
The Nutshell of The Investment Programme

  • A window for individual investors to invest in multi-billion dollar industry, which otherwise is closed to them
  • It’s legal, it’s a mainstream business, it comes with contractual right and hedges your other investments
  • The extraction and sale of crude oil or gas

The Investment Concept

  • Investor buys a percentage of “working-interest” of a specific piece of land rich in oil and gas
  • Monthly proceeds from the sale of oil or gas extracted are shared among all investors according to proportion owned
  • An income instrument where the monthly returns may be cash-out or reinvested to increase the units owned

The Investment Return

  • Comes in monthly stream like an annuity contract
  • Amount depends on market price of crude oil. Which is currently traded around US$70 per barrel
  • Duration of return depends on the mineral reserves in the land, which has been certified to last between 9 and 16 years
  • The first monthly income payable to investors commence immediately upon completion of title (working interest) transfer, which currently takes about 4 months. Investor will receive their 1st payment on the 6th month from the date of contract (contractual).
  • If production has not commence then, the investor would receive 0.75% (9% per annum) of the amount invested, each month until production starts
  • The conservatively projected return is 7-15% pa

What do we invest?

Mineral Right

A 70 years old business

But for a long while was only accessible by the very rich……

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