...and in Health

To save time, I'm not changing the backgrounds here.

Saturday: Went over to Remington's this morning and watched him- he'd much improved- and he left to go to SC around 1. The I did work for the rest of the weekend. Couldn't get my lab done at all- it turned out I hadn't had two files on my disk so it wouldn't work. And no, I couldn't do it late (sigh).

Remington showed up at my place at midnight Sunday to do his homework (he needed Excel to do it), and he was all better =) So I pulled an all-nighter with him...I loved seeing him on a Sunday after he returned...hadn't done that in sooooooo long.

Today: Well, Remington and Zoe really wanted to get together this week again, but her carpal tunnel's acting up and she doesn't want to drive, and the train bit won't work well...they were sooooooo disappointed that they couldn't. I felt a bit bad about that, but had to admit that I'm happy that I can see him three nights this week =) Though he sounded so bummed...if he'd rather be with her instead of me (and mabye this is the case), I feel bad that he's stuck with me.

Oh, I don't know. What a mess.

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