Mandy's Happy Little Home Page

Hi! Welcome to my home page! This page is here for your amusement, as well as mine. Come in, look around, and enjoy yourself!

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Introducing Morgan Clara!

Read as I babble on and on about myself.

Check out my world-famous Henri Matisse Art Gallery.

The Brady Bunch and Chris Elliott are my favorite things on tv and movies.

Is anyone in the mood for music?

Astrology is fun! Here's a whole bunch of it.

If you're a vegetarian or furry animal, you should read this page.

Visit the many useful teaching and parenting sites I have found.

Check out my favorite computer and graphics sites.

My photo album! Pictures of myself, my friends, and my cats.

Read funny quotes from tv, my friends, and others.

A lot of fun sites that didn't seem to fit anywhere else.

A whole bunch of new stuff is coming soon!

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Site last updated May 13, 2001

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