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Yudhishthir (3)

1. Yudhishthir As a King
2. Yudhishthir in Exile
3. Yudhishthir in Agyaatvaas
4. Yudhishthir in War

Yudhishthir in Agyaatvaas

Paandav passed their Agyaatvaas period at Viraat Nagar. Yudhishthir was the counselor of Raajaa Viraat as Kank, Bheem was working as chief cook in royal kitchen and Arjun was working a the teacher of music and dance of Uttaraa as Brihannalaa, Draupadee was working with Raajaa Viraat's wife Sudeshnaa, Nakul was working with horses and Sahadev was working with cows.

Yudhishthir's Role in Viraat's Court

Raajaa Viraat was a lazy king so his wife's brother Keechak used to manage kingdom's affair. Once he came to Viraat Nagar and saw Draupadee in his sister's chambers. He got attracted to her and Sudeshnaa to send her to his palace. Sudeshnaa tried her best to convince him that she was not that type of woman but he said - "I cannot live without her, you send her, otherwise I will die." Sudeshnaa had to send her there but as Keechak misbehaved with her, she ran away towards court and complained about him but nobody could do anything. 

Everybody got very angry but it was only Yudhishthir who kept unusual patience and managed the whole affair. But Draupadee couldn't tolerate this and she complained to Bheem and planned to kill Keechak. Bheem killed Keechak and this opened the secret of Paandav's Agyaatvaas. Because Keechak could be killed only by six people - Bheeshm, Duryodhan, Karn, Drone, Daaoo (Balraam) and Bheem. Since others were at their places, it could only be Bheem who killed him.

As Duryodhan came to know this he got very happy that now Paandav would hav to go for exile again. He took the permission from Dhritraashtra to attack Viraat Nagar as it was now without Raajaa. In the meantime Trigadh king Susharmaa took away their cows from there. So Raajaa Viraat had to go there for their rescue. On the advice of Yudhishthir, Yudhishthir, Bheem, Nakul and Sahadev also went with him. Although Viraat did not consider a cook, or a courtier, or the caretakers of cows and horses woth taking in battle ground but he had to agree with Yudhishthir. So all went to fight.

After they had left Duryodhan attacked Viraat Nagar. Only Uttar was left at home so only he had to go to face them. He was very enthusiastic to fight with Kaurav army, but Draupadee convined him anyhow to take Brihannalaa along with him saying "He will be helpful." Uttar laughed heartily and said - "What that eunuch will do in fighting? Does he know even driving a Rath let alone fighting? He might not be knowing even how to hold bow or sword." But still Draupadee was able to convince him to take Brihannalaa along with him. 

As they reached in battlefield, Uttar trembled with fear seeing those warriors. Then Brihannalaa consoled him and said - "Don't worry. We will fight." Uttar was not ready at all but Arjun stopped him going back like a coward. So they went to that Shamee tree on which Paandav hid their weapons. He took his own bow and arrow and chariot and went to face them. Uttar was greatly surprised to know that Brihannalaa was nobody else than Arjun himself. Nobody could defeat Arjun so all ran away. Arjun requested Uttar not to open this secret yet on anybody. So after reaching Viraat Nagar it was declared that Uttar won this battle.

Yudhishthir in Mahaabhaarat War

Yusdhishthir used to speak truth and only truth. Everybody knew it, so if Yudhishthir said something, it meant to the people only truth. It is said that his chariot used to run four finger above the ground, but... after this incident it touched the ground.

In the war it was difficult to kill Drone, so Paandav were thinking about as how to kill him. Krishn suggested that there was only one way to kill him. Drone used to love his son Ashwatthaamaa very much. Once he said - "If I hear the news of Ashwatthaamaa's death in the battlefield, I will leave fighting." (Krishn remembered that and He wanted to take advantage of it). So if somebody assured him that Ashwatthaamaa was dead, he would also die with him. And everybody also knew that Ashwatthaamaa was immortal. Now who would take that risk? Krishn suggested Yudhishthir's name that if he could tell this to him they could stop the destruction of their army, but Yudhishthir could not tell such a big lie.

Then Krishn said - "It will not be a lie as such also, because there is an elephant named Ashwatthaamaa. We will kill him and Yudhishthir will say only "Ashwatthaamaa is killed". So neither it will be a truth, nor it will be a lie." But Yudhishthir's conscious didn't allow to say this too. But later on for his own victory he had to tell this lie.

So after a while Bheem killed the elephant named Ashwatthaamaa and shouted "Ashwatthaamaa is killed". Drone heard that but couldn't believe that "Ashwatthaamaa is killed". But on assuring several times he said - "If Yudhishthir says this, I can believe it." Then Yudhishthir said lowering his eyes "Yes, Ashwatthaamaa is killed." distinctly and then "elephant" indistinctly. Drone just sat down as if he was lifeless and couldn't get up again. Krishn asked Dhrishtdymn to shoot arrows at him. He said "It is against the war rules." Krishn said "There is nothing according to rules in this war." So Dhrishtdyumn shot arrows. Both fought again but then Dhrishtdyumn killed him.

Yudhishthir: After the War

After the war was over, and Yudhishthir was crowned as the king of Hastinaapur, he came to Bheeshm Pitaamah for his advice and guidance about politics and political matters, religion and duties etc matters. A very long dialog is given in Mahaabhaarat over this.

After this he sincerely kept Dhritraashtra and Gaandhaaree in Hastinaapur. He daily used to go to touch his feet before going to royal court. When they went away to forest on the advice of Vidur, Yudhishthir blamed himself for this that he could not serve them properly. But he got assured when Vidur explained him everything.





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Created by Sushma Gupta On 05/27/04
Modified on 02/07/05