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Australian Pioneer Families

Families featured on this page
George James Neille, Peter Nelson, Patrick Nevins, William Newcombe,
James Newman, John Nichols, Jane Nicholson, John Nolan,


Possible clue is George James Nile Christening: 29 Mar 1840 at Cannock, Stafford, England son of Anne and George Nile
George James Newill born to June 1840, registered at Portsea Island in the county of Hampshire

George James Neille from Oxford wed 1864 #1026 to Sarah Ann Everitt 1838 - 1864 #1275 aged 26 daughter of James Everett, after two daughters were registered, and just before she and her new daughter both died
Eliza Harris nee Murch wed 1877 #2974 to George James Neille. Eliza Murch 1838 - 1921 #13102 aged 83, daughter of John Murch died at Camberwell.
Eliza Murch wed 1860 #3231 to John Harris and 5 called John Harris died between 1863 and 1868

3 Children
of Sarah
1. Alice Neille 1860 #9647
2. Annie Eleanor Neille 1862 #9297 lived 1 year
3. Sophia Neille 1864 #3327 lived 3 days
7 Children
of Eliza
4. Elizabeth Ann Harris 1863 #5584
5. Harry Neille 1870 #6831 lived 11 months
6. William Neille 1872 #13890
7. Edith Constance Neille 1874 #19601 mother Everett
8. Mabel Rose Neille 1876 #26221 lived 4 months, mother Everett
9. Alfred Neille 1878 #11952 mother Everett
10. Charles Arthur Neille 1883 #5620 mother Murch
1. Alice Neille 1860 #9647 - 1929 #2544 aged 68, wed 1883 #3763 to Thomas Budgen Jenner 1858 #12261 born at Geelong, 6 children
5. William Neille 1872 #13890 - 1925 #6179 aged 54, wed 1892 #5212 to Sarah Smith 1870 - 1937 #6660 aged 67, daughter of Sarah and John Smith died at Brunswick
7 Children 1. Edith Constance Neille 1893 #12603
2. Mabel Rose Neille 1894 #18380
3. Dorothy Jane Neille 1896 #17667
4. Wm Jno Lawrence Neille 1900 #9080
5. Thelma Ivy Irene Neille 1903 #23659
6. Leslie Geo Neille 1907 #13767
7. Fred Keith Neille 1913 #1133
3. Dorothy Jean Neille 1896 #17667 wed 1920 to Edward James Akers 1898
6. Edith Constance Neille 1874 #19601 wed c1894 to Joseph Airedale Sugden 1870 #1051, lived at Brunswick then at Kerang
3 children 1. Fred Stanley Neille 1890 #20325 - 1890 #14914 lived 4 months
2. Olive Dorrie Sugden 1895 #27276
3. Percy Airedale Sugden 1898 #4206


Peter Nelson wed 1861 #76 to Emily Hunt and lived at Maldon
7 Children 1. Christina Ann Nelson 1862 #14913
2. George Meeker Nelson 1864 #22984
3. Carl Nelson 1867 #16109
4. Johannah Nelson 1870 #16886
5. Peter Philinger Nelson 1873 #3450
6. Emily Nelson 1877 #10010
7. Sarah Harriet Nelson 1881 #10717
5. Peter Philinger Nelson 1873 #3450 wed 1909 #3707 to Elizth Bertha Wirth 1876 #10476, born at Lockwood


Patrick Nevins 1813 - 1885 #12621 aged 72, parents unknown, came c1856 with Bridget Toohey 1825 - 1901 #6232 aged 76 parents unknown, and children, and lived at Kyneton
6 Children 1. Margaret Nevins 1842 - 1857 #5046 aged 15
2. Thos Hy Nevins 1854 - 1940 #22168 aged 86
3. Mary Ann Nevins 1856 - 1933 #18156 aged 77
4. Wm Nevins 1857 - 1951 #5575 aged 94
5. Patrick Nevins 1863 - 1920 #6514 aged 57
6. Michl Fran Nevins 1864 - 1937 #18403 aged 73
2. Thomas Henry Nevins 1854 - 1940 #22168 aged 86, wed 1882 #2179 to Mary Ellen Newman 1858 and lived at Maldon
8 Children 1. Ada Madaline Nevins 1884 #18301
2. Fredrick Nevins 1886 #4172 - 1966 #3454 aged 80
3. Eveline Mary Nevins 1888 #4417 lived 2 years
4. Ellen Gertrude Nevins 1890 #5213
5. Mary Eveline Nevins 1894 #22990
6. Thos Hy Nevins 1896 #20796
7. Jno Francis Nevins 1898 #19638 - 1973 #24642 aged 75
8. Veronica Nevins 1900 #19741 lived 1 year
6. Michael Francis Nevins 1864 - 1937 #18403 aged 73, wed 1897 #2843 to Mary Ann Oconnor 1869 #16410 - 1955 #18973 aged 86, born and died at Kyneton
8 Children 1. Kevin Nevins 1897 #22210
2. Veronica Nevins 1900 #10958
3. Eveline Nevins 1902 #11571
4. Robert Leo Nevins 1903 #26745
5. Mary Josephine Nevins 1905 #19400
6. Gerald Bernard Nevins 1907 #19979
7. Hugh Stanislaus Nevins 1910 #12508
8. John Fran Nevins 1912 #21759


From on Tue, 20 Jan 2004

Dear Elizabeth,

The tree of the Newcombe family who married into the Downer family with your Jessop connections, is per the attached file.

Converted into the Newcombe page here
The Jessop page is for Samuel Jessop born in Ireland wed 1863 to Esther Coote

This Newcombe tree (below) also descends from a William Newcombe, whom I believe was born in Bulkworthy, Devon, as the son of Henry Heal Newcombe & Mary Moore.

Cheers, Ross

William Newcombe wed 1854 #484 to Ellen Higgins and lived at Winchelsea
8 Children 1. Mary Ann Newcombe 1857 #2492
2. Emma Newcombe 1859 #8323
3. Ellen Eliza Newcombe 1862 #24213
4. George Newcombe 1866 #18740 lived 4 years
5. Will Henry Newcombe 1868 #20485
6. Amelia Elizabeth Newcombe 1871 #6343
7. Robt John Thos Newcombe 1873 #27960
8. Fanny Agnes Newcombe 1876 #6193
1. Mary Ann Newcombe 1857 #2492 wed 1876 #4477 to Ambrose William Rayner from Tasmania, and lived at Winchelsea
5 children 1. Sarah Maude Rayner 1880 #5778
2. Ilath May Rayner 1881 #20501
3. Winnie Elizth Amelia Rayner 1884 #6458
4. Elsie Mabel Rayner 1886 #14859
5. Ella Ilda Rayner 1888 #34474
2. Emma Newcombe 1859 #8323 wed 1882 #5057 to John Nathaniel Bennett 1857 #6356 son of Elizabeth Gooding and Charles Bassett Bennett born at Geelong, 3 chn
5. Will Henry Newcombe 1868 #20485 - 1953 #23949 aged 85 died at Winchelsea, wed 1896 #5833 to Agnus Esther Caldon 1873 #20637 - 1948 #20185 aged 74, daughter of Margaret Mitchell and William Caldon died at Birragulla, lived at Winchelsea
1 child 1. Rupert Wm Newcombe 1897 #15515
6. Amelia Elizabeth Newcombe 1871 #6343 wed 1897 #94 to Jno Jos Collins
7. Robt John Thos Newcombe 1873 #27960 wed 1904 #6354R to Ada Lavina Stephenson 1875 #26671 - 1959 #25527 aged 84 born at Winchelsea
2 children 1. Sheilah Elizth Ellen Newcombe 1909 #7289
2. Cherub Eunice Newcombe 1911 #7886
8. Fanny Newcombe 1876 #6193 daughter of William Newcombe and Ellen Higgins wed c1900 to John Michael Shinner 1875


Marriages Jun 1843 - James Newman and Charlotte Sivier at Midhurst Vol 7 page 551. The district Midhurst spans the boundaries of the counties of Hampshire and Sussex

James Newman 31 came Feb 1854 on the Medway with Charlotte Sivioner (Sivyer, Siviour) 27, and 4 chn as part of 239 Assisted British Immigrants, and lived at Kilmore

5 Children 1. Eliza Newman 10 - c1845
2. Sarah Newman 8 - c1847
3. Thomas Newman 6 - c1849
4. James Newman 1 - c1853
5. Selina Newman 1857 #16366
6. Fanny Newman 1859 #20609
7. William Newman 1862 #8900
8. Joseph Newman 1864 #9234
9. Robert Andrew Newman 1867 #8821
5. Selina Newman 1857 #16366 wed 1874 #2296 to John Robert King
6. Fanny Newman 1859 #20609 - 1931 #6426 aged 72, wed 1880 #4114 to Charles James Pidgeon 1859 - 1930 #6670 aged 75, son of Agnes Sims and Charles James Pidgeon from Adelaide and lived at Moor (could be Moorabbin, Moora, etc)
5 children 1. Selina Florence Pidgeon 1881 #11061
2. Violet Agnes Pidgeon 1883 #4207
3. Annie Louise Pidgeon 1885 #4639
4. James Chas Leopold Pidgeon 1887 #30460 - 1952 #21792 aged 65
5. Jno Robt Franklin Pidgeon 1891 #15293
6. Wm Hopetoun Pidgeon 1895 #23077 - 1941 #8470 aged 41
7. Muriel Vic Pidgeon 1901 #21143


John Nichols - Nichols Point at Mildura is named after him.
John Nichols c1829 - 8 Mar 1914 wed 20 Feb 1853 to Mary Middleton 20 May 1835 - 5 Dec 1920, died at Mildura, daughter of George Middleton and Mary Lynch and came to Port Adelaide, South Australia 1837 on the Coromandel, which left London 1 Sep 1837 and arrived at Holdfast Bay 12 Jan 1837 and was 1st migrant ship after proclamation of the province. See Coromandel passenger list includes George Middleton and wife Margaret Hayes, Ann Middleton, Mary Middleton.
Their children were born at Moorna via Wentworth, NSW
12 children 1. John George Nichols 1855 - 1929
2. Mary Nichols 1857
3. Emily Jane Nichols 1859 - 1941
4. Margaret Coromandle Nichols 1862
5. Eliza Fanny Nichols 1864 - 1917
6. Henry Thomas Nichols 1866 - 1948
7. Adelaide Nichols 1868 - 1946
8. Randolf Edward Nichols 1871 - 1941
9. Violet Nichols 29 Jul 1873 - 16 Mar 1874
10. Maude Mary Nichols 1874 - 1925
11. Fanny Ada Nichols 1877 - 1948
12. George Nichols 4 Apr 1881 - 23 Aug 1935
1. John George Nichols 26 Nov 1855 - 3 Dec 1929 wed 14 Oct 1884 at Moorna Station, Wentworth to Isabella Cameron 27 May 1860 - 1 Feb 1929, daughter of Helen Anderson and Alexander Cameron of Saltoun, Scotland
9 children 1. John Henry Nichols 1885 - 18 Feb 1941
2. M Alexander Cameron Nichols
3. M George Donovan Nichols
4. M Arthur William Nichols
5. F Ruby Helen Nichols 18 Aug 1892 - 11 Dec 1967 born in Wentworth, N.S.W. died in Caulfield, Vic
6. M Andrew Mildura Nichols
7. M Leslie Murray Nichols
8. F Daniel Albert Nichols 16 Mar 1900 - 4 Dec 1955 born in Wentworth, died in Sydney, N.S.W. Daniel was employed as postman.
9. F Esther Moorna Nichols

1. John Henry Nichols 1885 - 18 Feb 1941 wed 27 Oct 1910 to Eleanor Florence Gough
1 child 1. John Hamilton Cameron Nichols 16 Apr 1911 in Wentworth, N.S.W., Australia. He died on 2 Jun 1945 in Papua New Guinea. He was buried in Lae War Cemetery, Papua New Guinea. He married Mary Helene.
2. Mary Nichols 20 Jun 1857 wed 14 Mar 1878 to James William Davies, and then 31 Mar 1880 to James William Coombes
12 children 1. Mary Jane Davies 1879
2. F Ethel Coombs
3. F Lionel Elmore Coombs was born on 9 Sep 1882 in Ral Ral, S.A. She died in 1946.
4. F Winifred Una Coombs
5. M Herbert Marmaduke Coombs was born on 15 Jun 1886 in Qld. He died on 26 Jul 1886 in Qld,
6. M Thomas Oliver Coombs was born on 26 May 1887 in Qld. He died in 1939.
7. M James L Coombs was born in 1889 in Milparinka, N.S.W. He died in 1890 in Milparinka, N.S.W.
8. F Ariadne Coombs was born in 1892 in Tibooburra, N.S.W. She died unknown.
9. F Florrie Coombs
10. M John Richard Coombs was born in 1896 in Tibooburra, N.S.W. He died on 3 Aug 1947 in Toowoomba, Qld,
11. F Violet A Coombs was born in 1898 in Tibooburra, N.S.W. She died in 1899 in Tibooburra, N.S.W.
12. M Hughie James Coombs
3. Emily Jane Nichols 4 Jul 1859 - 29 Sep 1941 wed 24 Dec 1882 to William George Pike
4 children i Clara Nichols 1877 wed Isaac H Stevens in 1906 in Broken Hill, N.S.W.,
2. George Nichols (Pike)
3. John Hamilton Pike 22 Jul 1883 in Lake Victoria, N.S.W., christened on 14 Nov 1883, died unknown.
4. Henry Richard Pike
4. Margaret Coromandle Nichols 25 Feb 1862 wed 1882 to Henry Murphy and c1886 to Thomas Dugan
9 children 1. Maud M Murphy 1883 in Wilcannia
2. F Margaret Ann Dugan 9 Feb 1887 in Crystal Brook, S.A. She died unknown.
3. M Thomas Dugan 9 Sep 1889 in Crystal Brook, S.A. He died unknown.
4. F Ethel Jane Dugan 12 Feb 1892 in Crystal Brook, S.A. She died unknown.
5. F Mabel Mary Dugan 22 Nov 1894 in Crystal Brook, S.A. She died unknown.
6. M William James Dugan 16 May 1897 in Crystal Brook, S.A. He died unknown.
7. F Agnes Dugan 27 Jun 1900 in Crystal Brook, S.A. She died unknown.
8. F Linda Dugan 6 Oct 1902 in Crystal Brook, S.A. She died unknown.
9. F Irene Dugan 4 May 1906 in Merriton, S.A., died on 10 Feb 1912 in Merriton, S.A.
5. Eliza Fanny Nichols 21 Sep 1864 - 2 Mar 1917 wed 13 Dec 1880 to William Taylor Groat, lived at Wentworth when Ethel was registered
14 children 1. F Mary Taylor Groat
2. M William Thomas Fletcher Groat wed Maude E
3. M George Henry Groat 11 Jan 1886 in Ardrossan, S.A., died in Wentworth, N.S.W.
4. M John Andrew Groat Vic 1887 #25544 born at Axedale
5. F Ethel Maude I Groat NSW 1889 # 35471 born at Wentworth NSW
6. F Ada Betres Groat 1891 wed 1909 to Donald C Baird
7. F Adelaide Jane Groat 1893 wed 1914 to Edward T Cook
8. M Frederick James Groat
9. F Ruby Edith Groat 9 Jul 1899 - 8 Aug 1903 born in Mildura, Vic, died in Wentworth, N.S.W.
10. F Eva Kitty Mildura Groat 25 Jul 1901 in Mildura, Vic. She died unknown.
11. F Lilian May Groat 30 Nov 1902 - 16 Jan 1903 born in Mildura, Vic, died on in Wentworth, N.S.W.
12. F Louisa Wentworth Groat 7 May 1904 - 1905 in Wentworth, N.S.W.
13. F Janie Eliza Fanny Groat 13 Feb 1906 - 27 Feb 1906 in Wentworth, N.S.W.
14. M Gordon Francis James K Groat 24 Nov 1907 - 1908 in Wentworth, N.S.W.
6. Henry Thomas Nichols 25 Sep 1866 - 17 Jun 1948 wed 13 Apr 1892 to Christina Mary Rosenthal 21 Dec 1867 - 30 Oct 1895, born at Collingwood
2 children 1. F Moorna Mavis Nichols
2. M Adrian Murray Nichols
7. Adelaide Nichols 5 Nov 1868 - 16 Jan 1946 wed 18 May 1887 to Edmund James
8 children 1. F Violet Maud James 1888 - 1904 born in Wentworth, N.S.W. died in Mildura, Vic,
2. F Olive Mary James
3. F Dorothy Muriel James
4. F Ruby Ada James
5. F Ivy Oliver James
6. F Esther Margaret James 1896 - 1896 in Mildura, Vic.
7. F Lilian Esther James
8. M Edgar Oliver James
8. Randolf Edward Nichols 9 Apr 1871 - 8 Jul 1941 wed 29 Jul 1896 to Mary Johnston 7 Jul 1874 - 25 Jul 1965, family lived in Mildura, Victoria
8 children 1. F Mary Elless Nichols
2. F Ada Vera Nichols
3. F Gwendoline Middleton Nichols
4. F Millicent Hope Nichols 23 Apr 1903 - 26 Apr 1903
5. F Muriel Edith Nichols Mar 1907 - 18 Dec 1907
6. M Alfred John Nichols 13 Nov 1908 - 1980 died in Heidelberg, Vic
7. M George Johnston Nichols 12 Jun 1913 - 11 Sep 1977 died in Robinvale, Vic
8. M Lindsay Gordon Nichols 23 Aug 1915 - 4 Mar 1964
10. Maude Mary Nichols 1874 - 1925 wed 21 June 1893 to Robert Ransom
11. Fanny Ada Nichols 2 Oct 1877 - 24 Dec 1948 wed in Wentworth, N.S.W. 6 Sep 1895 to Michael Joseph Edgar Downes and lived in Beechworth, Vic, Australia
1 child 1. Joseph Edgar Downes was born in 1896 - 1897 in Mildura, Vic.


Jane Nicholson 1846 - 2 Sep 1941 aged 95, and her younger sister Eliza came to Melbourne on the Corona, arriving 23 Feb 1869 and went to Laanecoorie where they worked with their brother William John Nicholson.
Jane Nicholson married on 24 Aug 1876 to William Weymes, the son of Joseph, who was born 1833 near Hexham, Northumberland. He arrived in Melbourne on 31 Aug 1857 by the Ben Nevis.


John Nolan and Bridget Butler came c1868 and lived at Mt Prospect
10 Children 1. Mary Nolan 1869 #17597 lived 13 days
2. Ann Nolan 1871 #11081 lived 17 days
3. Margaret Nolan 1871 #11080 lived 13 days
4. Catherine Nolan 1872 #10922
5. Ellen Nolan 1876 #4228 lived 2 years
6. Johanna Nolan 1877 #23888
7. James Nolan 1880 #16387
8. Teresa Nolan 1883 #3206
9. Bridget Nolan 1884 #26455
10. Barbara Nolan 1887 #13425
9. Bridget Agnes Nolan 1884 #26455 - 1958 #26482 aged 64, daughter of Bridget Butler and John Nolan, wed 1915 to Perceval Frederick Unwin 1885 #3783, and lived at Camperdown, 3 Children

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