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For Students...

The following are links and tips to better writing, whether it be for class assignments or writing in general. Time permitting, I will also post assignments. If you need further clarification, please email me or speak to me as soon as possible. Don't be shy!

For OHMMHS Students:

Past Assignments:

For Upward Bound Saturday Academy Students:
Some of the class handouts are under the heading "For Writing." They should be fairly easy to download or open from your computer. If you have trouble viewing the files, let me know!!!

RUBRICS: These rubrics are used in class.

For Writing:

Here are some sites and documents that should be useful for future writing assignments.

For Additional Literary Help and Background Information:

Some of these sites offer critiques on literature we have discussed and read in class. Others offer historical and cultural background information on authors, literature, and/or the time period in which a text was written.

Recommended Sites

  • : This site offers access to classic literature online.
  • : This site offers in-depth information on the literature you read. Think of it as Cliff's Notes, but better. This doesn't mean you can read Sparknotes and fully understand the text you've been asked to read. In most cases, Sparknotes will make it easier for you to understand information presented, as well as make you think about themes and motifs you may have missed in your reading. Sparknotes are meant to enhance your reading experience, not give you a shortcut.

If you have any questions on the content presented here or on class assignments, please email me( Feel free to offer suggestions on content you would like to see on this site or other websites that you have found helpful. Be sure to add the url of recommended sites in your email.

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Page (c) S. Plazola, 2004.