
People - Women 



Ambikaa and Ambaalikaa

Ambikaa and Ambaalikaa were the two younger daughters among three daughters of Kaashee Raaj of Kaashee. The eldest one was Ambaa. When the three sisters grew up, Raajaa organized their Swayamvar, but did not invite Hastinaapur king because of his enmity from his sister's time. His Kul Guru tried to explain him in many ways but he didn't listen to him. Raajaa was very angry with them because Raajaa Shantanu ignored his sister's marriage proposal to Bheeshm.

When Bheeshm heard about this Swayamvar, he considered this his insult, so he immediately came there and kidnapped the three princesses saying - "I am Bheeshm, I am representing Hastinaapur kingdom. I am taking them for my nephew. For a long time Kaashee's princesses have been married in Hastinaapur royal families, so by organizing this Swayamvar Kaashee Naresh has insulted us." And he got off with those princesses. Since Ambaa loved Shaalv Kumaar, he followed them for some distance and even faced Bheeshm but that was his childishness. He was defeated soon and came back. 

Ambaa told this to Satyavatee so Satyavatee sent her back to Shaalv Kumaar. But Shaalv Kumaar didn't accept her as he felt embarrassed. Then Ambaa came back to Hastinaapur and asked for justice to choose Bheeshm as her husband. But Bheeshm could not have married her at any cost. Although he was not at fault, but still Ambaa was so angry that she said to him - "Whether I have to take several births but I will take revenge of my insult." and went away. And Ambikaa and Ambaalikaa were married to Satyavatee's son Vichitraveerya.

Their Children

After some time Vichitraveerya died childless with a brief illness caused by tuberculosis. Now Satyavatee got seriously worried. She first requested Bheeshm to produce children from Ambikaa and Ambaalikaa, but Bheeshm was firm on his vow. 

Then Satyavatee remembered her eldest son from Maharshi Paraashar - Maharshi Ved Vyaas and requested him to produce children from them according to Dharm. Vyaas Jee said - "Maa, I just came here as you called me. I was doing Tapasyaa. Give me one year time so that I  can be presentable to them. Because I am not ready for them now." Satyavatee told him that she didn't have time.

So Vyaas Jee agreed to his mother and asked her to send them to him. Satyavatee first sent Ambikaa to him. As Ambikaa saw him she closed her eyes out of fear and shame. Vyaas Jee said to his mother - "Maa, As she saw me, she closed her eyes, so she will give birth to a blind son." Satyavatee got very sad hearing this. Then she sent Ambaalikaa to Vyaas Jee. When she saw him she did not close her eyes though, but she grew yellow in color. Vyaas Jee told his mother that since she got yellow after seeing him she would have a son who would be of yellow color, and won't keep good health.

Satyavatee was not satisfied with this outcome, so she said - "Putra, Give me one more chance." She again went to Ambikaa and asked her to go to Vyaas Jee, the second time. But she was very much scared, she tried to send her sister but she also refused to go to him. Then Ambikaa sent her trusted maid to him. The maid felt very fortunate and was very happy to see him. Vyaas Jee said to his mother - "This time she didn't come herself but sent her maid to me. She was very happy to see me. She will give birth to a perfect boy - a very religious, righteous, and dutiful son. Whoever two princes he will serve they will have their own place in history of Bhaarat." Ved Vyaas Jee went to his Aashram, and Satyavatee got sad on her fate.

According to Vyaas Jee Ambikaa gave birth to a blind boy Dhritraashtra, Ambaalikaa gave birth to a yellow boy Paandu and the maid-servant gave birth to a righteous son Vidur.

Later, just before Mahaabhaarat war occurred , Vyaas Jee came to Hastinaapur and took the three women - Satyavatee, Ambikaa and Ambaalikaa,  to his Aashram saying "Now whatever is going to happen here, you will not be able to see it, so come with me."






Created by Sushma Gupta On 5/27/04
Modified on 10/24/04