Lyrics and Poems

Tenesh Kelbe Lay
Please, leave my heart alon. Why don't you leave my heart
alone?. I want to be free like other human beings. Something
which I don't understand. What did I see that stung me so?
I have seen beyond beauties, but I have been stung still by your
love. Your love disarms me. Everything looks so nice on her.
Her beauty is misleading. I love the way you dance seksta,
shaking you lovely neck and shoulder. Saddle my horse, so
that I can ride to her and drink deep of the feast of her love.

Embwa Belew
I got the hill over yonder plowed. I got it sowed with tringo
and grapevine. Thieves made off with teh tringo harvest and I
am left with only the grapevine.
Let my greetings reach you. How are you? I miss the distict
Where you live. The distance is so vast, even if a man shouts,
he can't be heard.
Let's us call Atetegeb. [Woman's name meaning "One will never
tire of"-In Muluken's native region of Godjam, names are
often so full that, put together with father's or even
the grandfather's game, they form a veritable sentence.]It may rain, but the earth plants will never blossom without you. It's
a desert, dry as a bone, as long as you are not there.
Seen from afar,mountains goat look like people on their way to a
wedding. How are you Lops, the bodyguard of your teeth? They say that you are sick. Let God not deny you a visitor. I too am sick. I will get better when you get better.

Hedetch Alu
They say she has gone. Last night I went to your
house, I left my heart, and came away only with my
voice(my lungs). I wish I were the earth in your
courtyard, to thrill at least beneath your footsteps.

Wetetie Mare
'My milk, my honey'. You are my milk, you are
my honey. Wait for me and I will make you my wife

Ete Edndenesh Gedawo
'How are you, heroine of my heart?(my killer,
she who annihilates me).

Only this part Chase me till I Catch You by: Alemush Zelalem


Walking over to my oral exams, the event that would mark my transition to fieldwork in Ethiopia, I was visited by a song that had slipped from my immediate horizons."IndeAdal Mechagna Sirezim Lelitu.....Ketef Yihen Gize Neber Medhanitu...." Muluken Melesse's tizita with its languid vocals evoked the day it had been released in Addis. My dad, in his intensity, had created a 90-minute cassette tape of this piece recorded back to back. He dashed around the room attempting to re-arrange the speakers on the outside porch with just the right effect for when my mom came driving in from work.

Now, a successful singer by her own right, she started by writing lyrics to the then established artists like Muluken Melesse.

Resource ame: Poet From: Eden
Comments: I cannot get these lyrics out of my mind. They are not mine (got them from an old song by Muluken Melesse). Gunchwa yemimesslew besal bertukan new Kenferwa menderin tinfashewa lommi new Fekir yazele ayenwa sikefet sikeden chimet yassabidal(drives mad) inkwan yewedede. Wednesday July 21st 1999 11:11

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Please leave me your comments and suggetions Sources interiews 1988-1998, le temps (28 Octomber1897 t 22 Mars 1898)Ager Feker Mahber Archives (yared Gebremichael, Yemtu Bezna Addis Ababa) 1966 H.patapan, L'Ethiopia modern et la colonie armenienne, 1930 federazione, September 1961 Music Magazine World Music of Magazine 1964, 1968, 1970 Ethiopia Amha Records