On the Oconee Courthouse lawn on the corner of Court Street and Main street there is a granite boulder erected by Roberta Harris Wells Chapter, UDC of Watkinsville. This boulder is there,

"Commemorating the self sacrifice of the Confederate soldier whose valor is engraved upon the heart of the south, enduring as time exciting and compelling the admiration of all nations and all peoples."

The Watkinsville Chapter United Daughters of the Confederacy in inactive.




There is a very young soldier at the top of this monument. On the front there’s a broken flag staff holding a battle flag where a strip from the St Andrews Cross is torn away and laying across the bottom of the flag. There are stars surrounding the top beneath the soldier. From the front around the 4th tier these words are inscribed.

"Erected Anno Domini 1908 by “Last Cabinet” Chapter United Daughters of the Confederacy, The Ladies Memorial Association, and the Sons of veterans. “A tribute of abiding love for our Confederate Heroes.”

“C.S.A. 1861-1865”

On the left it reads “Men of Wilkes! Know through all times that they fought to maintain a just Union; to defend Constitutional Government to perpetuate American Liberties, and left you their patriotic spirit.”

On the back is inscribed "Lord God of Host be with us Yet, Less We forget, Lest We forget,”

On the right reads “ On Fame’s Eternal Camping ground Their silent tents are spread, and Glory Guards with Solemn round The Bivouac of the Dead.”

The Last Cabinet Chapter #295 of the U. D. C. is no longer active.

Last Official Meeting

This commemorative boulder displays crossed battle flags and the great Seal of the Confederacy. It reads:

“On this site stood the old Georgia State Bank building in which President Jefferson Davis held the last official meeting of the Confederacy May 4, 1865.”

President Jefferson Davis
Adj. Gen. Samuel Cooper, Post Master John M. Reagan
Nav. Purch. Agt. C. E. Thompson, Sec. Of Navy Stephen R. Mallory
Mil. Adv. Gen. Braxton Bragg, Sec. Of War John C. Breckenridge
Com. Gen. I. M. St. John, Q.M. Gen. A. R. Lawton
Pro. Sec. Burton N Harrison, Aide de Camp Col. J. T. Wood
Aide de Camp Col. Lubbock Ex Gov. Tenn., Aide de Camp Col. Wm. P. Johnston

At this meeting the Confederate Government was dissolved. The last official papers were signed, the residue of coin and bullion were brought from Richmond was disposed of by order Of Pres. Davis and both civ. And military officials separated to make their escape. Erected by Last Cabinet, Chapter United Daughters of the Confederacy Washington, Ga. 1938.




This is Phoenix Park its lovely in that it has among other things a Confederate Monument in the center. Like many others it faces north guarding the South land. The figure of the soldier is ready to step beyond this monument. On front is inscribed erected by the Frances S. Bartow Chapter U.D.C. below is to the “Confederate Veterans” on the back the year 1861-1865. Above Crossed battled Flags. Below “Confederate Dead.” To the soldiers left it reads,

" The impartial enlightened verdict of mankind will vindicate the rectitude of our conduct, and he who knows the hearts of men will judge the sincerity with which we have labored to preserve the government of our fathers in its spirit."
By Jefferson Davis.

On the right side inscribed are these words,

" Eternal right though all things fail, can never be made wrong. Many of whom gave all and all of whom gave much."

The Monument was dedicated in 1910 and was built by subscriptions of money from school children, merchants and townspeople. A stonecutter sculptured the magnificient statue.



This 24 pounder cannon is located in Phoenix Park in front of the Confederate Monument. The 24 pounder smooth bore siege gun model 1845 was cast in 1851 by Tredegar Iron Works, in Richmond, VA. South Carolina bought the gun before the war for use in coastal defense. Its last service was at Doctortown (Jesup) on the Altamaha River. It was given to the Frances S. Bartow Chapter #83 United Daughters of the Confederacy in Waycross, GA.








This monument is located on Jones and 6th Street and is made of granite. On the monument are placed 4 marble plaques inscribed,
on the front:
They who die For their country fill Honored Graves."
Below the plaque on the third tier:
April 26, 1877.
On the right side:
Erected by the Ladies Memorial Association of Burke County."
on the left:
“ To the Confederate Dead.
Who fell in the “lost cause.”
On the back:
“In a country’s memory her heroes are immortal.”




Oscar Hugh LaGrange was born in N. Y. but migrated to Wisconsin prior to the war. He is pictured here in the upper left hand corner of the sign. He entered the army as Capt. in the 4th Wisconsin Cavalry Reg. on July 2, 1861. December 1861, he transferred to the 1st Wisconsin Cavalry reg. with the rank of major. He was promoted to Lt. Colonel. on June 12 1862 and full Colonel .February 5,1863. His first Wisconsin Cavalry Reg. served under Gen. Wm. T. Sherman, during the Atlanta campaign in the summer of 1864. LaGrange was wounded and captured at Rocky Face Bridge in North Georgia and spent several months in Confederate hospitals and prison camps he was exchanged in time to participate in the last and largest Cavalry campaign of the war. The official designation of Col. LaGrange command was 1st brigade 2nd div. of the Cavalry corps. Federal military division of Mississippi as the main federal column march on Columbus, LaGrange brigade composed of the 1st Wisconsin 7th Kentucky, the 2 and 4th Indiana. LaGrange was chosen to capture West Point with its valuable R.R. yards and bridges. LaGrange ordered 3 regs. to assault Ft. Tyler while he led the 4th Indiana in a dash across the wagon bridge to secure a footing on the east side of the Chattanoochee. As he recrossed the bridge a shot from one of the fort cannons killed LaGrange horse and stunned the Col. Undetermined he renewed the attack on the fort and succeeded in over running it about 6:00 p.m. Col. LaGrange showed remarkable curiosity to ward both civilian and captured Confederate soldiers, he posted guards to protect citizens property spared in the R.R. cart spared from burning because of it proximity to the local hotel, and even ordered his troops to roll burning rail cars away from private buildings. When he resumed his march on April the 17th he invited captured Confederate Officers to ride with him at the head of the column. Colonel LaGrange retired from the army soon after the war and entered Wisconsin politics, he was never as successful as a politician as he was in military and he eventual move to Calif. Where he became administrator of a home for retired soldiers.

In the upper right hand corner the young soldier is Alexander Campbell Lanier 1848-1884 as a 16 year old school boy was one of the defenders of Ft Tyler. Lower right is General R. C. Tyler



April 16, 1865

Dedicated to the memory


Brig. Gen. Robert C. Tyler

Constructed 1996-1997

Fort Tyler Association, Inc.

Dedicated April 18, 1998.

Confederate Monument

The West Point monument is on the Public Square. It is made of Georgia Marble surrounded by a fence of iron rods, with corner-posts and coping of gray white marble.

On the north side of the monument it reads: "Fort Tyler Chapter U.D.C." On the south side is a Laurel wreath and crossed guns. On the east side it reads: "A tribute of love from the women of the south to the heroes of the Confederacy." On the west side reads: "Marble shall be the memory of the Confederate patriot in whose life and fidelity to principles found loftiest expression." Dedicated May 23, 1901.

Originally unveiled at the corner of 8th Street and Avenue C, 23 May 1901. The monument has been moved to the site of Fort Tyler.

Fort Tyler

One hundred and twenty five yards north west, at crest of hill stood Ft. Tyler~last Confederate fort to fall in the War Between the States.

Ft. Tyler was of earth work construction. 35 yards square surrounded by ditch 12 ft wide 10 feet deep and enclose by wooden abatis. The fort was erected to protect the important railroad and wagon bridges across Chattahoochee river this point.

On Easter Sunday, April 16, 1865, one week after Gen. Lee surrendered at Appomattox , Union Cavalry captured Fort Tyler. The garrison of two 265 Confederates~remnants of Point Coupe Louisiana and Waittes’ S. C. battery~aided by boys and convalescent Confederate soldiers~withstood the attack of 3,500 Federals before capitulating late in the afternoon. The Confederate forces were commanded by General R. C Tyler, Col. J. H. Fannin, Captains Gonzales, Trepanier and Webb; Lts. Montgomery and Mc Farland units of 2nd and 4th Indiana, 7th Kentucky, and 1st Wisconsin commanded by Col. O. H. LaGrange formed part of American forces. Here Mrs. Griggs and other West Point women gave aid and shelter to wounded of both armies after the battle. This monument is on tenth and sixth Streets.




Rosehill City Cemetery started out with a single grave, Martin Van Buren Parkhurst, Co G 9th Ky. Cav., Aug. 3 1854, age 19, killed in the Battle of Kings Tan Yards. The section used to be called Triangle Park. We were told they did away with that some years ago. In a section that’s shaped like a Triangle there is a marker dedicated to all veterans of Barrow county who served to keep our country free, to all the Armed Forces. Erected by the Winder City Council 1986.

Winder-Joseph E. Johnson Chapter United Daughters of the Confederacy is inactive.




The front of this granite marker is dedicated to the Jefferson Davis Highway. The back is dedicated to John Wright. This marker stands on Courthouse Square on East Marcus and West Elm Streets.

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