Recent News

Friday, August 4, 2000

Romain Guy's released Dawn, a "dynamic extensible scripting language" written in Java. Dawn is published under the GPL. The first public alpha of gnome-gcj is now available. The gnome-gcj project aims to create a complete set of bindings for GTK+ and Gnome in the Java language; specificly the GCJ/libgcj Java platform. The Cygnus Native Interface (CNI) will be the interface between C/C++ and Java.

Thursday, August 3, 2000

Bill LaForge has released version 2.2 of Quick. Quick converts XML files into a Java object structure as specified by a QDML schema. Version 2.2 includes a DTD generator, QJML2DTD, to convert a Quick binding schema, QJML, into a DTD and QIML2DTD to convert Quick's internal binding schema, QIML, into a DTD. A DTD for QIML is now included. Java 1.3 is required.

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