Stop The Pain And Start The Profit!
Today, crude oil price is soaring towards record highs
Hard Truth #1: If your investment portfolio doesn't hit all the right, hot buttons, price inflation will erode all your earnings.
There's a lot of pressure in finding the best asset mix in our investment portfolio. Since market timing accounts only for 2% success rate in our investment gains. It's like having to earn a Perfect 10.0 in the Olympics to win Gold yet you've never done better than 3.7 all season long. Will your portfolio strike Gold and stand atop the podium of strategic investment success or stare at your competition, stuck on the bench with nothing to show for your efforts?
High oil prices hurt. It hurts the economy, job market, raise inflation, increase cost of living etc. We don’t just try to sufficiently hedge this risk, we want to ride on its potential profits.
Hard Truth #2: Your investment's ultimate success or ultimate failure hinges on how balance your asset allocation is
You scramble desperately for the answers, but they just won't appear. You spend every exhausting night and day dusting off every book you have in your possession just to try to find one small glimmer of hope. The most exciting strategy you come across is just slightly more exciting than watching grass grow.
You dig deep in every corner of your computer's hard drive and to the ends of the Internet in search of that one, right, winning answer. You only become more sick and tired of the endless regurgitated info that is scattered across the internet like a faulty landmine waiting to blow up in your face.
Where the simplest answers are found in the income-generating assets. The only ones that will provide you with the ability to spend. Income is earned to feed our lifestyle.
Hard Truth #3: If you aren't a skilled investment analyst or broker you won't find the answers in your head, which means you must find help from someone or something -- FAST!
Your next "Great Move" maybe to hop onto the Oil and Gas Industry and own leases with proven reserves. Check out the latest energy prices, the geopolitical climate and lagging new reserves that has fueled and will continue to be so - BOOM! -- Like a punch right between the eyes they change more per hour -- OUCH! -- than you make in a week. I don't know about you, but I don't want to mortgage my house in hopes of getting a winning portfolio. In this diversification of ours, you only need invest US$30,000 for all the income you need.