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Welcome to my first article on painting!

I will be covering the details and steps on how I have gone about, painting my Deathwing Terminators for my Dark Angel's Army.

I hope you will learn something new from this article. Remeber, if you have any comments, click here and tell me!

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  • Do not assemble the entire figure.
  • Remove all flash and mold lines from the figure.
  • Use a needle file of pen knife to remove mold lines.
  • Remember to be careful when using a knife.

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  • Undercoat the figure in white.
  • I used a spray can to achieve this.
  • You may off course use other methods.
  • Be sure not to obscure the details of the model.

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  • Base coat the figure in Bleached Bone (Citadel Paints).
  • Be sure not to obscure the details of the model.
  • This is to give the model the primary colour of the Deathwing Terminator.

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  • Next, I applied an ink of Scorched Brown (Citadel Paints).
  • To achieve this, I diluted the scorch brown with water.
  • The Diluted brown has the consistancy of milk.
  • I applied the ink to the entire model.
  • Take care to ensure the ink is applied to all the recesses.
  • This step is to achieve a shadowed effect by ensuring darker coloured paints are in the recesses..

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  • Next, I applied another layer of Bleached Bone (Citadel Paints).
  • To achieve this, used the technique called drybrushing.
  • Load the paint brush with a small amount of paint.
  • Draw the bristles across a piece of cloth until very little remain on the brush.
  • Very lightly draw the brush over the model. This will deposit a very light layer of paint on the raised parts.
  • This step is to return the model to the Deathwing colours of Bleached Bone, with out painting over the dark coloured paint in the recesses.
  • You achieve a shadow like effect on the model.

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  • Next, I applied a layer of Skull White (Citadel Paints).
  • To achieve this, used the technique called drybrushing.
  • This step is to highlight the model with a lighter colour then the Bleached Bone, with out painting over the dark coloured paint in the recesses.
  • This intensifies the shadow effect as well as highlighting effetect.
  • Moreoever I use drybrushing for 2 reasons.
    • It gives the Deathwing model a powdery effect that co-insides with fluff about the Deathwing, where they painted their armour white in reitual before they engaged the genestealer cult in suicidal combat. ( I will try to place this story on my site)
    • I do not know how to use the layering effect properly. (Once I have learnt how to do it properly, I would probably write an article on the subject ;) One for the future)

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  • Next, I apply the final details to the model.
  • I have added a few more shots for the finished model so that you can see the colours of the Deathwing for yourself.
  • Thanks for reading this far!!!
  • More painting guides to come in the future!!

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