The year 1999, had been more than a bumpy ride.

The quake was the largest to hit Taiwan in over 100 years, with extensive and widespread damage to Promiseland’s insured property. The quake had inflicted severe damage to a few of its insured buildings.  Promiseland had sustained a heavy blow from the quake claim payment. The ultimate level of its insured
property damage amounted to approximately NT$ 9 billion.

In a little over a year, it was back in the black,
posting net earnings (premium income) of NT$ 42.79 billion for 2000, after a significant reduction of NT$ 21.6 billion premium income in the previous year.

Much of the revival has been attributed to his excellent risk management skills; a good reinsurance programme that he has arranged. Heavy reinsurance has significantly
reduced the potential loss exposure to NT$ 22,500,000.

The global reinsurance sector has booked the buck of the insurance losses incurred from the earthquake. Although Promiseland’s
insured losses were approximated to NT$ 14.2 billion, the level of retention appeared to be relatively low (about 15% of the losses).
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