
Index to Names



  Index - A-M

N - Z

Nahush, Raajaa

Nakul and Sahadev  (People-Men)
Nakul and Sahadev were two sons of Raajaa Paandu from his second wife Maadree. They were the sons through Ashwinee Kumaar. Sahadev was very handsome man. They got married to Draupadee according to Kuntee's words, and had sons from Draupadee. Nakul's son's name was Shataaneek and Sahadev's son's name Shrutkarmaa. But they were married to their own wives also. Nakul was married to  Karenumatee, the princess of Chedi Desh and had a son from her - Niramitra. Sahadev was married to Vijayaa, daughter of Dyutimaan of Madra Desh, and had a son from her named Suhotra. Mahaabhaarat (Udyog Parv, Section 50) says that Sahadev had only four people equal to him in war - Ashwatthaamaa, Dhrishtketu, Rukmee (Rukminee's brother), and Pradyumn (Krishn's son).

Nal (Others)
Nal was the son of Vishwakarmaa. He built the bridge over the sea to Lankaa and then only Raam's army was able to arrive in Lankaa.

Nal, Raajaa

Namuchi  (Raakshas)
The demon Namuchi secures a boon from the gods that he may not die by any weapon, wet or dry, so Indra used foam and froth to eliminate him.

Neel  (Others)
Agni's (Fire god) Vaanar son produced to help Raam.

Paandu  (People-Men)

Paraashar, Maharshi  (Rishi)
Maharshi Paraashar was the son of Maharshi Vashishth Jee's son Shakti. His mother's name was Adrashyanti. Once Paraashar Jee was crossing Yamunaa in Satyavatee's boat. At that time Satyavatee used to smell like fish. Paraashar thought for a moment and asked her - "Do you know me?" Satyavatee said "I could not recognize you." Paraashar said - "How can you recognize me when one cannot know himself. You are not born just to take people across Yamunaa River. You have a lots of responsibilities towards Bhaarat, but before this a knowledgeable child has to born from you. So I want to give you a son." Satyavatee said - "Mahaaraaj, I am unmarried and I am scared of the society." 

Paraashar said - "Don't worry, you will still remain unmarried." And saying this he created a dense smoke around them and gave her a son. It is said that Ved Vyaas (their son) also used to smell foul and was very ugly. Besides the son, he gave her a sweet divine scent smell also which used to go miles together. She named the boy Krishn Vaishampaayan Ved Vyaas. Krishn because because he was black in complexion; Vaishampaayan because he was born on an island (Dweep); and Ved Vyaas was his name. Some analyze it like this that Krishn Vaishampaayan was his real name and Ved Vyaas was added later because he split Ved. Vyaas means the splitter.

Parashuraam Jee  (Rishi)

Prithaa  see  Kuntee

Punjikaasthalee  (Others)
She was an Apsaraa. At one time, while she was serving Dev Guru Brihaspati Jee, he gave her Shaap to be born as she-monkey. When Punjikaa begged for his leniency he said that "You will be released from this Shaap when you will give birth to Avatar of Shiv Jee. So she did a severe Tapasyaa to please Shiv Jee and asked Him the Var of having the Avataar of Shiv Jee as her son. So Hanumaan was born to her and she got released from this Shaap.

Once she met Raavan also while going to Brahmaa Jee's house. Raavan saw her, got attracted and had her forcefully. She told everything to Brahmaa Jee, He gave Shaap to Raavan - "If you will have another woman forcefully, your head will be broken into hundreds of pieces."

Raadhaa   (People-Women)
Raadhaa was the wife of Adhirath Soot. They were childless. When Adhirath found Karn flowing in a basket in Gangaa River and brought him home, she was very happy to see him. She brought up him like her own son. Karn also regarded her very much

Raadheya  see  Karn

Raam  (People-Men)

Raavan  (Raakshas)

Rohinee  (Others)
Rohinee is one of the 27 stars  in Indian astrology, commencing from Ashwinee, Bharanee, Krittikaa, Rohinee etc. They are the daughters of Daksh Prajaapati and the wives of Chandramaa (Moon). Chandramaa was most interested in Rohinee and used to neglect his other 26 wives. So all the 26 daughters of Daksh Jee went to their father and complained about Chandramaa's special love to Rohinee. Based on their complaint, Daksh Prajaapati gave him Shaap that he shall wane away. When his waning was beyond the reason, those 26 daughters again went to their father. Daksh amended his Shaap that "He will wax for 15 days and wane for another 15 days; and Chandramaa will take holy bath on no-Moon day (Amaavasyaa, or New Moon day), in one of the holy rivers, named Saraswatee (now extinct), in Prabhaas Kshetra (area). After that all 26 daughters stopped interfering with Rohinee and Moon.

Rompaad, Raajaa  (People-Men)
His real name was Chitrarath but he got famous with the name Rompaad. He was the king of Ang Desh. He was a very good friend of Raajaa Dashrath. He didn't have any child so Dashrath gave his daughter Shaantaa to him. This Shaantaa was married to Rishyashring Rishi who helped Dashrath to get sons later.

Rukminee   (People-Women)

Rumaa  (Others)
Rumaa is the wife of Sugreev. Baali took her at the time of banishing him from his kingdom.

Sagar, Raajaa

Sahastraarjun  (People-Men)

Sampaati  (Others)

Satyavatee  (People Women)

Seetaa  (People-Women)

Shabaree  (People-Women)
Shabaree was a woman from Bheel tribe (a very low tribe of India living on prey). She was a great Bhakt (devotee) of Raam. She used to work in Matang Muni's Aashram.  When Matang Muni left for Swarg, he told her to stay back in Dandak Van and wait for Raam's Darshan.She was getting old waiting for Him. When He came to her Aashram, searching for Seetaa, she served them with wild berries. The story goes like this that she tasted every berry before serving them to Raam to ensure that they were all sweet. This story, however, is neither in Vaalmeeki Raamaayan, nor in Tulasee's Raam Charit Maanas.

Shakuni  (People-Men)

Shantanu, Raajaa (People-Men)

Shibi, Raajaa  (People-Men)

Shishupaal  (People-Men)

Shakuntalaa  (People-Women)

Shoorpankhaa  (Raakshas)

Shukraachaarya Jee  (Rishi)

Sudaamaa  (Rishi)

Sudeshnaa  (People-Women)
Queen Sudeshnaa was the wife of Matsya Desh's king Viraat. Draupadee worked as Sairandhree (personal maid) in her service for her one year of Agyaatvaas. During this period her brother Keechak got attracted to Draupadee and even after being warned by Draupadee, she sent her to her brother. Draupadee told everything Bheem, they planned and Bheem killed Keechak.

Sugreev (Others)

Taaraa (Others)

Taarak Asur (Raakshas)

Taadakaa  (Raakshas)
There was a Raakshas named Sund. Taadakaa was his daughter. Agastya Muni gave Sund Shaap so he died. At this Taadakaa got very angry and she started troubling Muni living in Agastya Muni's Aashram. Maareech was her son. She came to Vishwaamitra's Aashram also to disturb his Yagya for which he had to go to Dashrath and bring Raam and Lakshman from there. Ram killed her there.

Vaalmeeki Jee (Rishi)

Vashishth Jee (Rishi)

Ved Vyaas Jee (Rishi)

Vibheeshan (Raakshas)

Vichitraveerya  (People-Men)
Vichitraveerya was one of the two sons of king Shantanu and Satyavatee. Their another son was Chitraangad. When Shantanu died Chitraangad was installed as king but he soon was killed in a fight with a Gandharv of the same name as hism on a trivial matter. After Chitraangad died Bheeshm installed Vichitraveerya as the king of Hastinaapur. He married him to two Kaashee's princesses Ambikaa and Ambaalikaa. Soon he was so much indulged in them that he caught a disease and died soon childless. Then Satyavatee had to call Maharshi Vyaas and he produced two sons from two of them - the blind Dhritraashtra and Paandu.

Vidur Jee (People-Men)

Viraat, Raajaa   (People-Men)
Raajaa Viraat was the Raajaa of Viraat Desh (Matsya Desh). His capital was Viraat Nagar. His wife's name was Sudeshnaa. He had five children - four sons and a daughter. His elder sons' names were Shankh and Shwet and the youngest son's name was Bhoominjaya He was better known as Uttar Kumaar. He had one son more named as Vabhru and his daughter's name was Uttaraa. Uttaraa was married to Abhimanyu - Arjun and Subhadraa's son. There was Sudeshnaa's brother named Keechak who was very mighty. He had full control on Viraat Desh. Raajaa Viraat could not do anything against Keechak's will. Paandav spent their one year period of Agyaatvaas in Viraat Nagar only. When Keechak misbehaved with Draupadee, and she complained about it, Raajaa Viraat didn't speak anything. Then only Bheem killed him.

Virochan   (Raakshas)
Virochan was the son of great devotee of Naaraayan: Prahlaad; and the grandson of Hiranyakashyap. His son was Raajaa Bali who donated Trilok to Vishnu. And Bali's son was Baanaasur whose daughter was Ooshaa who was married to Krishn's grandson Aniruddh.

Vishwaamitra Jee   (Rishi)

Vishwakarmaa   (Devtaa)

Vrikaasur  (Raakshas)

Yudhishthir   (People-Men)

Yuyutsu   (People-Men)
Yuyutsu was the half brother (step brother) of Duryodhan. He was the son of Dhritraashtra from a Vaishya handmaid. He was the only one from Duryodhan's family and well wishers who was against Duryodhan's actions. He did not fight from Duryodhan's side but from Paandav's side. Before war, he tried his best to explain Duryodhan not to quarrel with Paandav but Duryodhan wouldn't listen to anybody. When Paandav left the world, YUdhishthir installed him as the king of Indraprasth.





  Index - A-M

Created by Sushma Gupta On 5/27/04
Modified on 03/06/07