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Protecting Our Children

I once heard on the news about a little 14 month old boy whose mother left him alone for days at a time. He was found when the apartment complex he was living in caught on fire.

He was rescued, but he was malnourished (his mom would stop by sometimes and leave him peanut butter and jelly sandwiches), and he had a bad diaper rash. His mom left the radio on to keep him company. Apparently it didn't work very well, because the dear little boy sucked the skin off his thumb.

How can this happen to our precious little children? I'm sure this kind of thing happens often. We need to raise awareness of this issue. Children need our help.

Abuse Awareness and Missing Children Links

Please let me know of any good links to add to this page. E-mail me at mykidzmommy@hotmail.com.

Holli's Triumph Over Tragedy This site is dedicated to survivors. It contains poetry, inspirational quotes, stories of abuse and triumph, survivors who would like to contact other survivors, Holli's views on human as well as animal rights, suggested reading material, posts by other survivors, and much more... Be part of the Mint Green Ribbon Campaign for Awareness of Abuse! You can find out about it here.

* Stop Child Abuse Now Paul states the purpose of his website . . . “I want to let people, who were abused as children, know that they have choices other than to continue to be victims or perpetrators.”

* Dave Pelzer The author of "A Child Called It." I just read this book recently, and it is excellent. I read it in two days. I told my mom about it and let her borrow it, and she read it in one day. That this poor little boy survived is amazing. And now he has done so much with his life! His story is amazing.

* Domestic Violence Westside Crisis Pregnancy Center's domestic violence page.

* National Committee to Prevent Child Abuse This site includes child abuse facts and statistics, parenting tips, and more.

* Child Abuse Prevention Series, Part I: Home Truths About Abuse on the ParentSoup website. On this page you can also find links to Part II & III of this series, "Additional Resources," "Recommended Reading," and "Tools To Counter Abuse: Raising Whole, Healthy Children."

* Empathic Parenting Journal of the Canadian Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children; has articles dealing with the serious long-term consequences of the inadequate nurturing of children under the age of three.

* Intervening on Behalf of a Child in a Public Place - Part 1: Is It Our Business? By Jan Hunt, M.Sc.

* Intervening on Behalf of Children in Public Places - Part 2: What Can We Do? By Jan Hunt, M.Sc.

* My Child is Missing by Jacquelyn deLaveaga

* Parenting Resources

Help find a missing child.
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

Children Are Worth Saving Web Site Please help to support the "Adopt A Guardian Angel" program. By doing so you are virtually taking the hand of a neighbor and joining us in creating a never ending circle around the world that will empower us to stand up and be the voice for all children of this planet! Show them we care enough to make a difference! In reality, by displaying this link back to our site you are helping us to meet our goal of creating awareness, education, recognition, prevention and intervention and that is the first real step towards breaking the cycle of abuse and stopping all forms of maltreatment!

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