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  'Walking on Water', a Singaporean band, plays at the Phon Phisai Christmas concert, plus stories of other forms of outreach. Read this in Dec 05's update.  


  " Deow shared a powerful testimony about his suffering after contracting AIDs, how God miraculously healed him from this fatal disease...." Click here to read more in Nov 05's update.  


  "Hordes of people gather to watch this phenomenonal event where hundreds of fire balls shoot out of the Mekong River in Phon Phisai town. They worship this and believe that it is caused by the legendary Naga dragon which resides in the Mekong River." Read more in Oct 05's update  



"These Thai youth really love songs and a good time! Our 3 hour-long bus trip was full of laughter, bongo drum beats and voices belting out every village song these kids ever knew!" Where were we going? Read more in Sept 05's update.




"It was ironic to hear the monks sing, 'I try so hard, I've come so far, but in the end, it doesn't really matter...' Nirvana is boring, monks want Linkin' Park! Click to read August 05' update.



  "We brought the students to Khok Sawang village and stayed in an abandoned church. Living exactly next to green padi fields, this was real 'Field Training'! " More in July 05's update.  


  "Jeff and Vincent later approached the Head Monk and found out that he was having rheumatism and headache. The Head Monk allowed Jeff and Vincent to lay hands on his head and pray for healing, in the name of Jesus. " This is in June 05's update.  



"We baked some cakes to give to them, shared about Jesus’ love and prayed with those who were interested. So far we have met two genuinely keen Laotian ladies. Both of them have received Jesus and one has decided to stop being a prostitute." Read this wonderful news in May 05's update.


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