Female muscle worship

To say the least, this is a real no-no with the Drug Enforcement Agency, even moreso than possession or importing, both of which are already quite serious crimes. female muscle worship Anabolic steroids sports. Therefore I cannot recommend manufacturing esters of diol prohormones, but for the sake of completeness in an article on steroid esters, I thought I would mention how they can be made and what the difficulties are. Can we make esters of Winstrol, Dianabol, etc. , for injection?While there are a number of interesting oral steroids that, at first glance, would be appealing candidates for making esters, in fact there are very good reasons why no such products are available. female muscle worship Sample-steroid-stacks. Indeed, there are absolutely no 17-alkylated steroid esters on the market. First, they would be difficult to synthesize. The 17-methyl group which works to block liver enzymes from reacting with the steroid molecule will also hinder the material one would use to make the ester from reacting with the steroid. female muscle worship Strongest-legal-steroid. More seriously, there is the fact that a 17-methyl would also block enzymes in the body from hydrolyzing (removing) the ester, which would be necessary to yield the active steroid. So I do not expect that you will ever see esters of Winstrol, Dianabol, or any 17-alkylated steroid on the market, and don't recommend that anyone try making them. They would probably be inactive, or if they have any activity, it would be very low. Summary, and Practical ImplicationsShorter chain esters must be injected more frequently than longer chain esters if consistent blood levels are desired. Consistent blood levels probably lead to the greatest efficiency of use for the drug and the highest anabolic/androgenic ratio. The activity of long chain esters can be mimicked by frequent administration of short chain esters. While it has been alleged popularly that some esters aromatize more than others, there is no support for this in the scientific literature, and the concept makes relatively little sense since the ester itself is very far removed from the site of reaction of aromatization. The claims in this area seem flawed: for example, in World Anabolic Review 1996, the text makes plain that the comparison being made is between a weekly dose of 350 mg of testosterone propionate vs. a weekly dose of over a gram of testosterone enanthate or other long chain esters. While it is surely true that, as they say, side effects of the latter will be more pronounced than those of the former, it is unreasonable to attribute this difference to the ester used. All testosterone drugs aromatize, and if estrogenic effects are not desired, then anti- estrogenic agents should be used for any of the esters and in the same manner, regardless of the ester used. While the theory of the effects of esterification of steroids is interesting and somewhat complicated, the practical implications are simple. Differences between parent drugs are far more important than differences between esters of the same drug. And if the ester is different, the key difference to the bodybuilder is in half-life of the drug. Longer half-lives add convenience, and shorter-half lives allow the drug to exit the body more quickly.

Female muscle worship

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