Block Made by Debbie Adams

This is one of the two blocks made by Debbie Adams for the Thank-You Project. There were an uneven number of blocks, and Debbie graciously offered to do an extra block so that it would come out even. She also made a lable for the back of the wall-hanging. -- Dawn

I was born and raised in Toronto. For the time being, we are living just outside the city in Newmarket. My earliest recollection of sewing was at the age of four when I was fascinated at what a needle and thread could do to a scrap of fabric. I've been hooked on needlework and sewing ever since.

I have enjoyed the friendship and the information from the CrazyQuilt list. In my block, to thank Mike and Beth Ober for bringing all the wonderful list members into my life, I've included a spider web with WWW instead of a spider. The bronze maple leafbead, truly a Canadian symbol, is from my friend who owns the bead store where I meet with other list members who live in the Toronto area.

This is the first time I have participated in creating a "block" and I have enjoyed every minute making it just as I have enjoyed

Debbie Adams

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Last updated November 1, 1997.

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