the darlins


5/13/98 What a drag! Can't seem to find a new name. If you can think of a good one, let us know. The darlings have a few shows coming up, including one in the lovely city of Fort Wayne with Superdrag. Come out and show your support.

4/16/98 Welcome to our new home! If you notice any technical problems, be sure to let us know so that we can fix them right away. Our move was forced and quick, so a few things might have been overlooked. Anyway, keep your browsers pointed here for all the stuff you have come to expect from us.

4/10/98 Sad news. While trying to secure the name "the darlings" via a trademark, the darlings find out that another band named the darlings, a country outfit from Massachusetts(!), has beat them to it. A name change is now in order. They are currently trying out the name the darlingS. Let them know how you like it by sending them mail. This is indeed a sad day for all bands named the darlings, including the L.A. punk outfit. In other news, the darlings are planning to go back into the studio sometime soon to cut a few more songs for their upcoming release. A few out of town shows are coming up including the one at Shank Hall with Eve 6 on J. Beitr's birthday (April 23rd). Be sure to wish him a happy day!

3/2/98 Last weekend's Beat Kitchen show generated a write up in Chicago weekly paper New City (2.26.98) Just in case you don't get it, here it is -

Rock's Darlings

Former Material Issue drummer Mike Zelenko, Liz Phair guitarist Jaison Chasko and the rest of their new five-piece band, the darlings, brought the Beat Kitchen to a boil Saturday with a glam-heavy set of solid originals reminiscent of Ziggy-era Bowie. The band played a scorching forty-five-minute show, only their third gig since forming.
"I haven't been this excited about a project in a long time," Zelenko offered up over a pre-show pint. The group have just completed a three-song demo a Chicago Trax and intends to shop it for a record deal.

1/16/98 Back in the studio again, the darlings are busy recording 3 new tunes. They are recording at Chicago Trax studio, and expect to be finishing up around the end of January. No plans for release of this material has been made, although they do play to print up around 50 CDs for use as demo's. Upcoming bookings include Chicago's Double Door, sometime in February, or March.

10/97 The darlings just added Mike Zelenko to their line up as a full time drummer. After not having a drummer for a while (You know they're so hard to find, good ones at least) and having Blast sit in, so to speak, Mike Zelenko takes over the drum throne. Mike (ex. Material Issue, Hummer, too many to mention) will be making his darlings debut on November 18th as the band opens for Tea Party at Thurston's. Along with side-man Randy Wilson on the keyboards who also was recently added. Randy adds a nice texture to some of the darlings more rock n' roll tunes.

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