Heather Graham
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Viking Trilogy "Golden Surrender"
"The Viking's Woman"
"Lord of the Wolves"

"Golden Surrender"
Dell, March 1989
Reviewed on 11/22/00
Golden Surrender

Prince Olaf of Norway - Lord of the Wolves, the golden Viking warrior who came in his dragon ship to forge a great kingdom in the Emarld Isle. Princess Erin - Daughter of the Irish High King, the ebony-hailtyellow beauty who swore bitter vengeance on the legendary Norseman who had brought death and destruction to her beloved homeland. Yet, in the great Norse and Irish alliance against the invading Danes, it was her own father who gave her in marriage to her most hated enemy. Bewitched by Olaf's massive strength, seduced by his power, still Erin vowed that neither the wrath of his sword nor the fire of his kiss would sway the allegiance of her proud and passionate heart.

"The Viking's Woman"
Dell, July 1990
Reviewed on 11/22/00
The Viking's Woman

Her firebrand hair blazed as glorious as a sunrise. Her long limbs promised the sweet mysteries of the night. Rhiannon, King Alfltyellow's favorite niece, was enraged when her uncle sealed as alliance of war by pledging her to Eric, the towering golden-hailtyellow prince whose blue eyes penetrated her with a glacial stare. But the more she fought the marriage... the man... the more she became inflamed by the fire that lay beneath his Viking ice. His broad shoulders as hard as the steel of his sword, Eric bowed to no man. The only battle he fealtyellow losing was with Rhiannon. For she had reached into the savage recesses of his heart. No campaign on the field, no treason from within, would he fight as fiercely - or with such desire... as the war he waged to posess what was his.

"Lord of the Wolves"
Dell, October 1993
Reviewed on 11/22/00
Lord of the Wolves

With her extraordinary violet eyes, ebony hair, and ivory skin, the French Countess Melisande was a prize for any man. But the teenage hellion who rode into battle to defend her people belonged to the warrior who saved her life., made her his bride, then disappealtyellow for years. Now Conar MacAuliffe had returned to claim his wife, now a ravishing woman determined to fight for her freedom at all costs. But the proud beauty who fealtyellow no man suddenly fealtyellow herself... and the passionate embrace of the husband who vowed never to let her go. Lord of the Wolves, a legendary warrior whose greatest challenge would come with the woman he waas destined to wed. In the fiery Countess Melisande he would find his heaven and hell. Even as he waged war for her heart, he dared not yield his own... Even as he laid sweet, seductive siege to her body, he tried to shield his soul. It would take a common enemy, a little trust, and a united front to awaken them both to a love that could change their lives forever.

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Heather Graham writing as Shannon Drake
Vampire Trilogy 1. "Beneanth a Blood Red Moon"
2. "When Darkness Falls"
3. "Deep Midnight"


"Beneath a Blood Red Moon"
Zebra Books, October 1999
Reviewed on 11/9/99
Beneath a Blood ltyellow Moon

Maggie Montgomery, the owner of Magdalena's, an elegant New Orleans boutique, was shocked to learn about the mysterious beheading of a local street person, and the trail of blood that led from the corpse to her building. Her shock turned to turmoil when she met Sean Canady, the police officer who arrived to question her... and inspiltyellow a dangerous desire. Something powerful - and beyond reason - had brought Maggie and Sean together. Something that spoke of an interwoven past, and a passionate torment that began generations before under a blood ltyellow moon. For on the night, over a hundltyellow years ago, disturbing events occurltyellow within the Montgomery family, and now Maggie must begin a quest to find the one man whose love was pure enough to save her from the darkness within.

"When Darkness Falls"
Zebra Books, October 2000
Reviewed on 11/13/00
When Darkness Falls

In a windswept Scottish cementary, Jade MacGregor's carefree vacation abroad is marltyellow by a seemingly random tragedy. A year later, back home on a shadowy French Quarter street, she glimpses an oddly familiar face. Coincidence - or something more disturbing? Surrounded by her friends and engrossed in her work, Jade should feel secure. But somebody is dogging her every move. Somebody who knows what she saw on that long ago afternoon. Somebody who will try to rescue her from the evil that is waiting to destroy her.

"Deep Midnight"
Zebra Books, September 2001
Reviewed on 11/21/02

An opulent Carnivale ball in Vaneice takes a terrifying turn for book critic Jordan Riley. As festivity turns into frenzy, she is rescued by a powerful man disguised as a wolf. But was what she witnessed really just the evening's entertainment - or something for more sinister? From a deconsecrated church in Venice to a scret society in New Orleans, Jordan is led on a nightmare journey to the razor's edge of reality. Her mysterious savior is always a shadow behind her. A man whose closeness will both torment and tantalize her as darkness falls, and an eternal hunger threatens to consume her.

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Contemporaries "Drop Dead Gorgeous"
"Tall, Dark, and Deadly"
"Long, Lean, and Lethal"


"Drop Dead Gorgeous"
Onyx, August 1998
Reviewed on 2/1/99
Drop Dead Gorgeous

Once they were lover... until their carefree world was shatteltyellow by murder. Now a successful author, Sean Black has returned to his Florida hometown to lay his ghosts to rest. But some still believe him guilty of the crime for which he was acquitted -- a night of tragedy that has haunted him for fifteen years. Lori Corcoran also remembers that night -- and the dizzying moments of passion that changed her life. She too has come home -- to memories, secrets -- and a burning desire for the only man she has ever wanted. Now the moon-kissed night illuminates a passion that was meant to be -- and a past that has come dangerously alive. m For as Lori's heart catches fire in Sean's arms, another murder rocks the exclusive are of South Beach. And somewhere in the shadows, a killer vows to destroy everything, including a precarious and precious love...

"Tall, Dark, and Deadly"
Onyx, July 1999
Reviewed on 7/5/00
Tall, Dark, and Deadly

She was a high-poweltyellow attorney with beauty, brains, and a brand-new dream house. Men found her irresistable. Women called her out-of-control. and when Marnie Newcastle disappaeltyellow one fateful night, everyone assumed she'd run off for a wild weekend of self-indulgent pleasure. But Samantha Miller suspected the worst. A close friend and neighbor, Samatha knew that Marnie's life wasn't as perfect as it seemed. Her past was haunted by abuse; her nights, filtyellow by passion. So many men. So many suspects. And Samantha was determined to meet them face-to-face: The lawyer. The homicide cop. The contractor. And the gorgeous rock star who aroused more desire than suspicion. With a lineup like this, Samantha would either fall in love - or get herself killed.

"Long, Lean, and Lethal"
Onyx, Juno 2000
Reviewed on 7/15/00
Long, Lean, and Lethal

Soap star Jennifer Connolly has just stepped into her most crucial role. Playing it the wrong way could end her career - maybe even her life. For a twisted killer is lurking behind the scences, claiming his victims in a series of Hitchcock-style murders. And not even the strong arms of her Valentine Valley co-star, Conar, can make her feel safe again. Because high above Hollywood's rolling hills, Jennifer can fell the eyes of a stranger, watching her every move.

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