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Welcome to Sandi's Angels

Four Cats

Hi. My name is Sandi. This is my "Nine Lives" page... dedicated to cats and their fans. I hope you'll find what you are looking for here.

Whether you are a cat lover or an animal lover of any kind, you will find places here that are fun and worth investigating. For tips, hints and help, you'll find some of the best links here too.


BANDIT - Birthday - March 15, 96 - is a male Maine Coon. At the age of 4 he will be full grown. He is about 17 lbs now and is 3 years old. I got him when he was about 6 months old. He had no home and after a couple of days of trying to find a home for him I got attached to him. It took months for the other 3 cats to accept him. There was always little fights and there still is. The Maine Coon cats are somewhere between being a cat and being a dog. Everytime someone comes to the door he sits at the door and waits for me to answer. Everyone coming in has to pet him and he paws you til you pet him and if you stop he will paw you again. Bandit loves playing with pompom toys. He throws them up in the air and then jumps for them. He is very good at amusing himself .


PEACHES - Birthday May 12 ' 95 - is a 4 year old male Tom Cat. I have had Peaches since he was about 7 weeks old. He seems to be the "ancient" one at the moment. The "cat dancers" are his favorite toy. He still gets in a good chase every once in a while as well.


Cream - Birthday - May 22, '95 - is my only female and she is just a white domestic shorthair - 4 years old as well. . She has a full time job watch the three boys at all times - they are always up to something and she seems to somehow always get in the middle of everything going on. She doesnt bother much with toys - just likes her tummy rubbed.


SMOKEY - Birthday- June 10 ' 96 - is a male part Siamese part mystery - 3 years old. I call him my lion. He has that swing like the wild cats when he walks and he stalks everything. The growls that come out of him when he is mad or upset is just like the jungle noises you can hear on the computer. Smokey is my vocal cat - he carries on quite a conversation quite often but I havent been able to understand a lot of it so I just listen and answer anyway. Smokey loves to play fetch. He gets the toy and dunks it in the drinking water and then brings it to me dripping and throws it on my lap for me to play with him. First couple of times playing fetch scared me half to death but I am getting better with it now. (All these things come easier with practice).

Considering the mixture of cats I have they all get on very well. The cats have watched the dogs follow me around so they do it too. So when I get up to get a drink - 6 little bodies are in the kitchen with me waiting for me to get a drink. We have just made it through our first "rutting" season and all survived. My male cats were fighting for dominance. I am not sure whether I came out the winner or not but I was supposed to show them I was boss not any of them. Things have quietened down again so hopefully there is no more of that til next spring. I have that to look forward to every April and May for mating season - thank god for drugs.

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