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Trained at the U. S. Naval Academy, Pardee played a key role at Middle Creek, leading two companies of the 42nd Ohio in an assault on Moore’s 29th Virginia. Promoted to Lt. Colonel for his leadership during the Battle of Pound Gap, he also distinguished himself during the fights at Rogers Gap, Chickasaw Bayou, and Port Gibson.

Born in Wadsworth, Ohio in 1837, Don Albert Pardee spent his childhood doing chores on his father’s farm. When he turned fifteen, he was admitted to the U. S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland. In 1857, after completing two cruises on the U.S.S. Preble, he resigned his appointment in order to pursue a legal career.

Pardee established his law practice in Medina, Ohio, forming a partnership with Herman Canfield, a former state senator. In 1861, with war clouds gathering, he married his childhood sweetheart, Julia Hard of Wadsworth. When Lincoln called for volunteers, Pardee initially declined to enlist, citing his wife’s poor health. However, when the Union defeat at Bull Run raised questions about Northern cowardice, he applied for a commission. Through Canfield’s influence he was commissioned Major of the 44th Ohio Volunteer Infantry.

Garfield met Pardee at Camp Chase, where the various Ohio regiments were being organized. Recognizing Pardee’s ability, he pulled strings to get Pardee transferred to the 42nd Ohio. Garfield’s estimate of Pardee’s ability turned out to be accurate, and during the Sandy Valley campaign, Pardee rendered service that was conspicuous for its skill and bravery. At Pound Gap he led his men in a difficult ascent of Pine Mountain which successfully outflanked the enemy positon.

In November, 1862, after the 42nd Ohio was transferred to Sherman’s Corps, Colonel Lionel Sheldon was elevated to brigade commander and Pardee was promoted to Colonel and placed in command of the regiment. With Pardee leading the charge, the 42nd participated in Sherman’s disastrous assault on Chickasaw Bluffs, Mississippi, as well as the Union victory at Arkansas Post. During the later stages of the Vicksburg campaign, the regiment was attached to Grant’s command and saw action at Grand Gulf and Port Gibson. In the latter engagement Pardee led two dangerous assaults under heavy fire that resulted in seventy-five men of the regiment being killed or wounded.

Following Lee’s surrender, Pardee established a law practice in Carrollton, Louisiana. He subsequently served two terms as Judge of Louisiana’s Second Judicial District. He died in Atlanta, Georgia in 1919 and is buried in Woodlawn Cemetery in Wadsworth, Ohio.
Colonel Don A. Pardee
of the 42nd Ohio
Middle Creek
Samuel May House
Archive Main Page
Middle Creek Main Page
Why They Fought Here
The Opposing Commanders
The Confederate Waiting Game
The Artillery That Failed
The Union Command Post
The Confederate Command Post
The Union Assault
Monroe's Bayonet Charge
A Desperate Fight, But Few Casualties
The Mount Sterling-Pound Gap Road
The John M. Burns House
The Samuel May Farm
The Middle Creek Foundation
Colonel George W. Monroe
Colonel Ezekiel F. Clay
Colonel Lionel A. Sheldon
Colonel Hiram Hawkins
Colonel John S. Williams
Colonel Alfred C. Moore
Colonel George W. Gallup
Dr. Stephen M. Ferguson
Civil War
The Skirmish
at Abbott Shoal
Photo courtesy of Roger D. Hunt and
Jack R. Brown,
Brevet Brigadier Generals
in Blue (Olde Soldier Books, Inc., 1990)
Regimental colors
of the 42nd Ohio.
Courtesy of the
Ohio Historical