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Tips & Trik :

Removing Font Hp

Removing fonts


As I already said, this is a detailed quide, thats means that we need to describe one more thin, font removing...
There is a couple way to that I will descriabe two of them...


First and most used newbie way is removing fonts trough 3rd party application called Fontremover, download/upload/install and run application, just choose Yes and thats all about fontremover...


*Guru tip

Now we gone to learn something new, we will make just one simple trick and remove font, but also we will still keep font with possibyliti to setup them again, by my opinion this is the many times better way to manage your fonts....


If u just try to delate font u will se warning message about file in use (like on pic above) and u will cant do it...


But dont worry about, and dont forget that we are freaks and we have solution 4 almost every known problem


Highlit fonts folder like on previous image and choose options/File/Rename


*Guru tip No. II

No, no, thats not all, keep read it, I have one more tip..
Well u can have as many fonts as u wont, and switch beetwen very easy, to fith them to difrent themes 4example...


As u see on above pic curently I have 4 fonts in my phone, and curently active font is the first one (01 test v III)


So all u need to do is move font which u wont to use on first place in file list.



Easy, just rename them to format which will brings them to the first place, like on pic above, and off course as always restart phone to apply changes..

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