Monday, November 28th: A huge thankyou to everyone who came down last night to support I Killed The Prom

                                                                         Queen and others. All the bands played awesome, and thanks to Point Of You for

                                                                          filling in for Hijack The Hearse on such short notice. Sorry to whoever came only to

                                                                          see Hijack.


                                                                          At the moment we haven't got anymore shows lined up, but we have had an offer are

                                                                          at the moment finding a date, which will most likely be January 23rd. We will let you

                                                                          know more on this as it comes.


                                                                          Bind Torture Kill and Be9ine demo's are out, try and catch one from wherever, and

                                                                          Be9ine's E.P. 'The Lesser Of Two Evil's' will be out at around Christmas time i think.


                                                                          Carpathian's new E.P. should also be out around January 23rd. Definitely one to look

                                                                          out for after their amazing performance last night.

                                                                         _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _   


                                 Monday, November 15th: Thanks for everyone who came down last night, the Pelly Bar was over the legal limit,

                                                                          but don't tell anyone (shh). Well done to A Cold Kiss for playing their first and last

                                                                          show with their original line-up, and a huge well done to Kate for getting up there and

                                                                          singing for the guys. The whole room just stopped what they were doing and listened

                                                                          to her amazing voice. Keep it up!


                                                                          Unpaid Debt are playing at Somerville Mechanics Hall this Friday, starts at 6:30.


                                                                          I Killed The Prom Queen at the Pelly Bar is in under 2 weeks and counting.

                                                                          Things to bring: Money, Friends, Dancing Shoes.

                                                                          _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


                                Thursday, November 11th: October Myst are looking for a second guitarist. Leave a message on our guestbook

                                                                          or at for more info.


                                                                          Everyone make sure you come down and check out xWish For Wingsx this Sunday.

                                                                          Passes for I Killed The Prom Queen will be available afterwards. So come down

                                                                          and go nuts.


                                                                          Unpaid Debt at Somerville Mechanics Hall next Friday, November 19, also The

                                                                          Cupid Initiative's last show ever. They will be selling T-Shirts and CD's, don't miss out.