    or a dildo. Contract and hold for three to five seconds to begin with. Breathe out while
    you're squeezing. Put a hand on your stomach to make sure that it is relaxed. Rest for
    some seconds before repeating the contraction. Repeat 15-20 times. This exercise can
    be done in any position you like, even standing. Try to slowly stand on your toes and
    contract while 'rising'. Increase the time you are squeezing as you are getting stronger.
    Have as a goal to be able to hold the contraction for ten seconds. Think of beginning
    the contraction movement gently - you should try to squeeze strongly, not violently!

  • The Fast Contraction: Squeeze and release with suitable speed. Increase the intervals
    when you have become stronger and tighten/release as fast as you can and for as long as
    you have the strength. Relax and repeat twenty times.

  • The Pause-Contraction: Do Fast Contractions, but with a short pause between the
    squeezes, as long as you have the strength. Rest and repeat five times.

    The exercises will be most effective if you use the positions described below. After a
    while you'll find which one that suits you the best, and with which rythm and strength
    you are gonna exert them. Exercise in one position a day and change position the next
    day. Ten minutes a day is enough. You can do the exercises both when you're alone
    and during intercourse.

  • The missionary: Lay on your back, with your legs bent and your knees apart and
    drawn(curled) up towards your shoulders. Squeeze as mentioned (The Basic Contraction,
    The Fast Contraction and The Pause Contraction). Examine if you can find a more
    favourable variant, for example; putting a pillow under your buttocks - it might be easier
    to exercise if your vagina comes up a little. Or put the soles of your feet on the bed with
    the knees bent, and raise/lower your lower abdomen. Squeeze on the way up.

  • From behind: Stand on all fours (on your knees and hands). Try with your knees apart
    and together respectively. Try to lower your chest towards the bed so that your buttocks
    raises, or try to lay on your stomach. Find out in which position it is easiest to squeeze.

  • Ride a horse: Stand on your knees with your legs apart and squeeze. Raise while
    squeezing, and lower yourself when relaxing, as if you really was riding.

  • Squat: Sit on your heels with your feet apart: Raise and lower your lower abdomen,
    squeeze when moving up."
  • Female article writer in a magazine for women

    - - -

    "In the mid twenties, the muscles will begin to lose their elasticity, and this will be intensified
    during childbirth when they are stretched to a great degree. But even you who haven't given
    birth will be wise to begin exercising if you not already do that.
    If you think it's a struggle - some muscles are harder to control than others - so don't give
    up! You'll get a fast and inspiring result. It will please your partner too, not only beqause you
    hopefully will enjoy sex more. It is, of course, nice for your partner too if you can squeeze
    his sex thoroughly when you make love. Just remember to continue to exercise everyday,
    else the muscles will lose their vigour again.
    Strong stomach muscles will also help to control your lower abdomen. But think of relaxing
    the muscles of your stomach when exercising, so you don't use the wrong muscles. Don't
    forget to move your hips, that both make it easier and strengthens the contraction.
    If you exercise 5-10 minutes a day you'll probably notice results within a week. Vaginal
    exercising is nothing mystic but is about learning to know your body and to keep it in shape
    for the rest of your life."
    From a women's magazine

    - - -

    "'I am a 18 year old girl. Since I lost my virginity, I've had
    sex with three guys and it has worked very well!
    I like to experiment and I have tried a lot of different positions.
    It is important that it feels good both for the guy and the girl.
    Now onto my question: I've heard of 'Kegel-exercises' women
    can do and later use during intercourse to increase the pleasure
    for the guy. How are they done? How do you know if you're
    doing them the right way?'

    Kegel exercises are good for both strengthening the muscles of your lower abdomen, saving
    you from incontinence later in life, and to make you enjoy sex more. To understand which
    muscles you should use, put a finger in your vagina and try to clench round the finger.
    Sometimes one erroneously are clenching one's buttocks. This is not quite how it should be
    done. You should contract a little bit further on. When you feel inside, you should be able to
    feel that you are squeezing; the vagina should contract. Maybe you don't feel very much if
    you are untrained, but you'll feel more if you exercise. You can also try to contract around
    the penis of your partner when you make love, this will make it even more pleasureable for
    you and you'll reach orgasm easier. You can do Kegel exercises whenever you want, do ten
    short(=one second) and ten long(=holding five to ten seconds) exercises, whenever you
    come to think of it.

    You'll really get a better sex life when you've exercised your love muscles (and men usually
    appreciate that the woman squeezes his penis a little extra)!"
    Female sex advisor

    - - -

    How to make your Kegel exercises a pleasure.
    Tired of hearing that you must do Kegel exercises? Bombarded with advice how to best
    exercise your pelvic muscles? Here's an advice that is more fun; masturbate while doing
    your exercises!

    "-To make love with oneself, to masturbate, is an extraordinarily way to prevent loose
    muscles and incontinenece, says a midwife.

    Actually, it is not easy to make love with oneself. You must reserve time. You must be able
    to relax. Feel free. Dare to feel pleasure from yourself. 'Cause that's what it still is about today,
    1998, to dare. To allow oneself. Unfortunately many women feel guilt and shame when it
    comes to feel pleasure.
    -To allow oneself to feel pleasure is about maturity. To feel safe in your identity as a woman,
    to know what you want. Many women feel maturity and safety with their sexuality first in their
    30s-40s and that's when they seriously can enjoy themselves. We must get rid of all the
    feelings of guilt and shame. To have access to your body, to your desire and to your fantasies
    is the basis to the sexuality of mankind.

    To enjoy our sexuality we women need the muscles of the pelvic floor. The more exercised
    it is, the stronger we feel orgasm and the lesser the risk that we will get incontinence.
    Incontinence, that you involuntarily pee when you exert yourself, is a big problem among
    women. Often, it is elder women and women who has given birth who is strickened, but it is
    not unusual that young women in their 20s must seek help.

    -I recommend all women to masturbate in order to exercise the pelvic floor. It is the
    contractions during orgasm that exercise the muscles.

    You can also try Ben Wa balls. These exercise the muscles and increase the pleasure.

    To make love with yourself:

  • Will broaden your erotic skills.
  • Will increase your sexual self-confidence.
  • Will increase your self-knowledge.
  • Will affect your life together with your partner in a positve way.
  • Prevents unfaithfulness if you and your partner often are at different places.
  • Strengthens your pelvic floor.

    Well-exercised pelvic floor muscles will increase:

  • The sensitiveness of your orgasm.
  • The strength of your orgasm.
  • The sexual experience.
  • Prevents incontinence.

    How to exercise the muscles of the pelvic floor:

  • Make love to yourself, the orgasm will give the pelvic floor a good training.
  • Sexual intercourse, squeeze the penis of your partner.
  • Ben Wa balls, two balls connected with a string that is inserted into the vagina, which
       shall be used when you move. The balls give a sexual stimulation while you exercise.
  • Kegel exercises. You don't have to exercise in the queue at the supermarket. You can
       exercise while masturbating just as well. Contract around a dildo or a finger."
  • From a female magazine

    Tell me more!

    Note: Masturbation is a complement to Kegel exercises, not a substitute. Unless you use
    your muscles *a lot* during masturbation, Kegel exercises are much more effective.
    But of course, to masturbate is *much* better than not doing any exercises at all, so it can
    be an alternative for you who have bad self-discipline and constantly neglect the Kegels.
    However, to get better results and for you and your partner to experience all the benefits
    mentioned at the top of this page, you are recommended to do Kegel exercises.

    As mentioned above, you can combine masturbation and Kegel exercises.
    Squeezing around a dildo or Ben Wa balls is a good way to exercise.

    - - -

    "With well-exercised vaginal muscles, the stimulation of both the clitoris and the G-spot will
    increase during intercourse. When the muscles of the pelvic floor contracts - during orgasm
    or by a conscious contraction - the labia will move(be pulled) too. The little hood that is
    created over clitoris where the labia meets, will glide back and forth over it. Direct
    stimulation of the clitoris, without touching it! The same phenomenon will happen, but to a
    lesser extent, when the penis is moved back and forth in the vagina. But the more exercised
    the vaginal muscles are, the greater this 'involuntary' stimulation of the clitoris and the G-spot
    will be. Furthermore, strong muscles contains more of the capillaries that helps fill the clitoris
    with blood. It's when the clitoris swell and rise that it becomes more sensitive and can recieve
    and send signals of pleasure through your body, with concentration to your lower abdomen."
    From a women magazine

    - - -

    "'I would like to learn Kegel exercises. How should I use them to give my lover greater
    pleasure? U.H.'
    Most men appreciate an alternation between flexed and relaxed vaginal muscle."
    Female sex advisor

    - - -

    "The exercises to strengthen the muscles surrounding the entry of the vagina are wonderful and
    should be done by all women. These exercises increase your lubrication and your pleasure during
    lovemaking. They prevent and help in cases of incontinence."
    Dr. Doria Schmid, sex therapist

    - - -

    "Kegel exercises are like any other muscle exercise. Just like working your beiceps with regular
    exercise, you can strengthen and tighten the vaginal muscles. This exercise will increase your
    awareness of feeling in your genital area. It will increase blood circulation in the gentile area,
    restore vaginal muscle tone and increase control over your orgasm."
    Ava Cadell, sex educator

    - - -

    "The vaginal muscles just aren't used often enough to develop any strength. I gather if women
    try to hold any amount of weight in their vagina for a period of time they soon find themselves
    with sore vaginal muscles, at least until they get use to it. Women reportedly benefit from
    doing vaginal exercises, Kegel exercises."
    Anonymous man

    - - -

    "'My husband doesn't feel anything. He has told me that it feels like my vagina is lifeless. Because
    of this, we periodically give up sex.'
    I guess what you mean when saying that your vagina is lifeless is that your husband doesn't feel
    his penis being encompassed and that he doesn't feel any friction or contact with the vaginal walls.
    This may be due to that you commonly neglect your pelvic floor muscles. Kegel exercises is a
    very important training that all women should do for their whole life, at least ten times a day."
    Female advisor in marital and personal relationship matters

    - - -

    "I am a regular poster on 'Dear Paula Forum' and have addressed 'kegels' many many times with
    curious and concerned women.
    I would like to add another aspect to vaginal exercise that is not addressed clearly on your site.
    I believe strongly in Kegels and feel that sharing my knowledge will be of benefit. I have been
    doing 'Kegels' long before I knew that there was such a thing. My husband related a story to me
    about Asian women who had incredible control of their vaginal muscles. He told me about the
    stories of women who could smoke, extract pieces of previously inserted whole bananas and
    expel a single quarter at a time from an inserted stack. I was curious and with a little self
    exploration I realized I could contract my PC and vaginal muscles!

    As a result of my new interest[vaginal strength] I began to exercise using a vibrator then
    eventually a dildo, contracting against them. I equated it with using resistance as in any other
    excercise. I have since recommended to many women the same technique except with one of
    the newer 'realistic' dildos or jelly dildo as they offer springy resistance. It's nearly impossible
    to squeeze the vaginal muscle without feeling it contract. That's why I use a dildo.

    Additionally I have used a product called a kegelcisor, an acrylic wand with varying widths but
    I prefer using a soft dildo. As the years have gone by I have been able to use progressively
    smaller diameter dildos and am able to apply great pressure to my husband's finger.

    I do 100 standard kegels three times a day and I use a dildo to do resistance kegels about three
    times a week... four sets of 25 in the mornings.
    After 20 years of daily kegels, and 'resistance kegels' about three times a week, I have incredibly
    strong vaginal muscles(I can shoot a dildo across the bed!).
    The very nice thing about having been diligent in exercising my vaginal muscles is that I can
    rythmicly contract them for extended periods of time before I get tired. Makes my husband
    and I both very happy!

    My orgasms are much stronger now than when I was younger, longer too. I can even have
    a second orgasm (or prolong the first) if I squeeze my vaginal muscles as the first orgasm

    My husband has a very average erection but on the narrow side however and I can feel every
    inch of him in me, even more so if I squeeze.

    What has kept me motivated to exercise for twenty years?
    His pleasure and mine!"


    - - -

    "Pompoir: the most sought-after sexual response of all.

    She must ... close and constrict the Yoni until it holds the
    Lingam as with a finger, opening and shutting at her pleasure,
    and finally acting as the hand of the Gopala-girl who milks the
    cow. This can be learned only by long practice, and especially
    by throwing the will into the part affected, even as men
    endeavor to sharpen their hearing ... Her husband will then
    value her above all women, nor would he exchange her for the
    most beautiful queen in the Three Worlds ... Among some
    races the constrictor vaginae muscles are abnormally
    developed. In Abyssinia, for instance, a women can so exert
    them as to cause pain to a man, and, when sitting on his
    thighs, she can induce orgasm without moving any other part
    of her person. Such an artist is called by the Arabs Kabbazah,
    literally, a holder, and it is not surprising that slave dealers pay
    large sums for her."

    'The New Joy of Sex' by Alex Comfort

    - - -

    "One of the tightest women I ever knew, had three children. She
    got that way by working heavily *after* having the children; trying
    to 'get back into shape'. Only she 'got back' into better shape than
    she started."
    Anonymous man

    - - -

    "I have taught women's health/prenatal education for 18 years,
    including hundreds and hundreds of hours being close and friendly
    with the Kegels. Both women and men are attuned to the benefits,
    excited about the sexual nature of the practice, and feel all around
    excellent for the 'next time coming'."
    Anonymous woman

    - - -

    "Elusive sex secrets from the world's most exotic cultures unveiled!
    Women create a vagina with the deliciously tight penetrations of a
    virgin, uncovering the secrets which can give you powerful suction
    for mind blowing manipulation of your mate’s penis! Tested and
    refined to an even tighter degree, your vaginal strength and control
    will amaze you, and anyone you choose bless with it's talent. No
    matter your age, amount of children, your mate's penis size, or your
    current skill level, The female version of this book, is guaranteed to
    knock the socks off any man.

    Though you may enjoy the feeling of 'fullness' that a large organ can
    bring, you can learn to feel the same with a smaller penis if you would
    learn to utilize fully the muscles of the vagina.
    It would seem to me that Asian women are naturally small in vaginal
    size. Can western women ever really compete?
    Asian women range in vaginal size, as most women of any culture do.
    We reveal to you techniques which will give you the power to compete
    with any woman, no matter her cultural background.

    'Women, Take it from me! If you have had kids or not, I would highly
    recommend that you get your vaginal muscles in shape then discover
    how to use them. The look on the men's faces when you apply these
    methods, is to die for! The results last long after the sex is over... if
    you know what I mean. I have never had such a good time being bad!'
                                                                                 Marion - Atlanta
    'That female course saved our marriage! My wife is giving me the best
    sex I could have ever imagined!'
    - -
    'For a long time after I had my children, I thought sexual fulfillment
    was a thing of the past. I didn't know if I was too large or he was
    too small.'
    'Excitement of sexual intercourse, dulled, after the birth of children.'

    Child bearing does indeed loosen the muscles of the vagina. The
    techniques we divulge to you will easily and quickly give you strength
    over what you had as a virgin, and control of the most seasoned

    From a company that sells a book on how to exercise the vagina

    - - -

    "My New Year resolution will be to exercise my vaginal muscles so
    they really can squeeze the life out of the guys."
    Editor of an erotic magazine

    - - -

    ">With some women, the man will experience a wonderful secret
    >during her orgasm. Don't any of you women who know about
    >this let the secret out.

    I will not only let the secret out but tell men that women who do
    their Kegels can constrict their vaginal muscles like that voluntarily,
    at least some of the time, and that even trying to do it when it doesn't
    quite come up to that level is pleasurable."

    Anonymous woman (from a discussion on use-net)

    - - -

    It is these women [who has entered their 30s] - who are the ones that
    know how to do sex RIGHT! Most of the young 18 year old girls don't
    know the first thing about sex... They pretty much know that they're
    supposed to spread their legs and let a guy put his thing inside their hole.
    But do they know how to squeeze their internal muscles so that you feel
    like you're oozing in and out of a slick, tight, pulsating VISE? Do they
    know how to rapidly oscillate their hips so that they match or surpass the
    motions of your own hand when you masturbate? Usually, the answer is
    NO. Those things are things the experienced women know.
    Anonymous woman, from an internet discussion

    - - -

    "Some of you may have the pleasure, as I do, of having a wife that does
    Kegel exercises to tighten up the vaginal muscles. Very nice feeling during
    Anonymous man, from a news group

    - - -

    "My girl friend plays with her muscles and she says it feels better when the
    fit is tight."
    Anonymous man

    - - -

    "My sisters and I used to test the strength of our vaginas by inserting a full
    douche (disposable) and then trying to hold it in while we bent over or sat
    on the toilet. (When I say inserting a full douche, I do not mean the water.
    I mean that we would insert the nozzles and then try to hold the container
    that was filled with water from pulling the nozzle down and out). We would
    fill the bottles with different amounts of water and work our muscles until
    we could hold a full one. This took me about 4 months. (I was 20 at the
    time and my older sisters were 21 and 23.)"
    Anonymous woman

    - - -

    "The first time I made love, after the vaginal exercise course, and used
    my love-muscle, was with my workmate Andrew. It was fantastic.
    Waves of pleasure rinsed through my body and I got goose flesh all over.
    We was lying on a beach. My vagina was sliding up and down on his big
    penis. First slowly, then increasingly faster. Alternating between tensed
    and relaxed vaginal muscle. Then I made a little pause and he was to
    determine the pace. After that, I tightened my muscle around his shaft.
    He just groaned and twisted in convulsions of pleasure. I was also getting
    very horny by this advanced sex massage. Finally, I exploded with a
    scream in a violent climax. In the same moment, Andrew began to roar
    like mad. That was my debut. Since then, my well trained love muscle has
    given me and my lovers many wonderful and violent orgasms."
    A 25-year old woman interviewed in an erotic magazine

    "With a single smooth lunge, Jill settled herself down on the man's prick,
    taking it completely inside. Her tight vaginal walls clutched and massaged
    his prick, and when Jill conciously applied pressure he groaned. His mouth
    closed over one erect nipple and he tongued it hungrily, making Jill moan
    and groan. They began moving together slowly, liquidly, staring deeply
    into each other's eyes as they fucked. Jill had the ability to tighten her pussy
    muscles to an almost unbearable level, and keep them that way for as long
    as she wanted. Other men that had had her, had all sworn at one time or
    another that she was about to rip their cocks off. Jill loved watching the men
    trying to concentrate, trying not to loose control as her slick, impossibly tight
    cunt took them for the ride of their lives. She knew she was an incredible sex
    partner, and took power from that."


    "Patricia reached for his penis and pulled the tip toward her vagina. Randall
    slid his penis slowly in, then began a slow rythmic thrusting. Patricia had a
    particularly wicked grin on her face. "Don't come too soon...!". Patricia's
    vagina was tight, much tigher than Randall's wife. Patricia seem to read his
    mind; "Enjoy my tight wet vagina, yes, it's like making love with a virgin, I've
    never had children and I do regular vaginal exercises. Slow, thrust slowly,
    now stop, just stay still hon". She began to squeeze his penis with her trained
    vaginal muscles. "Nice? Now stay real still. I'll give you a special treat",
    Patricia said as she began to ripple her talented vaginal muscles. "Ohhh",
    Randall groanted, "That's good...!". Patricia smiled at him, she loved the
    power that she had over men and she knew that no man could endure her
    tight, squeezing vagina for long. She clenched and squeezed his penis with
    her slippery muscular vagina. "Oh, oh, oh, I'm coming.", he said.


    "She had a vagina men dream of - tight, soft and juicy. She grinned at me,
    and began to flex her vaginal muscles. The sensation was amazing, squeezing
    and releasing me within her."


    "Danni took a lot of pride in the strength of her vagina. The first night they'd ever
    had sex, she'd told him he needed to respect her strength. They were wrestling,
    and he'd pinned her down, and called her weak. She said, "My strength lies
    elsewhere" with such a focused look on her face. "Oh really?" he said to her. He
    found out later that night. As he first slid into her he marvelled at the sensation. Her
    warmth, her wetness and the way she managed to grip him with her amazing
    muscle control. It had taken everything he had not to come too early that night and
    she was amused to watch him fight to hold his load back. Alex pulled out and then
    thrust into her again. Danni let out a loud gasp of pleasure, and arched her back,
    rising up on her elbows. He pulled back, and thrust in hard again. Danni felt herself
    tighten against him immediately with his second thrust, and his third, and fourth,
    and fifth, and sixth, and seventh. Alex grunted as he pushed into her - she'd gotten
    incredibly tight, and it was taking a lot of concentration to stay in her - she'd
    squeeze him out otherwise, and he certainly wanted to stay in there. She was
    really gripping him tightly."


    "Slowly, she guided me into her, so slow that I was afraid I would come
    before I even had started. Then, with a violent thrust, she slid down on me
    and I was suddenly deep within her. "I can't wait", I groaned. "I can't, I'm
    sorry, but...". "You can", she said and kissed me. "You can wait. Do you feel
    As she kissed me again I felt her vagina clench about my penis, very hard
    but only for a moment. Afterwards I panted. I had never before felt such
    pleasure. She clenched again, even harder, and I was close to scream for joy
    or pain. As she kissed me she repeated her trick over and over again. As I
    looked at her naked breasts I knew that only she had given me pleasure as
    never before by squeezing my penis."
    Excerpts from erotic stories

    "As for her vaginal control, well, it was the best that I've ever experienced. Period. There were basically two things that she was doing. One was that she was clamping and unclamping her entire vagina around my thingie. There was some of the usual up-and-down, in-and-out kinds of motions, but most of it was Sierra just squeezing and relaxing around my penis. This is something that only a very few other ladies have been able to do, and then only for brief moments.
    The second thing that she was doing with it was swishing my penis around inside her, kind of rolling it around in a circular motion that I find highly pleasurable. Again, very few women are able to do this, much less do it as long as Sierra was able to. She just kept on clamping and swishing, swishing and clamping. It was a wonderful experience, and Sierra was going at it nice and slow, exactly the way I like it, and she didn't seem to be tiring out any. However, she suddenly stopped and sat still with some rapid vaginal spasms, short rapid breaths, and stared with unfocused eyes at a spot just above my head. Then she took my left hand and placed it between her breasts over her heart, and I could feel her rapid pulse. "I just had an orgasm", Sierra said.

    This time it was doggie style, with me standing upright on the floor and Sierra crouched down low on the bed with her ass up high in front of me. She never seemed to tire of this, and it seemed to afford her exceptional control, because it was exceptional control that she performed. She was moving that delicate little ring along the shaft of my penis, producing most exquisite pleasure. It is remarkable the amount of control she has over her vagina, gnawing away at my penis. For much of this part of our session, I was just standing there, doing little in the way of thrusting on my part. Sierra was doing all the work.

    Sierra was absolutely wonderful. She has a perfect body, a nice personality, we were in my favorite position, and she has superior control of her vaginal muscles.

    When she exerted her strength I felt that it wasn't possible for me to extract myself. She was like a pleasurable vice-clamp on my dick that opened and closed. We switched to doggy style so I could look at that wonderful ass, and her vagina was still grabbing me. Oh my god, it was awesome. When I came, she really put the pressure on. I swear, my toes were curling. Damn, she's good."

    Anonymous man on his experience with a prostitute from a Nevada brothel

    - - -

    "I love this book! A silent question all women face sooner or later is how to
    keep their sex muscles in great shape. The Sexually Tuned Body is about
    strengthening your pelvic region and keeping it in shape."
    Mark A. LaPorta, M.D., F.A.C.P.

    - - -

    Be proud of your vagina, especially if it's strong!

    - - -

    Vaginal strength and control - facts and rumours - how strong can a vagina get?

    KegelMaster2000 - an exercise device to help you with resistance Kegels, which are more effective than normal Kegels

    Kegel exercises

    Kegel exercises

    Kegel exercises

    Book on how to master control of the vaginal muscles

    Another book on mastering vaginal control

    For A Better Sex Life: The Sexually Tuned Body - Pelvic and Vaginal Muscles Exercises Every Woman Should Do
    Every woman can benefit from this book.
    Do a friend a favor. Send her a copy of "The Sexually Tuned Body"!
    (by Renée Delaplaine)

    Comments, questions, contributions, or if you just wanna tell me what you think of this page - *Contact me*

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    Last updated: May 5, 1998

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    Keywords:pelvic floor exercises,pelvic floor muscles,vaginal strengthening,vaginal muscle exercises, what is a kegel exercise,what is kegel exercise,what is kegel exercising,trängre slida, träna upp slidmusklerna,knip övningar,knip övning, så får du bättre sexliv,ett bättre sexliv,skönare i sängen, svårt att få orgasm, så får du ett bättre kärleksliv,första natten med honom,I can't come,don't want to have sex, my vagina is too loose,cock is too small,I need a big cock,I want to improve my sex life, how to strengthen your vagina,first night with him,want your man to buy you diamonds(jewellery,flowers,roses) - if you surprise him with these sexercises maybe he will,love life failing, sexual excitement,woman's health issues,sexual confidence
    how to improve your sex life, problems after childbirth,

    End of page!

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