The Great

World Hockey Association


Founded: The World Hockey Association became officially a league when co-founders Gary L. Davidson and Dennis A. Murphy signed the articles of Incorporation in a Delaware courthouse on June 10, 1971.

The World Hockey Association was formed in April of 1971, by Dennis A. Murphy and Gary L. Davidson. This league would be the first major pro hockey league to rival the NHL in 55 years. The NHL Thought nothing of the new league till the Winnipeg Jets signed Bobby Hull to a million dollar contract. The new league attacked the NHL rosters by paying players more money then the older league. The WHA had a simple game plan. It was to establish teams far from NHL cities and in the media centers like New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles.

I will never understand how such an educated, experienced, and intelligent man as (NHL Commissioner) Clarence Campbell underestimated us (the WHA) so badly." -Gary Davidson

In the summer of 1971 the league was looking for owners and arenas to host teams. After several meetings on the west coast and a few in Chicago the WHA announced in New York City at the Americana hotel that 10 teams would be added. This news happened on Nov, 1 1971 and the 10 franchises were Edmonton, Calgary, New York , Winnipeg, Chicago, St.Paul, Miami, Dayton(Ohio), Los Angeles and San Fransisco. Later on that month on November 21st the WHA granted two more franchises, one in the New England area (later settled in Boston) and the other in Ontario, Canada (later settled in Ottawa).

With the WHA expanding into New York City the NHL knew they had to put a few new teams to counter the new league.In 1972 the NHL added teams in Atlanta and Long Island. The WHA's New York franchise was upset at the news because the new Nassau Coliseum would house the Long Island NHL franchise. The Atlanta franchise was added to counter the WHA's addition of Miami.

With all this happening in New York City several teams moved before the inaugural season. The Calgary Broncos moved to Cleveland, The Miami Screaming Eagles moved to Philadelphia, the San Francisco SeaHawks moved to Quebec and the Dayton Aeros moved to Houston. After several early problems the WHA was ready to play with not this tim with a black puck but with RED and BLUE ones.


  • WHA Uniforms
  • WHA Team Logos
    Year by Year Standings
  • Year by Year Playoff Results
    Avco World Trophy
    WHA All-Star Games
    Year by Year WHA Player Awards
    1972 General Player Draft
    Top 50 WHA Players in History
    WHA vs NHL Exhibition Games
    WHA-NHL Connections in 2001
    What did the Future bring for the WHA?

    Everyone should give some thanks too Bobby Hull, J.C. Tremblay, Gerry Cheevers, Derek Sanderson, Bernie Parent, Ted Green, and John McKenzie for giving the league instant creditbility. Also give thanks to Gary Davidson, Dennis Murphy, Bill Hunter and Ben Hatskin for getting the league on its feet.

    First WHA game

    Ottawa Journal Ad for the Season Opener

    The first WHA puck dropped on October 11,1972 at the Ottawa Civic Centre. Also, that night the first WHA goal was scored by Alberta's Rob Anderson.Hours later the Quebec Nordiques travelled south to play the Cleveland Crusaders. The Crusaders won 2-0!

    Check out Other Firsts

    WHA Team Histories

    Alberta Oilers Baltimore Blades Birmingham Bulls Calgary Cowboys Chicago Cougars Cincinnati Stingers Cleveland Crusaders Denver Spurs Edmonton Oilers Houston Aeros Indianapolis Racers Jersey Knights Los Angeles Sharks Michigan Stags Minnesota Fighting Saints Minnesota (new) Fighting Saints New England Whalers New York Golden Blades New York Raiders Ottawa Civics Ottawa Nationals Philadelphia Blazers Phoenix Roadrunners Quebec Nordiques San Diego Mariners Toronto Toros Vancouver Blazers Winnipeg Jets

    Here's Information on the WHA charter clubs that never played a game!

    Calgary Broncos Dayton Aeros Miami Screaming Eagles San Francisco SeaHawks

    The WHA had to gain creditbility and to do this they participated in several International events. Also to attract some attention the WHA All-Stars played exhibition games versus Czech, Soviet and Scandanivan teams.

    1st picture is Ron Plumb of the Cincinnati Stingers looking to the side for the puck with a Soviet to his side. The second is a picture Rich Leduc chasing a Soviet player.

    1974 Canada vs Soviet Showdown

  • Interveiw with Former Vancouver Blazer BUD GULKA
  • The Hockey News article "Lacroix still misty about WHA".

  • Don't Forget About the WHA!

  • WHA News and Notes
  • Check out other WHA Homepages!
  • All Players Stats are from Ralph Slate's Internet Hockey Database
  • All Logos are from Ralph Slate's Hockey Logo Page.
  • Complete Historical and Statistical Reference to the WHA has great information on stats and teams, I recommend it too any WHA fan. -Error Corrections and Update Sheet
  • Check out these cool links pages.Pelland's Hockey Emporium and Frosty's Hockey World

    Interested in other defunct leagues? Check out the American Basketball Association (ABA), World Football League and the United States Football League (USFL).and Remember the USFL

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  • If there are any Question or Comments about this page E-mail me!

    Disclaimer:This page is for entertainment purpose only. It is no way associated with the World Hockey Association, or any of the teams that are listed on this page.

    I'd also like to thank Doug Seroy and Rae Hathaway ,Mike McDonald of Arizona, Jack Black of Ohio and everyone else who has helped for several photos and information


    Do you remember a particular WHA team or player? Contribute to my page by sending me an e-mail describing your favorite WHA memories. I also need WHA Photos.

    Looking for weird pictures and odd-ball information which made the WHA unique, for this

    The Late Great World Hockey Association
    Last Updated October 27, 2004 / Le 27 Octobre, 2004
    Web Page by Ryan Hoffman

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