


Nuclear pollution

Global Warming

Ozone depletion

Toxic chemicals

Parco dei Colli

Radioactive contamination seems
the most dangerous kind of pollution.

  • Nuclear wastes are radioactive for thousands of years.
  • They are generally highly toxic and can contaminate water or the marine environment.
  • The volumes of radioactive wastes discharged in the environment is growing very fast :

    we leave to future generations a contaminated planet.
  • The reprocessing of spent nuclear fuels is creating most radioactive wastes in Western Europe;
    reprocessing plants based in United Kingdom and France are contaminating the North Sea and North Atlantic coasts.
  • In these plants, also spent fuel coming from other European and non-European countries is reprocessed: so , there are additional risks, due to the shipments of radioactive material by land and sea.

Selected Web sites :

Public Organizations and Government Agencies :

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission: Independent Agency, founded by U.S. Government in 1974

Institute for Energy and Environmental Research : IEER "is dedicated to increasing public involvement in and control on environmental problems through the democratization of science".
Also a map of worldwide reprocessing plants is published.

The Swiss Agency NAGRA : "National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive waste"

Antinuclear sites :

Greenpeace : "Greenpeace has always fought - and will continue to fight - vigorously against nuclear power because it is an unacceptable risk to the environment and to humanity."

U.K. Data Base about civil nuclear industry : reprocessing and plutonium production plants in Douanreay (Scotland) and Sellafield (England)

Bellona Foundation, Norway : about radioactive contamination in Russia, in the ex-Soviet republics, in the USA, and in UK

No Nukes Inforesource: collection of news about serious incident in nuclear power plants

One Pro-nuclear site :

FORATOM : " representing the industry interests in European Union policy discussions"