

| Books by Jim Butcher |
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Ejoy a trip into a fantasy. These books are often outlandish, creative and full of interesting characters. I haven't read a lot of Fantasy books but those I have are original and great!! Take some time and wonder over to that part of your local bookstore and see what worlds you can find.


Books by Jim Butcher 1. "Storm Front"
2. "Fool Moon"


coming soon
    spot Book 3: "Grave Peril" [10/01]
    spot Book 4: "Emiss-Harry" ['02] -- working title


"Storm Front"
ROC, April 2000
Reviewed on 5/12/00
Storm Front

Harry Dresden is the best at what he does. Well, technically, he's the only at what he does. So when the Chicago P.D. has a case that transcends mortal creativity or capability, they come to him for answers. For the "everyday" world is actually full of strange and magical things - and most of them don't play well with humans. That's where harry come in. Takes a wizard to catch - well, whatever. There's just one problem. Business, to put it mildly, stinks. So when the police bring him in to consult on a grisly murder committed with black magic, Harry's seeing dollor signs. But where there's blakc magic, there's a black mage behind it. And now that mage knows Harry's name. And that's when things start to get... interesting.

"Fool Moon"
ROC, January 2001
Reviewed on 2/20/01
Fool Moon

Business has been slow. Okay, business has been dead. And not even of the undead variety. You would think Chicago would have a little more action for the only professional wizard in the phone book. But lately, Harry Dresden hasn't been able to dredge up any kind of work - magical or mundane. But just when it looks like he can't afford his next meal, a murder comes along that requires his particular brand of supernatural expertise. A brutally mutilated corpse. Strange- looking paw prints. A full moon. Take three guesses - and the first two don't count.

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Books by Tanya Huff "Summon the Keeper"
The "Blood" Series


"Summon the Keeper"
DAW, May 1998
Reviewed on 7/7/99
Summon the Keeper

Austin was a black-and-white, far-from-young cat. Not just any cat, mind you, he was the Keeper's cat, a very outspoken feline with extremely strong opinions he was always giving voice. After all, who knew better that Austin what was best for the well-being of Claire - and for the not-quite-as-important rest of the universe? Claire Hansen was a Keeper, a member of that select group which kept the universe in one piece. And now she'd been Summoned to the elysian Fields Guesthouse, a rundown bed-and-breakfast that seemed to attract the most "unusual" clientele. And Claire was not happy about this latest assignment, not happy at all. Not when she'd been tricked into taking over here by a horrible little gnome of a man who'd abandoned his post before she'd even figured out who he really was... Not when room six held a resident who'd been sleeping there for so many years that she really needed a good dusting - except that it was far too dangerous for anyone to get that close to her... Not when the basement housed too much temptation for anyone's mental health... Not when she found herself surrounded by "helpers" as distracting as Dean, the hunky-yet-innocent handyman, and Jacques, a ghost with a real lust for life... and especially not when it looked like this might be not only her most challenging mission but one she'd be stuck handling forever...

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The "Blood" Series
1. "Blood Price" 2. "Blood Trial" 3. "Blood Lines" 4. "Blood Pact" 5. "Blood Debt"


"Blood Price"
DAW, May 1991
Reviewed on 2/20/01
Blood Price

It began with blood and death amid the streets of late-night Toronto. Vicki Nelson, formerly of Toronto's homicide detail, now a private investigator, witnessed the first attack by the force of dark magic that would soon wreak its reign of terror on the unsuspecting city. And as death followed unspeakable death, Vicki became more and more deeply enmeshed in an investigation which would see her renewing her stormy relationship with her former police partner, Mike Celluci, even as she teamed up with writer Henry Fitzroy in a desperate attempt to track down the source of the seemingly unstoppable attacks. For Fitzroy, the illegitimate son of Henry VIII, had knowledge of realms beyond the mortal aquired over the centuries during which he'd mastered his own insatiable needs - the-life-from-death cravings of a vampire. Henry Fitzroy had long since learned to survive without killing, learned the skills needed to blend in with the human race. But unless he, Vicki, and Mike could find the key to conquering the magic-raised menace stalking the streets of Toronto, Fitzroy's true identity might soon be exposed and his life might prove forfeit to the uncontrollable fears of humankind. And without Henry Fitzroy, mere mortals like Vicki and Mike would not long survive against the ancient force of chaos that had been loosed on their world.

"Blood Trail"
DAW, February 1992
Reviewed on 2/20/01
Blood Trail

For centuries, they have peacefully coexisted with ordinary humans in Canada. But now death had invaded the peaceful retreat of their London, Ontario farm. For someone had learned their most closely guarded secret. Someone knew they were werewolves and whoever it was was determined to destroy them all. The only one they could turn to for help was Henry Fitzroy, a Toronto-based vampire and writer of bodice rippers. But, forced to hide from the light of day, Henry couldn't hunt down the killer alone. So he called upon Vicki Nelson, ex-policewoman and now a private investigator. Vicki and Henry had successfully worked together before, and once she met the wers, he knew she'd have to take the case. Yet as silver bullets continued to take their gastly toll, Henry and Vicki began to fear that even their combined talents might not prove enough to trace the blood trail of destruction to its source before it was too late.

"Blood Lines"
DAW, January 1993
Reviewed on 2/20/01
Blood Lines

Sealed away through unending centuries in a sarcophagus never meant to be opened, he had patiently waited for the opportunity to live again, for the chance to feed on the unwary and grow strong. Now, at last, the waiting had come to an end. Brought to the Egyptology Department of Toronto's Royal Ontario Museum, the seals and spells that imprisoned him chipped away by his discovererd, he reached forth to claim the minds and souls of the unsuspecting city dwellers, to begin building an empire for himself and his god. And only three people had even a hint that anything was wrong. For Henry Fitzroy, 450-year-old vampire, it began with a haunting, inescapable image of the sun, a terrifying symbol of death to one such as he. Fearing for his sanity, he called upon his sometime-lover and comrade in supernatural investigations, ex-cop Vicki Nelson, for help. And even as the two struggled to cope with Henry's obsession, Vicki's closest friend and former partner, Police Detective Mike Celluci was following up on two mysterious deaths at the museum, certain he was looking at murders not accidents - and equally convinced that the killer was a mummy brought back from the dead!

"Blood Pact"
DAW, November 1993
Reviewed on 2/20/01
Boold Pact

It began with the call no daughter ever wants to get, the call that told private investigator Vicki Nelson her mother had died. Mrs. Nelson's coworker at the Queen's University Life Science Department told Vicki that the cause of death was a heart attack, and that they;d be waiting for her to arrive in Kington to make funural arrangments. But what started as an all too normal peersonal tragedy soon became the most terrifying case of Vicki's career. For when Marjory Nelson's body mysteriously dissapeared from the funeral home, Vicki, he sometime lover and fellow investigator, vampire Henry Fitzroy, and her former homcide squad partner, Detective-Sergeant Mike Celluci, realized that there was something unnatural about her mother's demise. Vivki swore she'd find the culprit, and see that her mother was properly laid to rest. But what she hadn't counted on was that somone at Queen's University seemed determined to keep Mrs. Nelson on the job - alive or dead!

"Blood Debt"
DAW, May 1997
Reviewed on 2/20/01
Blood Debt

Henry Fitzroy, vampire, writer, and bastard son of Henry VIII, had survived for centuries by obeying the vampire's code. He did not slaughter needlessly, did not draw attention to himself, and never invaded another vampire's territory. But now Henry was about to do the unthinkable. He was going to break the code. It began when Henry woke to the twilight - and the discovery that a ghost had invaded his inner sanctum. This was the start of a dangerous nightly game. Henry was allowed to ask one question of his mysterious visitor. If the answer was no, someone - innocent and unsuspecting - would die. It soon became clear that what this wraith - and the others who eventually joined it - wanted was revenge on those responsible for killing them. Henry could not find the source of these murders on his own, not could he ignore his unwanted guests. He had only one choice. To call private investigator Vicki Nelson and ask for help. Henry only hoped that he and Vicki would both survive the experience.

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Books by Juliet Marillier
The Sevenwaters Trilogy
1. "Daughter of the Forest" 2. "Son of the Shadows" 3. "Child of the Prophecy"


"Daughter of the Forest"
Tor, May 2000
Reviewed on 12/3/02

Lord Colum of Sevenwaters is blessed with six sons: Liam, a natural leader; Diarmid, with his passion for adventure; twins Cormack and Conor, each with a different calling; rebellious Finbar, grown old before his time by the gift of the Sight; and the young, compassionate Padric. But it is Sorcha, the seventh child and only daughter, too young to have known her mother, who alone is destined to defend her family and protect her land from the Britons and the clan known as Northwoods. For her father has been bewitched, and her brothers bound by a spell that only Sorcha can lift. To reclaim the lives of her brothers, Sorcha leaves the only safe place she has ever known, and embarks on a journey filled with pain, loss, and terror. When she is kidnapped by enemy forces and taken to a foreign land, it seems that there will be no way for her to break the spell that condemns all that she loves. But magic knows no boundaries, and Sorcha will have to choose between the life she has always known and a love that comes only once.

"Son of the Shadows"
Tor, May 2001, HC
Reviewed on 12/24/02

In the continuing saga, it is Sorcha's daughter, Liadan, who must take up the task that the Sevenwaters clan is destined to fulfill. Beloved child, dutiful daughter, she embarks on a journey that opens her eyes to the wonders of the world around her... and shows her just how hard-won was the peace that has has known all her life. Liadan will need all her courage to help save her family, for there are forces far darker than anyone could have guessed and ancient powers conspiring to destroy this family's peace and their world. And she will need all her strength to stand up to those she loves best, for in finding her own true love, Liadan's course may doom them all... or be their salvation.

"Child of the Prophecy"
Tor, March 2002, HC
Reviewed on 12/24/02

Magic is fading... and the ways of Man are conspiring to drive all the Old Ones to the West, beyond the ken of humankind. The ancient groves are being destroyed, and with their loss the land will lose an essential core if nothing is done. The prophecies that were foretold so long ago say that there is a way to prevent this horror and it is the Sevenwaters clan that the spirits of Eire look to for salvation. They are a family bound into the very lifeblood of the land... and their promise to preserve the magic has been the cause of great joy - and sorrow - to them. For in truth, the ways of prophecies are never easy... and there are those who would use the power for their own ends. It is left at last to Fainne, daughter of Niamh (the sister that was lost to the clan so long ago), to solve the riddles of power among the gods. A shy child of a reclusive sorcerer, she finds that her way is hard. For she is the granddaughter of the wicked sorceress Oonagh, who has emerged from the shadows of power and seeks to destroy all that Sevenwaters has striven for... and who will use Fainne most cruelly to accomplish this fate. Will Fainne be strong enough to battle this evil and save those she has come to love?

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