Thinking of buying a HP CD-Writer? Think again!

If you are here, most likely you are currently a HP CD-Writer victim or going to be one pretty soon. This page is a warning sign which collect lots of horror stories from HP Shortsotre 4020i users (including me!) and how HP support treat us. This page will mainly focus on the HP-4020i drive because it cause most of the problems and I'm pretty familiar with it. But I will also post them when anyone send me their experience with other HP CD-Writers (6020, 7010, 7200)


User's Experiences with HP 4020i and HP Support <--New Update March 18!

Problems of HP 4020i and HP Support

HP 4020i Frequent Ask Question by Greg Volk

Possible Do It Yourself Solution for infamous "Write Append Error"

What can we do now?

Check it out: Philips class action lawsuit home page


This page is created by Michael Sung, your comment, suggestion or flame are welcome

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