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    G A M E - FFVII
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  • Dating Yuffie

    At the beginning of the game, Aeris has 50 points, Tifa has 30, Yuffie has 10, and Barret has 0. Whoever has the most points at the end goes on a date in the Gold Saucer with Cloud.

    Talking to Aeris the first time, no matter what you say (believe it or not), has no effect. Buy the flower, unless you want to date Aeris or Yuffie.

    Talk to Jessie twice on the train home from first mission: "Thanks anyway." -- "Looking forward to it." (-3 Tifa)

    When you enter Seventh Heaven, and you have a flower: "Give it to Tifa" (+5 Tifa) "Give it to Marlene" (+5 Barret)

    When you talk to Tifa while she's behind the bar: "I don't feel like it" -- "Give me something hard" (+5 Tifa)

    When Tifa accuses you of leaving your childhood friend: "How can you say that!" (+5 Tifa) "...Sorry" --

    When Tifa asks how you slept: "Next to you, who wouldn't?" (+5 Tifa) "Barret's snoring kept me up..." (+5 Barret)

    Giving Barret a Materia tutorial has no effect. (Not sure if losing the train bit will lose marks)

    Getting to the last car of the train without getting caught by the Security Lockdown: (+5 Tifa, +5 Barret) (Remember, a +5 for Barret is a -5 for everyone else; even if someone else benefits, if you want to 'date' Barret, make sure you get *all* the bonuses for him)

    When Barret asks if you're alright: "(Be strong)" (+2 Barret) "(I don't know if I can hold on)" (-3 Barret, +1 Tifa)

    The conversation with Aeris after you awaken seems to have no effect; though she mentions forgiving you because you bought flowers are. I have yet to see if points are taken away if you're rude to her and you haven't bought flowers. (But, the +5 you should have got for Tifa or Barret is worth buying the flower for.)

    When Aeris is fleeing the guards, if you: Push a wrong barrel (-3 Aeris) Ask her to fight them (-1 Aeris) Ask her to run -- Ask her to run and she has to fight (-1 Aeris) Push the right barrel (+1 Aeris)

    When Aeris asks if Tifa is your girlfriend: "No way!" (+1 Aeris) "Yeah, that's right" (-5 Aeris)

    After you get through Sector 6 to the playground: "Take her home." -- "Go on to Sector 7." (+1 Aeris)

    If Tifa is chosen as the Don's date: "You all right?" (+3 Aeris) "We gotta help Tifa!" (-2 Aeris)

    If Aeris is chosen as the Don's date: "You all right?" (-2 Tifa) "We've gotta help Aeris!!" (+3 Tifa) (Yes, it *is* that way around. Don't ask me why....)

    If Cloud is chosen as the Don's date: "Yes, his name's Barret..." (+5 Barret) (No other choice matters, not even almost kissing the Don)

    When everyone lands in the sewer: Talk to Aeris first: (+3 Aeris) Talk to Tifa first: (+3 Tifa)

    When Marlene tells you about Aeris: "I don't know" (-3 Aeris, +3 Tifa) "Let's hope so" (+3 Aeris, -3 Tifa)

    When you first meet Red XIII: "Tifa, I'm countin' on you!" (-2 Tifa) "Barret, take care of her!" (+2 Barret)

    If any of the following are in your party after you agree to split up: Barret (+2 Barret) Tifa (+2 Tifa) Aeris (+2 Aeris)

    When Tifa asks if you can break out: "(Leave it to me)" (+1 Tifa) (as many times as you like) "(Kinda hard)" (-1 Tifa) (as many times as you like)

    When you get the option to think about Barret, Red XIII or Aeris: Whoever you think about first: (+3 Barret or Aeris) or -- Whoever you think about second: (+1 Barret or Aeris) or -- Whoever you think about third: --

    When you choose your party after escaping Midgar: If Barret's in it: (+1 Barret) If Aeris is in it: (+1 Aeris) If Tifa is in it: (+1 Tifa) Nothing you do in Tifa's house in the flashback seems to matter.

    When Barret leaves, and tells you to get a move on: "Wait a sec" -- -- "Beautiful, just beautiful!" (+3 Barret) "Is that all?" (-1 Barret) "Right" (+1 Barret)

    Talking to a woman in Kalm, who says Mako energy is convenient: "Yeah, maybe" (-2 Barret) if Barret is in party (-1 Aeris) if Aeris is in party (-1 Tifa) if Tifa is in party "You're full of it" (+2 Barret) if Barret is in party (+1 Aeris) if Aeris is in party (+1 Tifa) if Tifa is in party

    Talking to a girl upstairs, who thinks the old life is better: "Yeah, maybe" (+2 Barret) if Barret is in party (+1 Aeris) if Aeris is in party (+1 Tifa) if Tifa is in party "No way" (-2 Barret) if Barret is in party (-1 Aeris) if Aeris is in party (-1 Tifa) if Tifa is in party

    When you first talk to the old guy in Fort Condor: "I guess so" (+5 Barret, +3 Aeris, +3 Tifa, +2 Yuffie) "Not interested" (-5 Barret, -3 Aeris, -3 Tifa, -1 Yuffie)

    After the old guy tells you about his problem: "All right" (+5 Barret, +3 Aeris, +3 Tifa, +2 Yuffie) "Not interested" (-5 Barret, -3 Aeris, -3 Tifa, -1 Yuffie)

    Meeting Yuffie: (You can fail this as many times as you like, and you'll still get the points every time you meet Yuffie until you get her in your party. This is a sure fire way to date Yuffie, if you've got the patience.) "All right" -- "Not interested" (+2 Yuffie) "Petrified..." (+2 Yuffie) "You're gonna lose again" -- "Go ahead" -- "Wait a second!" (+2 Yuffie) "That's right" (+2 Yuffie) "You kiddin'?" -- "What's your name?" -- "Let's hurry" (+2 Yuffie)

    On the Cargo Ship, if Yuffie asks you for Tranquilizers: "Here, use this" (+4 Yuffie) "Nope" (-2 Yuffie) When Aeris asks you about the Airship: "I'll take you someday" (+2 Aeris) "I dunno..." (-2 Aeris) When Tifa asks you about war: "Yeah..." (+2 Tifa) "I don't know" (-2 Tifa)

    Note: Sometimes Aeris asks you if you like tans, (when she's not in your party after you fought Jenova Synthesis) not sure for the points to that one
    Note: I'm disappointed in Costa Del Sol; there are a lot of dialogue options that you could choose, but none of them seem to alter 'Affection' values at all.
    Note: It seems that the Mt. Corel 'phoenix downs' section has no effect on your rating, as far as I can tell.

    Depending on who you choose first to accompany Barret to see Dyne: Aeris: ?? Tifa: ?? Yuffie: (+2 Yuffie) Red XIII: -- (For some reason, it seems you *could* get a (+6 Tifa) between Corel Prison and meeting Rude and Reno at Gongaga....)

    If, after either Aeris or Tifa (or both) meets Zack's parents then: Ignoring Aeris (-3 Aeris) Talking to Aeris -- "Poor guy" (+1 Aeris) "(...jealous...envious...)" (+2 Aeris) Ignoring Tifa (-3 Tifa) Talking to Tifa (+1 Tifa) (doesn't matter what you say to her)

    Information you should know.......

    - Battles do not seem to change Affection score at all, no matter what happens; Cover, dying, that sort of thing has no effect. -

    After Gongaga, the chances of you changing any Affection score at all is minimal, except for Yuffie, for whom you can get something near 10 points more by doing stuff in Wutai (don't know the exact figure) --end of guide--

    OK, so now that you know the dating guide, how to get Yuffie? ^^ Basically, as it said, just keep talking to Yuffie and fighting her before you get her in your party. say the right things, but screw up at the end. You'll have to have some money though, cos' she does steal some every time.... but it's really about the only assured way to get her. Be nice to her and mean to everyone else, and Yuffie n' Cloud are on a Gold Saucer date.

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