Mission Statement
Killankulam Village
Home Project
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 IFC Temple of Divine Love

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street kids, street children, homeless children, street kids home, learning centre, home for kids, south India, Kanchi, Mother Kamatchi

A great way to get involved with the work of the home by volunteering to help with our work. We will need teacher, help with the building of the center, raising funds. For those who want to volunteer their services in India, can learn Yoga, Sanskrit, Tantra and more. We offer you the chance to change your life, and at the same time you can make a different to the children. Can you give the little street Kids a chance in life?

IFC Temple of Divine Love is to be setting up a home for Street Kids, and a learning center for Goddess in Killankulam Village, Periyur Taluk, Madurai Dist, South India. We will work directly with kids who do no have other form of Support.

This is the desire of our Master and the Divine Mother i. On his last pilgrimage of India, after visiting Mother Kamatchi, our Master went looking for land to start this project with the help of the locals who have known our Master spiritual commitment. On his returning to Australia he was instructed to set it up in center in India.  Our Master has been guided and inspired by Mother Kali for years

There are 25 million children wandering in the streets of India without proper love, care and shelter. Do we close our eyes before them?

Tantra Teacher's Training
Tantra Teacher's Training, four-Level diploma program is designed to provide Tantrika's (person practicing Tantra) with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to provide safe, effective, and ethical care. Each Level is for a period of 3 months

The ultimate adventure of discovering all the Tantric Temples in South India.
We read of the problems between Pakistan and India, and this problem is only in the Northern Tip of India, and in the south it is free from all the trouble. When flying into India either fry into Mumbai or Chennai, and it will be safe.

Women's Network
We currently offer FREE MEMBERSHIP to Women who are out there wanting to help bring joy and love into the live of their community. No adult works in the name of Tantra or also know as Goddess will be listed in this site.

We offer Vedic Horoscopes that will help you mold your life towards a very successful life, by understanding what your past karma is and how to change it. Let our experts help you.

These Street children learn to cope with life on the streets. They learn to live off the street. They live very normal lives except that they are not treated well by the authorities. They work, go to school, cook food, bathe just like everyone else. Their activities and occupations are begging, pickpocket, work at roadside stalls, make and sell flower garlands, very poorly paid kitchen hands in hotels (cafe in India is known as Hotel).

These children are paid inadequately, and most often being forced to overwork. Many children are lured into bonded work or "work-camps" that they are unable to escape from, due to unscrupulous and cruel proprietors or middlemen.

These kids are those who experience family problems they are unable to solve: i.e., alcoholism, child abuse, and ill treatment by stepparents, unemployment and poverty.

One can see them everyday in India; at bazaars, railway stations and bus stops Most will eventually grow up to be social misfits and criminal elements created by an uncaring society - or just die in filthy corner or gutter.

Most of street children are boys. Girls are more difficult to trace but they are, by far, the most vulnerable.

These children should have the right to good education, good health care, good food, and learn to practice the religion of their choice. These kids are very intelligent and need another chance, and you can do this for them.

A recent study in Madras shows that many street children (45.6%) would like to live in a secure place, while 71% are very eager to change their present life. 63% of children have an ambition to do something meaningful in their future. The vast majority of them have a survival instinct and the tenacity that helps them survive the day-to-day trials of street life. That does not, however, provide them a future.

The health condition of street children is generally poor. Many suffer from chronic diseases like TB, leprosy, typhoid, malaria, jaundice and liver/kidney disorders. Venereal disease is rampant among older ones (14yrs+). Scabies, gangrene, broken limbs and epilepsy are common. HIV & AIDS cases are now widely seen. Most street children are exposed to dirt, smoke and other environmental hazards. They are constantly exposed to intense sun, rain and cold.

Some of less fortunate ones are, in many cases, sent to remand in adult jails where they are abused, both physically and sexually, for indefinite periods of time. There is little or no provision made for these young children to contact their parents or obtain proper guidance or legal representation. The children eventually escape from these "Homes" just as they run away from their real home.

Street children are constantly arrested, locked up, tortured and abused in all ways because there is none to take responsibility for them.

They live in fear of arrest and long detainment.

They have no faith in the police or the judicial system.

They disrespect the legal authorities because they have rarely experienced any kindness or understanding from anyone at that level.

For street children, this aspect is conspicuous by its absence, and totally ignored by the relevant authorities. Street children are arrested, locked up, sent to remand, runaway, are arrested again beaten locked up.

Let us together try to do something to help these kids.

These street kids aren't unhappy - they know no different. Their expectations of life are so low they're not indulged by the luxury of disappointment. They don't have the security of a traditional family so when they're molested or bullied they see it as normal. Let us help change the way this children grow, can you afford not to help, or Can You make a difference to their live!!

Send you donations to day,

We at IFC have made a commitment to donate all our Income less expense to help the little Children.


Mission Statement
Let us help change the way this children grow, can you afford not to help, or Can You make a difference to their live!!
Killankulam Village, Periyur Taluk, Madurai Dist, South India
This is where our first home for Street Kids is to be established. Master Sri Param Eswaran bought 10 acres at Killankulam Village, Periyur Taluk, Madurai Dist, South India with the intention of setting a home for homeless women and the little children of the streets, who are in need of a place to live, food to eat, and education. We need your blessing and funds to make this project as success.
Home project and how you can volunteer your services
 A great way to get involved with the work of the home by volunteering to help with our work. We will need teacher, help with the building of the center, raising funds. We offer you the chance to change your life, and at the same time you can make a different to the children.
Goddess Temple
A place in India, where women and men can come and learn the magical works of the Universe to invoke the feminine within
Link to Center's who help street kids
There are many places where you can visit, with an intend of helping the Street Children who need your help. One of your week end expense can help feed, cloth and educate a few children.


bankcard_donations.gif (1040 bytes)Please send us as little as $27 every 6 months or whatever amount that you can to the poor forgotten community, HOMELESS WOMEN and HELP STREET KIDS in South India.  There are about 50 million street kids in India that need help.

IFC Temple of Divine Love (India) Reg;279/2003.
118/1b Killankulam Village, Periyur Taluk, Madurai Dist, South India

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Copyright © 2002 IFC Temple of Divine Love
Last modified: May 18, 2004