Well I finally got around to changing this first page. It only took me a little over a month. Of course, I have been pretty busy with the other pages (and chatting, shhh!) ~laffin~

I hope that you will enjoy my page and come back to visit me some time. I am constantly adding new and I hope exciting pages and links for you to enjoy.

I'd like to take a moment to Thank a few people:
You, the person visiting my page ~BS~ Cuz without you, I wouldn't have any reason to have this page!

And My other Thank You's have been moved to here.

Now on to the fun stuff ! 

Now where was I ? Oh Yeah , that's right , (old age setting in ~ggls~) My Page. On the following pages , A Little Intro To Me , A Little About Me , OK, I finally got this up here ~BS~ , Make sure you have your java turned on and hope you like it , My Photo Album , Jokes And Quotes some things that have gotten me through the day , Links To My Friends And Favorite Places (Hope you'll find a few you like also ) , One of my hobbies Unicorns , A very special Poem from a Very Dear Friend , A Great Story , My first attempt at writing , Something Special I created for my Friends old and new is Here , Meet My Dragon , stop in and see my adopted Unicorns , Inspirational quotes and last, but not least My Babies . Actually my pets, but they are the closest thing I have to kids . ~VBS~

I hope to be adding more pages very soon, So don't forget to come back and see me sometime. I always
enjoy company !

I'd really appreciate it, if you'd sign me guest book before you leave. I like meeting the people who stop by.
Or if you'd like, drop me a line sometime, I always enjoy getting mail and I even get around to answering it eventually ! (Just Kidding)

This page last updated 7/22/98

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