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Theirs was a love and devotion that wouldn't quit.

BGM DS9 Art - Misc - Thursday, December 17, 1998 10:35 PM

Deep Space Park - will Garak kill for Cheesy Poofs?
Dementia - The illustration that accompanies the story
Jadzia Eternal - Jadzia Dax
Our Kira - Kira Nerys
Mirror, Mirror - Major Kira Nerys and Intendant Kira Nerys
Rocky Horror Picture Show - The DS9 cast as RHPS characters
Sly Look, A - Kira Nerys
Untitled - Jadzia Dax
Women of DS9, The - a composite of my favorite chicks from DS9.
Necessary Evil - Kira Nerys (Paint Shop Pro Painting) NEW!
The Reckoning - Kira Nerys (Paint Shop Pro Painting) NEW!
Determined - Kira Nerys (Paint Shop Pro Painting) NEW!

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