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To save time, I'm not changing the backgrounds here.

Apparently a few days after I met her, Remington's mom figured out that yes, he really is dating two people. And they got into a huge fight (apparently she called me "that sweet, innocent little girl"-ugh- though apparently she'd like this thing with me to go further) and offered him $700 a month to get counseling. He said he'll consider it, but I don't think he'll do it. Hmm, now all three of our moms don't like this...Remington said if they all got together he'd be burned at the stake.

Went home this weekend, which made Mom happy. And Remington did his homework (well, attempted to) here Sunday night, which made me happy.

Monday: Remington annoyed me- he hadn't finished the homework and was hoping the prof would let him do it late- and I asked if he wanted me to meet him after class like I did last week. And he went back and forth on whether or not the prof would let him do it or not, and what time it would be due, and he wanted me around if it wasn't due for a bit, but if it was, he didn't because I'm too distracting, etc, etc...I got fed up and walked off. He yelled "I love you!" at me, and I kinda growled back "Love you too!" And as it all turned out, it wasn't due for a few days more. Sheesh.

It was Kalina's b-day, so we went along to a drinking fest of hers, which was entertaining.

Tuesday: Brought Remington to class to see this guy from ILM speak- he enjoyed it. He saw this poster for an opera the school's doing, "Emperor Norton of the U.S.A.", and decided that we must attend tomorrow night. Which shoots out his whole day off this week...hmmm. Yes, that does make me happy. Though I feel evil as well. Melanie invited us to a party of hers Thursday =) Zoe visited before she went off to Ancient Ways (I can't recall if I've mentioned this or not here- it's this pagan festival camping thing that goes for five days or so, Rem and I are going to go up there with her Friday), and he made a stupid remark at dinner (that she was the queen of too much information) that made her mad for awhile that night.

Wednesday: My review of the opera: It would be a much better play than it was an opera. Lame opera. He agreed with me. But oh well, got to see him.

Thursday: Got an A in design class! Yayyyyyyy! My one A this quarter.

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