The music you hear playing is "In The Still Of The Night" ------by the "Satins" ------ It was Julius and my favorite song------ I miss him so...



NOT-how did he die...
BUT-how did he live?
NOT-what did he gain...
BUT-what did he give?

These are the units to measure
the worth of a man as a man,
regardless of birth.

NOT-what was his station...
BUT-had he a heart?
AND-how did he play...
HIS GOD-given part?
Was he ever ready...
With a word of good cheer...
To bring back a smile...
Instead of a tear?



What Happened

Julius was my high school sweetheart.
We met at age 13, and at age 16 we ran away together. However, we were caught and the court system separated us. Then after 42 years, we had just found each other again...

One night four guys came into the house... During this home invasion, they murdered my love... They stabbed him in the heart, and he died there on the floor.
My heart died with him...

Through all those years we never stopped loving each other. I don't think I can ever get over this... So useless, they didn't get anything... He was such a giving and loving man... He would have given them anything they wanted

Our Story

Julius and I ran away in March of 1962.
When we were caught, he was sent back home
and I was sent to a foster home...
while there for about 3 months,
I discovered I was pregnant...
I was sent to Fairhaven in Sacramento
to have the baby.
I was 16 and no where to go,
so, I gave the baby girl up for adoption.
Afterwards, I was sent to my birth-mother in Virginia.
I returned to California 5 years later.
I tried to find Julius. No luck...

Then in 1998 (in October) I received a phone call.
The little girl I had adopted out had found me.
She informed me that she had found her dad, Julius, in August of 1998.
Julius had given her my name and told her that he still loved me.
I was his life, he said,
and he had never forgot about me.
I told my newfound daughter, Stacy,
that I felt the same and always had.
I told her that she was a baby born of love.
No one had even told Julius that I was pregnant.
He never dreamed he had a child,
so this was a big surprise for him.
An added surprise for both of us
was that we also had 5 grandkids, our first.

So I called Julius, when I got brave enough.
It was valentines day, 1999.
We were so glad to be back in touch,
and from that day on we were on the phone every day.
Then I moved down to be with him.
We picked up exactly where we had left off.
It was as if we had never been apart.
We cried together for the wasted years.

He still had my school picture on the wall.
In the short time we had together I learned two things.
First, I learned what love really is...
It is loving someone more than you love yourself.
And he made me feel so special.
He brought out the best in me.
I don't know how people go on without that kind of love.
I don't know why we settle for less.
I have been self-centered all my life
and how I lived like that I will never know.
Julius taught me what love really is.
And I will no longer settle for any thing less.

Secondly, he taught me how to show love and express love.
Something I have always been afraid to do since
I lost him the first time in 1962.
But through him I have been blessed
with a beautiful daughter and 5 grandkids.
I have something left of him,
and I am so grateful for that.
I look for him in our daughter and those grandkids....
I see him makes me so happy
and so sad at the same time.
Stacy and her children never came to know
what a really loving, funny,
caring and giving man he was....
But I am here to tell them...

I miss him so....
I miss the love. So rare today.

Please, sign Billie's Memorial guestbook.

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The painting is by artist, Teri Sodd and used with her permission.  The painting is
 cTeri Sodd