These ladies contributed funds and good wishes
to the CrazyQuilt Thank-You Project.

Jessie Gettliffe

Beth Barter

Stella Archibald

Shelley Eberle

Mary Orzech

Sarah Gardner

Here are their letters.

Hello Beth and Mike!

I am so pleased to be able to contribute to this special quilt as a way of thanking you for supporting the Crazy Quilt mailing list.

Just to give you a little background about myself, I am 33 years old and live in New Jersey. My adventure with crafts and needlework began when my mother taught me how to do the lazy daisy stitch when I was seven years old. However, needlework did not become my lifes passion until about 5 years ago. I started out with needlepoint and cross stitch and then, again with Moms guidance, graduated to sewing and quilting. I saw Dawns email on rec.crafts.textiles.needlework about the Crazy Quilt Mailing List starting up and was curious. My sister-in-law had an antique crazy quilt made by her great-great-grandmother that I had always admired and I wanted to know more about these kinds of quilts. Well! That one email caused such a turning point in my creative life. I have become obsessed with crazy quilting. I haunt the quilt shops and bookstores. I buy used clothing at thrift stores for fabric and sneak into closets to see what I can steal. I have re-learned embroidery and crochet and taken up silk ribbon embroidery, beading, and tatting. My stash has grown by leaps and bounds with no sign of stopping. In fact, I now have sub-categories of stash! I have learned new techniques, taken advantage of expertise greater than my own, ooohed and aaahed over the work of my fellow list members, and even sometimes helped another. I have participated in various swaps, immensely enjoying packaging fabric or embellishments for others and squealing in delight with the contents of the return package. Im no longer afraid of anything a few pieces of fabric and thread might throw at me. I've learned to act on my impulses and crazy ideas. But most of all, this list has brought me friendship and love. The Crazy Quilt mailing list is truly a community and a supportive one. We started out with a common interest and while that thread ties us together, I feel we have grown beyond that. The Crazy Quilt mailing list showcases the best of what the Internet is and can be when people care and open their hearts. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping to make that happen.

Beth Barter

xxx oo xxx oo xxx oo xxx oo xxx

Great idea - this list has been much more of an inspiration and much more useful than I had expected. And all because someone else is willing to put up with all the work and complaints!!

Jessie Gettliffe

xxx oo xxx oo xxx oo xxx oo xxx

Would you believe that when I signed up for the CQList I didn't know what a Crazy Quilt was? It just "sounded interesting." Now, I am afraid I am hooked and can't wait to begin my first real one. Thank you for introducing me to my newest addiction, and a host of wonderful new friends, as well.

Sara Gardner
Grants Pass, OR

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Last updated November 1, 1997.

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