Here We Go Again

Ugh. Triad problems again.

The good news is that Zoe is likely to make it to the party.

The bad news is that it's their anniversary the day after my b-day. (Sigh. Bad timing. Bad.) So she uh, wants private time Sunday. So I'm going to have to leave my own party early. Ugh. I don't like the idea of that. I mean, it was a pain in the ass the last time. And besides that, it does suck to get kicked out of your own party. But it's not like I've got a choice without being a real fucking ass about the whole thing. Actually I don't feel like I do have a choice, even if I'm bothered. Maybe it's just because I had no problems with things, and don't get why she's feeling all funky now about everyone being under the same roof and all. It's not like an orgy was going to happen. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. This takes the edge off my day.

Why couldn't they have gotten together a week later???

Then again, I never did get the whole anniversary thing, myself. I mean, anything less than a year I don't think you need to make a huge deal about. After she got offline we were discussing when our anniversary was (apparently we've been together for about five months?), or what you count from, or whatever.

Actually, I wouldn't be bothered if the party was in Davis, and I'd probably just go home to my place without a problem. But somehow having the party in the boonies is more of a hassle. Teach me to say "Yeah, sure, let's have the party in Rumsey."

I shoulda had it at Melissa's or Sarah's.

Anyway, just feeling rather surly now, and not in the good mood that I was in earlier.

Update: Next day.

Went to dinner with Bill and Melissa and Remington last night, then we went to WalMart (felt like shopping, and that was the one open place.) Veeeeery interesting time wandering around the store with him. Just in general all over each other as we were looking at stuff (he kept asking me if "we" needed any appliances. How the hell should I know? And what's this we bit? We don't live together.), and we walked by this guy working there, and he said something about "lovers." Hmm. Remington also made a remark later about how he wanted to clone three of me, and when I asked why, he said he wanted as much of me as he could get. Awww =)

Did I mention that Remington got me a present in Riverside? Don't know what it is, but he was insinuating that it sucked. Geez. What am I supposed to say to that? While we were wandering through the games section (game boy, etc) he was asking me if I wanted any. I forget how that led into this, but he said something along the lines of "there's nothing I wouldn't do for you if you asked." And I thought, I betcha I could think of some things.

There was one point where I'd been looking for playdough to bring to the party, and he gets all quiet and asks if it's really okay about being kicked out of the party (okay, not the words he used). I didn't really say much, I mean, what else was there to say, and then he gives me these big puppy dog eyes and goes "I love you." Didn't know what to say.

Anyway, there is a happy ending to the his e-mail when we got back she said it was okay for all to spend the night in Rumsey- if she got him to herself Friday night. I'm wondering if she's um, confused as to the date. But whichever, I'll think I'll manage somehow.

Zoe just came on. Said she has to work at 8 am Sunday, hence the Friday bit. Which works out, because Demma's coming into town then. All's well that ends well.

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