
So delaying around on paper-writing...

Remington just happened to mention yesterday on IRC- oh, did I mention that I'm going to Zoe's Wednesday? Uh, nope. I'd be pissed, except that I need to write papers tonight (or at least work on the silly things), and that's hard to do when he's around. So it's convenient for me, I don't mind. Looking forward to seeing him tomorrow though...yay, massage class.

Last night: He was nice enough to take me shopping for stuff I have to bring to design tomorrow. I mean, it was pretty silly of me to beg a ride over to UMall (which is down the street from me, for chrissake), but it was more fun to go with him and buy random items along with the stuff I had to get. And he even paid for all my stuff...not sure why he did that, but what the hell.

Went to another Lugod meeting, and I was pretty boredish. Actually I was reading the entire meeting and really didn't pay attention to anything. Remington had gotten some guy to help him install debian (a Linux system) on his laptop (however, his laptop hates installed anything), and he did that all night, basically. Melissa was really going at him for ignoring everyone and ignoring me today (we'll get to that later), but I wasn't hugely bothered. Too busy reading really.

Wound up sleeping in till 10 am today-he had a class at nine, so he wasn't happy about that- but on the other hand, I liked getting to sleep in and lie around with him, which happens approximately next to never. Of course, he was on IRC or downloading or messing with computer crap most of the time, but I'm used to that. Either that or I'm a total pushover. Both are probably true. Melissa was on IRC when he was and she was really getting on his case for ignoring me. Interesting...well, I do bug him if I'm feeling bothered by that. Makes me wonder though, when even he says "You let me walk all over you." Uh-oh.

Maybe I am taking the wimp thing way too far. But it's so much easier to let people walk all over me, or at least, I don't have to scream and yell and be yelled at.

Finally got off my ass and talked to the guy who is on individual major panel for the letters and science college. Basically it was depressing...he said he thought I'd be rejected. English and design just don't relate, go double major. Hey, can I help that design is too bloody hard to major in, or that my favorite interests relate practically not at all? Anyway, I was rather bummed. Actually have to consider conforming to a school required major...that sucks. I'd have to drop design entirely, as it's too much, and I need to get out of here in two years. I mean, I suspect I probably wouldn't do anything in design anyway (I hate when they ask my career goals. Like I have a clue.), but still.

Talked to Melissa privately this afternoon also (and we met up on the bus too), which was interesting. She doesn't get how we handle the whole triad thingie...hard to explain. I got a little gripy over how they have this tendency to arrange to get together and then mention it to me after the fact, or change the plans, etc. And griped about how he whines about weekends...I mentioned something about the party this weekend to him, and he started whining about being left out of my weekends. Uh, yeah, like that's going to get fixed to your satisfaction...he pretty much imagines me doing homework (mostly true), I think he just misses getting to do whatever I'm doing. But it still annoys me when he says shit like that. You made your bed long before you met me, and you're stuck, so don't whine about it is pretty much my attitude. I don't say it this snottily to him, but well, he's gotta put up and shut up.

She asked how long I thought this would last...actually, I can see it going for...quite a while. Like, years. I don't try to envision past college, but this seems like it could go on. Not like The Moron, who I somehow figured things would end with by the time he hit 21. And I was right there. Asked if I could imagine marrying him or having kids...nope. Kids I can never imagine, especially coming out of me. As for marriage...if we both keep dating him for years or so, it's going to get weird. He can't marry one of us, or both of us, even assuming that he wanted to get married,and he doesn't. I really wonder if he mentions the same kind of long-term stuff he says to me. She mentioned once him hinting in that direction, but I'm not sure. Melissa thinks they have a pretty rocky relationship....she's always flipping out...that she could dump him at any moment. Which is somewhat true, if she panics enough she may do so. Ugh.

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