Referencias recomendadas

a) Libros

Clutter, J. L.; Fortson, J. C.; Pienaar, L. V.; Brister, G. H. y Bailey, R. L. 1992. Timber management: A quantitative approach. Krieger Publishing Co. EE.UU. 333 pp.

Davis, L. S., y Johnson K. N. 1987. Forest management. McGraw-Hill. New York, EE.UU. 790 pp.

Leuschner, W. 1992. Introduction to forest resource management. Krieger Publishing Co. EE.UU. 298 pp.

b) Artículos de revistas especializadas

Boychuk, D. y Martell, D. 1996. A multistage stochastic programming model for sustainable forest-level timber supply under risk of fire. Forest Science 42(1):10-26.

Johnson, K. N. y Scheurman, H. L. 1977. Techniques for prescribing optimal timber harvest and investment under different objetives--discussion and synthesis. Forest Science Monograph No. 18. 31 pp.

Manley, B.; Papps, S.; Threadgill, J. y Wakelin, S. 1991. Application of FOLPI. A linear programming estate modelling system for forest management planning. Forest Research Institute Bulletin No. 164. Rotorua, Nueva Zelandia. 14 pp.

Murray, A. T. y Church, R. L. 1996. Analyzing cliques for imposing adjacency restrictions in forest models. Forest Science 42(2):166-175.

Nautiyal, J. C. y Pearse P. H. 1967. Optimizing the conversion to sustained yield--a programming solution. Forest Science 13(2):131-139.

Weintraub, A. 1975. Modelos matemáticos en planificación forestal. Revista Ingeniería de Sistemas 1(2):39-60.

Preparado por:
Ricardo Gili