Ai Yi Yi

No, I don't have a better title today.

"If I weren't such a people person I'd be tempted to kill everyone here tonight." -Life in Hell
I forgot to mention earlier in here that Jessica has now seen thishere journal. And started her own. =)

Some comments on this entry, which I've already mentioned to her, but what the hell: I was a tiny bit shocked that she has a crush on him, but not really...I mean, I saw the possibility of it. Doesn't bother me...I mean, I don't get why more people don't have crushes on him. (Gee, ya think I'm biased?) And I rather agree on her Sarah analysis...

I got really good grades! A, two A-, B+! My GPA went UP! Whoopee!

I had a busy-ass day yesterday...

Weird morning experience: At two a.m., Megan walked into my room, yanked my covers off, then left and went to the bathroom. At first (being asleep), I thought my mother had come in, but it occurred to me that a. I was in Davis, and b. Mom wasn't. So I got up and followed the sound of the peeing...

I hope she was drunk and stupid or something (which is possible, judging by the duration of the peeing), 'cause I don't think I want to know what the hell was up with that. At least Remington hadn't been over, or it would have been even more weird. I'm keeping my door locked at night, or hiding at his place.

My 46B TA is actually a cool person...discussion turned into a "we don't like the professor" support group for a bit. Basically we learned that he's always a strict hardass, and it's impossible to get a good grade in his classes. Oh, joy.

Aside from boring English, I was scrambling to work on individual major stuff. Namely, I not only have to see an English counselor, but the ag dept. is making me see another counselor before they'll so much as give me the forms. Overkill, rather, to me.

And after classes, I had fittings for the fashion show. So far a nice red dress and an Indian dancing dress (done by Melanie, this one girl I know from this summer, I like her) fit me well, and there were a few other "well, if nobody else fits into this better" outfits. Melanie was funny... she asked if I was going to flash leg at Remington in the audience...sigh, no, but I am pondering if I could get him to a rehearsal...I don't think that's likely at this point though. He's got GSA crap this week when I have them...I have meetings from 6-7 or 6-8 all this next week =( I knew Remington had met Melanie, at least he'd told me this long story about how Zoe knows her sister...but I didn't know he'd mentioned that he knew me, much less that I was his girlfriend. Something to ask him about on Monday.

I had wanted to mention stuff to him on IRC, but he'd (surprisingly) left for L.A. by then. So much for whatever he wanted to do on Friday. I'd like to think that maybe if he's leaving early Friday he'll return Sunday night instead of Monday morning, but I'm probably just pulling this out of my ass.

Summer living arrangements have been made (nope, haven't told the parents this yet), I'll take Sarah's roommate Amy's room this summer, Jessica'll share it when she gets back from Europe. I hope to God they approve my living with guys...It'll be $150 rent, maybe that'll help.

Jessica and I went to Sarah's "White Trash Drinking Night" thing at her house...which was fun enough, Amy makes a yummy berry rum drink. I actually drank relatively fast, for me. Mike and Evan came over and we brought them to Sudwerk with some of the usual gang.

Blaise showed up for a bit at Sudwerk, but, well, Sarah pissed him off by saying something insensitively rude that I can't recall.

Later on that night, everyone had gone home, and Sarah had probably had a bit more alcohol, but claims she wasn't too drunk. Anyway, Blaise called her, and they got into a fight. He claims she called him things, she says she didn't, she hung up on him, it was all a mess...especially when they took this fight onto IRC. Jessica and I were secretly wondering if we should go over there (assuming we could find someone with a car), but that probably wouldn't have helped. It was messy. Communication gone to hell. Eventually they talked on the phone again, she got him to apologize for whatever, and things are relatively calm again. But it was such a drain.

Oh, and did I mention that the bimbo roommates blew out the power up here? Two hair dryers, radio, curling iron, and I forget what all else...I hauled some RA up to fix it, and when we came back in Chelsea was chugging a beer. Brilliant. No, he didn't bust her. Not that I wanted him to, but that wasn't real smooth, chicas.

Did I mention that they too want to get me hammered at some point? I'm conveniently forgetting to mention my birthday.

I spent all day and night working on homework. Finished the ECS prospectus and English paper (which is bad, but oh well, I had no shot at getting a good grade anyway), vaguely studied for the quiz for the same class, did a little individual major stuff, am now reading Jane Eyre for the other class. Yay! Mostly done!

Spent the night talking to Melissa on IRC...which was extremely insightful and entertaining. (I think you can deduce from that that no, she doesn't hate me, she just coincidentally is cranky whenever I've been over at her house. Well, that does happen. I used to be cranky all the time, remember?) Naturally had some gossiping about Remington and his weird quirks. About her not getting to see him without one of us around...she said with Zoe it isn't as bad 'cause she talks to her, but with me "he's quiet, and absorbed in you." I was um, quite surprised at that. I mean, I pretty much feel like an appendage of some sort sitting around while he's doing stuff. Sweet, though...

There were some um, interesting things, though...besides her saying that she thinks Zoe is likely to get fed up and break up with Remington (well, I can see that, the number of times she's mentioned wanting to bolt and run), she said he's "morbidly attached to women." I said "huh?" and she said that he really latches on to people. Which seems strange to me. Well, some of it I get...that whole bit about how he wished we could become one person...and some I don't. Like him acting like I was getting too attached Wednesday night. What the fuck?

And she said that she got the impression that "he's more attached than you..." but she heard this from Zoe, not him. Which really puzzled me...I mean, shit, I think I'm pretty frigging attached. I followed him to a computer meeting Wednesday that I didn't understand at all, when I had a lot of work to do, just so I could be with him. Now that seems bad to me.

I think it's matched in that...shit, he started calling me "limpet." Then Melissa said that Zoe gave her the impression that he'd beg me to come with him and I'd agree to it. Okay, sometimes true, but sometimes it is the other way around...

A lot of mind-benders to think about.

Another thing I forgot to's some pictures that Worm took at Chris's party awhile back, with some people I've mentioned in here. Warning- they're BIG to look at.P> Blaise and Sarah
Jessica and I standing around in our future backyard, bored
Very dark- I think Blaise and Leng are under Sarah on the left, then Chris and Rem, me coming up on the right in the dark.
Sarah and Leng seem to be wrestling
Blaise, Sarah, Leng, and Chris all happy in our future living room. No, I don't know why Leng is between Sarah's legs
This one's my favorite picture. Blaise, Sarah, Leng, Chris, me, Zoe, Rem, Jessica. Aren't we cuuuuute?

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