para el detalle, la sección correspondiente...
estado de Mérida (Venezuela) tiene éxitos en la lucha contra
los transgénicos, |
y medio ambiente en un mundo globalizado Desafíos para América
Latina y el Caribe, |
ciencia y la tecnología para el desarrollo. BID: documento de estrategia, |
respuesta muy personal sobre el boom de las artes digitales en México, |
corrupción salvadoreña, |
embajador de Perú ante la OEA firma Convención Interamericana, |
transformación y modernización de Centroamérica en
el siglo XXI, |
de la educación primaria y secundaria en América Latina y
el Caribe, |
prejuicios sobre sida en telenovelas latinas, |
móvil será el principal acceso a Internet en Latinoamérica, |
2000, Latin America and the Caribbean STD/AIDS, |
criminal y seguridad pública en América Latina: la situación
en Argentina, |
para el detalle, la sección correspondiente...
World Factbook The World Factbook is produced by CIA's Directorate of Intelligence.
The Factbook is a comprehensive resource of facts and statistics on more
than 250 countries and other entities. [Download]
In general, information available as of 1 January 2000 was used in the
preparation of this edition. "The World Factbook is prepared by the Central
Intelligence Agency for the use of US Government officials, and the style,
format, coverage, and content are designed to meet their specific requirements.
Information is provided by Antarctic Information Program (National Science
Foundation), Bureau of the Census (Department of Commerce), Bureau of Labor
Statistics (Department of Labor), Central Intelligence Agency, Council
of Managers of National Antarctic Programs, Defense Intelligence Agency
(Department of Defense), Department of State, Fish and Wildlife Service
(Department of the Interior), Maritime Administration (Department of Transportation),
National Imagery and Mapping Agency (Department of Defense), Naval Facilities
Engineering Command (Department of Defense), Office of Insular Affairs
(Department of the Interior), Office of Naval Intelligence (Department
of Defense), US Board on Geographic Names (Department of the Interior),
and other public and private sources"
Latina en "Global Trends 2015: A Dialogue About the Future With Nongovernment
Experts Su publicación fue aprobada por The National Foreign
Intelligence Board bajo la dirección del Director of
Central Intelligence. Fue preparado bajo la dirección de National
Intelligence Council. Son seis los ejes temáticos. Tendencias regionales;
ganadores y límites de la globalización; cambios demográficos;
progresos y retrocesos de la democratización; crecimiento y brechas
regionales y creciente migración. |
2001 Washington, D.C. September 6-8, 2001 Deadline for submitting proposals
was. October 15, 2000 The Latin American Studies Association (LASA) is
the largest professional Association in the world for individuals and institutions
engaged in the study of Latin America. Welcome to the informational website
for the XXIII International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association. |
Empresarios y cambio institucional en América Latina Los estudiosos
de la Historia Económica Empresarial están convocados a participar
en el Simposio que sobre el tema de Empresarios y cambio institucional
en América Latina que se organiza en el marco del Congreso Mundial
de Latinoamericanistas y Caribólogos X Congreso de FIEALC . Este
evento tendrá lugar del 25 al 29 de junio de 2001 en la ciudad de
Moscú, Rusia. Los interesados favor de mandar sus propuestas a la
coordinadora del simposio: Dra.
María Eugenia Romero Ibarra |
Center for Latin American Studies at the University of Florida Rockefeller
Residential Fellowships in the Humanities The Center for Latin American
Studies at the University of Florida has been selected by the Rockefeller
Foundation to host a three-year program of Residential Fellowships in the
Humanities to encourage the study of religion, civil society, and globalization
in Latin America and Latino communities in the United States. During the
second year of the program (2001-2002), we will explore the theme “Religious
Pluralism, Democratization, and Citizenship.” We will examine the extent
to which different religious traditions foster the exercise of democratic
citizenship in both old and new democracies in the region, and contribute
to the articulation of participatory forms of collective identity. The
program is open primarily to junior scholars in the humanities and social
sciences, and nonacademic practitioners and artists. We will also consider
senior scholars who seek supplementary support from their host institutions
or from other independent funding sources. In addition to a stipend and
travel support, the Center will provide resident fellows with library privileges,
office space, and computer facilities. For more information on this exciting
opportunity or to request an application, please visit our web site at
www.latam.ufl.edu or contact the program director: Professor
Philip J. Williams |
of Maryland College Park - Latin American Studies Center Residential Fellowships
The Latin American Studies Center at the University of Maryland College
Park is pleased to announce a new competition for residential fellowships
to begin in Fall 2001. For the current competition, the Center will particularly
welcome proposals that address issues related to culture and democracy,
governance and civil society, literature and ethnicity, and migration studies.
Fellows are required to be in full-time residence at the University of
Maryland during the period of award. They will be asked to teach
a seminar within the unit appropriate to the Fellows' discipline. Resident
fellowships are limited to post-doctoral applicants (Ph.D. or equivalent).
Senior and junior scholars from any country are eligible. Applicants need
not have an academic affiliation. Two Fellows, one for Fall 2001 and a
second for Spring 2002, will be selected. Fellows will receive $20,000
for one semester. Applications for resident fellowships must include: 1)
the application form; 2) a description of the proposed research (2,500
words approximately) that defines the project to be carried out while in
residence; 3) samples of pertinent publications if available (non returnable);
4) curriculum vitae; 5) three letters of reference. For further information
and applications contact the Latin
American Studies Center, 4205 Jiménez Hall, University of Maryland,
College Park, MD 20742. Phone: (301) 405-6459 / Fax: (301) 405-3665 |
de Trabajo del SELA para 2001
Mundial de la Agricultura y la Alimentación
Estado de la inseguridad alimentaria en el mundo: 2000
del Comercio Internacional 2000
Mundial sobre la Sociedad de la Información "
Education Report 2000
sobre el Desarrollo Mundial 2000/2001:
contra la Pobreza
Mundial de la Infancia 2001
Mundial: Estrategia Regional para el Trabajo con la Sociedad Civil en América
Latina y el Caribe
Europeas sobre América Latina
cooperativo de REDIAL
Economic Prospects Latin America and the Caribbean Recent developments
America Latina es un servicio de información dedicado, exclusivamente,
a dar seguimiento a lo que se publica en la red sobre América Latina.
Son varios los servicios que están disponibles. Si desea recibir
un resumen diario de la prensa latinoamericana acuda a http://inventariando.listbot.com
y siga las instrucciones. También recibirá, periódicamente,
información adicional. Si desea recibir un resumen diario de la
situación en Colombia puede suscribirse acudiendo a http://inventariandcolombia.listbot.com
Si desea recibir un resumen diario de la situación en México
puede suscribirse acudiendo a http://Inventariandomexico.listbot.com
Las Listas de Inventariando América Latina
son generadas, automaticamente, mediante Listbot, que permite que cada
subscriptor administre su propia subscripcion via www. Asi, Ud. mismo puede,
entre otras posibilidades, borrarse en cualquier momento de la lista y
modificar la direccion electronica donde quiere recibir
La Red. Los boletines son gratuitos. |