


Nuclear contamination

Global Warming

Ozone depletion

Toxic chemicals

Parco dei Colli

The Idea of Sustainability

The problem of finding the best way to protect our environment is one of the most difficult to solve;
unfortunately ( even if in this Web site we speak about some kind of pollution ) fighting against pollution or save endangered species is not enough : we need a global environmental strategy.
The developed nations, whose population is one fourth of the world total, consume 80% of world goods.
The developing nations consume their environment and their renewable resources faster than one can rebuild them.
The concept of "sustainable development" can lead us towards a strategy that will consider the environmental problems, the hopes of the developing nations and the needs of future generations as well.
Possible guidelines for the sustainable development are :

  • -Protection of the agriculture soil
  • -Reafforestation
  • -Demographic control
  • -Energy saving
  • -Development of renewable energy sources

Selected Web Sites

Ecoearth.Info  Environmental portal with a specific search engine about sustainability

World Changing  A blog on sustainability

Taking Action  A comprehensive environmental guide from UN

The Next Green Revolution  Article on Wired Magazine, May 2006.

Last updated : October 1st, 2006