In loving memory of Ray Scudero, June 21, 1946 - December 3, 2005. For those who wish to pray for Ray, you can use his Hebrew name: Ariel David ben Sarah.

Listen to Ray’s Prayer

Ray’s Prayer

© August 2003 Joanna Katzen

Over the sunrise and into the dawn,
Pray to the sky that his memory live on.
Down through the valleys and up by the trees,
He fought the fight of his life.

And we sing our hope for the future.
Let us join now our hands as we rise up in song,
And we pray and we cry and we call out once more,
And we ask that his memory live on.

High noon has passed and the river flows on,
Tribute was paid as the legend lived on.
While tears paid some debts and apologies rained,
And the closest were pushed far away.


On to the sunset and into the dusk,
Onward he sailed though honest he must.
'Cause we never know of the length of our days,
Weigh careful the wake of your ways,
Yes, weigh careful the wake of your ways.


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