Cragon - Federation II


35 builds completed and with a treasury of over 60 megs promotion to the Resource level has been acheived.

Day one saw me complete 6 builds (3 housing, 2 atmos and 1 pollution) which should reduce the disaffection from 30% down to 15%. With the groats I had left over and what I could manage to earn there will be one more pollution build tomorrow.

Day 2 was spent doing the one polution build that I could afford. Besides hauling and adjusting my exchange the day was fairly uneventful.

Day 3 saw riots break out with disaffection at 10%. Some stock was lost but the biggest loss was 2 Megs from my treasury. It is not possible to continue with losses this great as megs are needed to build up a police force.

With only 5% disaffection my second riot wiped out my droids and hackers took 2 million groats from my personal bank account before they were stopped.

Friends like Djentsch, Silverhawk, Desaxman, Deus and many others came to my aid with a hauling party that took my exchange from a -18 to a +10 in about an hour. My second Police station was built with their help and the riots ended.

A small experiment was tried whereby I walked my biggest producers up to a stockpile of 10,000 tons with a 6% spread. When they reached that maximum I set the spread at 40% and lowered the stockpiles to 1,000. Unfortunately the experiment failed to produce the anticipated results as my Treasury only went from -65 to -18 and not into the black as I had hoped. Hauling out would seem to be my only hope to make a profit.

Hauling is a slow process and not much headway can be reported. It is very discouraging to work for hours with very little to show for it. My conclusion is that I got a bad roll on my exchange at Engineer and my exchange does not make a profit if any at all.

A change in tactics was called for since my Treasury was stuck around the -18 mark. I decided to concentrate more on deficits than hauling out and this seems to have paid off as I am now around -15 after only a few days. I still haul my surplus out but on the whole I fill more defs than hauling out and this seems to work better for me. Since reaching -11 in only a couple of days I decided to provide the following tips to make groats for your planet.

1. Do not increase stockpiles. Set max on defs to 200 and fill defs that are at -525 tons

2. Set your spread on deficits to 6% and fill them with 525 tons

3. Re-set your spread on deficits to 40% after filling them

4. Use the xfer command to transfer groats from your personal Treasury to your planet's Treasury.

5. Repeat steps 2 and 3 keeping in mind step 1

Latest up-to-date progress report on Cube's Treasury has it at -9.5. This is a gain of 8.5 megs in about a week using the 5 steps outlined above. That is a respectable gain and at this rate I can expect to be able to do my next build in about 2 weeks.

Response to my 5 easy step program has been interesting. Occy paid a visit to Cube and looked me up to offer his method for making a lot bigger profit by selling off stock instead of hauling in deficits. For some this may be the way to go, unfortunately, his plan was a bit too complicated for this ole country boy but if you are interested in making huge profits; Occy is the one to contact.

Aug. 5, 2007 will be the day I mark on my calendar as the day Cube got out of the red and into the black. The day started out at -1.5 and fell to -4.5 by the time I filled all my deficits. Of course by the time all defs get back to -525 tons I expect to be back in the black as I have already transferred 1.2 megs from my personal account to the planet.

Disaster struck on Aug. 24, 2007 and for 4 days Fed was down but not out and when it returned I found myself as a Groundhog once again. The shock of the experience left me too numb to type in this journal so there is a gap in my story at this point.

I went from Groundhog to Commander and then jumped forward to Founder and when I paid off my ship loan I was promoted to Mogul. Needless to say being a Mogul with a planet still at the Agricultural level was a strange experience. The Fed universe had gone completely mad.

When I awoke the next morning the first thing I did was to check my location which was on Castillo. Yes this was right, so next I checked to see what level I was at and to my great relief I was back at Founder with 42 builds and this was correct. My plan now is to wait for Factory Owners to get back to normal so I can complete my 3 housing builds and be an Engineer once again.

After some time away from writing in my journal I can report now that my 57th build has been completed. I have finally completed my Mining school and will now have to think hard about what my next build will be.

My most recent count has builds at 62 and I am now concentrating on Dole, Biodiversity and a Railway. Not much is happening to me in Fed these days as I am in and out rather quickly to sell my Gold and Crystals. I love those f-keys.

Sixty-six builds and counting. My f-keys now total 9 for trade and I am finding them extremely useful. If you are reading this and you own a planet perhaps we can trade. If so give me a shout.

With all the builds I have done so far consideration will have to be given soon to designing a new planet. It will not be long before I get the required 75 in order to promote.


I finally decided to promote after 57 builds. Little did I realize that I would have to spend 60 million groats not long after as my stockpile ate several million and I had to spend 20 million on builds since riots took place as my Dis shot up. As I write this my exchange is making some of what I lost but still need about 50 million before doing another build.

Some time has past and my build count has risen to 83. A quick check of the "ranks" command shows that I need 125 to promote and I am busy working on this. I might mention at this point that I have started designing my next planet but it is still a long way off until completion.

Latest news up-date has me applying for membership and being accepted into the Russia Cartel. Cube is now a proud member of that Cartel along with 14 other proud planets and the build count continues to rise.

Active Cartel members such as Royalsims and Meteu keeps the new cartel workboard full of jobs and of course as the PO of Cube I am doing my fair share.

Groundhog to Commander (Page 1)

Captain to Adventurer (Page 2)

Merchant to Trader (Page 3)

Industrialist to Manufacturer (Page 4)

Financier to Founder (Page 5)

Trading Page (Sol)

Federation II

Interesting Pictures

Page last updated Oct. 10, 2009